[3.5] The Blinding Blizzard - Whispering Ice CI Elequisitor - Viable For Everything

lwnhod1 wrote:
You think it might be worthwhile connecting to the duelist starting point to activate the additional 1 % attack damage leeched as life?

Icestorm is not an attack.
It's almost time to discuss the new league!

From what I can see, nothing changes other than, sadly, there's no Aspect of the Spider to enjoy in the end game.

The Elder/Shaper items with +% all to attributes and the 1% increased damage per 15 int will still be available. (Should probably update the guide with ideas to replace Astramentis with different items.)

(P.S. I didn't pay a lot for my amulet cuz I just searched for the 1% increased damage affix and crafted the energy shield affix myself. Think my total expenditure was around 300 chaos for everything.)

Last edited by Graiaule on May 10, 2018, 9:15:53 PM
Probably can't plan too much of next League until we know all the Uniques, I think that's the only thing that could really effect the original build.

Hopefully they'll tease some more as we get closer to the launch.


If you do add a section about replacing Astramentis with Talisman/Amulets might want to note down how much of each stat will be needed for level 21 Gems. I'm stuck with a level 19 Blind because I forgot to account for the extra Dex I'd need when replacing my Astramentis.
Last edited by Zephryl on May 10, 2018, 10:07:27 PM
I think clear speed is prioritized in the next league, so this build is not suitable. At least from my experience.
Isn't Clear Speed always prioritised? I think it's only the "Past" segments that are time based anyway, and if it works the same rate as the Zana Quest then it shouldn't be too big a deal.

Personally I'm wondering if that Unique "Implicits are tripled" Belt is a global or local boost. If it's Global that's an additional +17% Attributes with a Talisman over the regular Belt.

Doesn't help in the new League, since I don't think it has a way to get Talismans, but still great for Standard.
Kelvynn wrote:
alexandro_108 wrote:
Hello! Trying out this build, Phoenix after 50% hp one shot me with ruby flask. How much average dps i need to kill endgame bosses? 80 lvl now(8.9k es, 6.7k avg. dmg), still don't have int in chest; Also faith and still nod for es, res and Vitality Void for leech in tree looks good, what u think?

6.7k tooltip is obviously too low for the endgame. You should aim at 9-10k.

Attempting the Phoenix at lv 80 is very brave of you. :) And I suspect you could actually kill him, but you needed to bring more Ruby flasks. You have enough ES, and I assume your resists are maxed. So you only need to survive long enough to finish him with that low DPS. If he 1-shot you, it means you just didn't have a Ruby up when he did his Firebomb explosion. Don't forget to kill the adds too.

Your character is still under development. 10 levels to go. You took all ES nodes before the jewel sockets. That is the primary reason why your DPS is so low. I recommend taking the sockets before Unnatural Calm. And your gems are still 18/0, that's a lot of DPS to get too. Most of your items need to be upgraded for the endgame as well.

Vitality Void does nothing for this build. Icestorm is not an attack.

or i have my gear and ruby on but -12 max res and 102 more fire dmg. I tried it once and couldnt kill him. :-)

For now i have reached 36 what was my goal in this league. At the beginning i never thought i could reach it. And without help of a really really nice guy from this forum i wouldnt reach it. Hi give me the fenumus kill. I had 3 farrul and 4 to 5 from the crab and the dino. But not ONE fenumus. And i allways do maps over 11. That is something i HATE so much in this game.

This and the uber elder i cant do myself. All other i did myself. Thats what i like in this game.
I had some luck and have now 6 ex. I thought to buy such a amulet with dmg per int and + all atributes, as i sometime play standard.
they are 4 ex at the moment. Is this worth it or is astramentis better ?

hope in the new vaal temple league the build will work as attendet. I love it so much since 4 leagues now.
pharaoh000 wrote:
I think clear speed is prioritized in the next league, so this build is not suitable. At least from my experience.

i thought this in breach and in abyss. But the clearspeed was never a problem for me.

Only now in bestiary i fucked up until necro netz since i have no chance to stop icestorm and often the beast move if i was throwing a net and since the range of icestorm was really big they often died.

so i am really happy to not have that in core game.

the belt (as what bex wrote) only works on the belt implizit, not all items. That would be to op.

the belt (as what bex wrote) only works on the belt implizit, not all items. That would be to op.

I had assumed local, but, with it being the belts sole explicit mod, I thought it could be considered a fair trade off. Oh well, unless the Belt has a lot of variants it's super dull.
Nevermind found it :)
Last edited by Romanelli on May 11, 2018, 3:34:26 PM
Any ideas how to change setup for Hall of Grandmasters while keeping the Fenumus gear?

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