[3.5] The Blinding Blizzard - Whispering Ice CI Elequisitor - Viable For Everything

Movement speed is a (nice to have) luxury, but not necessary.

The nature of this build doesn't require a lot of positioning, you should have at least one quicksilver flask, and you have Flame Dash. Mapping, the only time I really feel the need for MS boots is when I'm backtracking and there's no critters to recharge my QS flasks, or I'm doing a map with Temporal Chains mod.

TL;DR: Don't pass on good INT/ES/Resist boots just because they have no (or low) MS.
I've just figured out something interesting. Aspects from beastcrafting are just added to the item as a suffix.

This allows me to add Aspect of the Spider to this build by using Enlighten level 4 and 4% reduced mana reservation from the tree.

Aspect of the Spider applies hinder for -30% MS on enemies. This stacks multiplicatively with chill. The second effect is 5% increased damage taken which is applied every second for up to 15%. This is also a more multiplier for our damage. This effect lasts for 6 seconds.

This could allow us to MAYBE use Fenumus' Shroud if res aren't an issue. An insane shaper Vaal Regalia with % attributes will still be better or probably even just a decent Vaal Regalia.

Last edited by Scarletsword on Mar 28, 2018, 4:29:43 PM
Recil wrote:
GZ man! Watched some videos from the fights and it seems there aint much time to stand still and build up the dps...so I gues it was kinda lont fight? Hoping to see some videos from you later :)

Wasn't very long. My 1st kill took about 5 min including 3 or 4 deaths. Just like with the Shaper, if you die it gets harder, one death can cause the next, etc. Once I get enough practice and settle on the strategy, it should be something like 3-4 min.

But getting that practice is very time consuming OR very expensive. Unlike the Shaper or Uber Atziri, you can't just buy the set and run the Uber Elder any time. You have to spread the Elder influence to T15 carefully without spawning him (i.e. cut off the lower tiers to keep your elder influence count under 15), then do TWO full rounds of T16. And only then you can fight him. To practice it, you need to either do the whole thing repeatedly or get to the end of the fight and leave without killing him (i.e. sacrifice your loot). I'm not prepared to do the aborted runs yet.
Asunaki_Tabi wrote:
any HoG tips ? im at 156/157. your HoG video is with the old 3.1 build and the gems setup is a lot different in the video description, should i use that ? also do you need a scorching ray tabula setup for blockers ?

HoGM should be no different in 3.2 than it was in 3.1. See the 3.1 Boss Guide for the strategy and setup.
grats to kel

and the watchers eye make a big difference.

i can now do maps with - max res and 1 dmg mod without problems.

thats a really great difference. got one for 120 c so its ok.

atziri is really nice now with ele reflect immunity :-)

AND the waterways boss (i like this map) is now peanuts. In the
past i died sometimes if i am to lazy

thanks a lot for the great improvement.

now i m looking for new amu. but all effort in trying is not rewarded :-(

Watcher's Eye is fantastic for mapping. I've done a corrupted T15 map with NO LEECH + NO REGEN in this league, something that was hardly possible in the past. Praxis ring made SR free to cast, the jewel was enough to keep me alive.
Ziiyo wrote:
I picked up a Shavs Wrapping. Would this be a luxury item in this build or something that isn't necessary due to wanting to push ES+Int with a rare chest.

I was thinking of using Shavs to gain auras to fill the gap, some LL action?

Please let me know.

30% MORE damage and 1 or 2 extra auras from Low Life will no cover for the massive loss of ES and significant loss of Int on a good regalia. It's a glass cannon option: more dps, less survivability. You'll just die a lot more to kill bosses a few seconds faster.
Scarletsword wrote:
This allows me to add Aspect of the Spider to this build by using Enlighten level 4 and 4% reduced mana reservation from the tree.

Aspect of the Spider applies hinder for -30% MS on enemies. This stacks multiplicatively with chill. The second effect is 5% increased damage taken which is applied every second for up to 15%. This is also a more multiplier for our damage. This effect lasts for 6 seconds.

This could allow us to MAYBE use Fenumus' Shroud if res aren't an issue. An insane shaper Vaal Regalia with % attributes will still be better or probably even just a decent Vaal Regalia.

Edit: Hydra couldn't moooove, maan!

I checked what would happen if I used this chest. -1400 ES hurts! :( Also need Enlighten lv 4 to add the Aspect aura, and can't use Purity instead of AA or HoA where needed because that requires even more mana, i.e. need to grab some reservation nodes in addition to Enlighten.

Looks like another glass cannon option. We have several ways to trade survivability for damage already. Black Sun Crest is cheap, this one is expensive. There is also the Uber Elder ring that dropped in my kill. And various crafting possibilities. And of course, pure Elementalist with 0.5% leech and an extra dps gem.

The question is where the play style changes too much to require dodging everything and Mathil/Zizaran level of skill vs the endgame. So far I've been going with reliability and survivability that doesn't take much skill to play. Less is more.

ETA: But the idea with this chest is interesting enough to try. It's very cheap. I'll check it out.
Last edited by Kelvynn on Mar 28, 2018, 3:12:21 PM
Has anyone considered using some of the new Hypnotic Eye jewels?

For example, after Brute Force, Fertile Mind, Emperor's Mastery, and Emperor's Wit, I have space for 1-2 more rare jewels and/or Izaro's Turmoils.

I was lucky to get this jewel, which outperforms Izaro's Turmoil:

After hearing about how some of the Abyss jewels were so good for attack based builds with their flat attack bonuses, how do the Hypnotic Eye jewels with their flat spell damage bonuses compare? I was looking through PoB but couldn't find the new base jewel to test out...but I could have just been blind/not looking in the correct place.

I would imagine that a combination of:
- Intelligence
- Flat fire/cold spell damage, flat fire/cold spell damage while wielding a two-handed weapon

and the following (less desirable):

- Flat energy shield (up to 50)
- Elemental penetration if you haven't killed recently
- Increased damage if you've killed recently

could provide a decent damage boost and utility/defenses. How would a well rolled jewel with intelligence + 3 spell damage mods compare to my jewel?
IGN - Bichlich
Please PM me to update me on trades.
Last edited by cloudblade70 on Mar 28, 2018, 2:44:43 PM
I tried Abyssal jewels in 3.1. The best of them are about on par with an average Izaro's or a 40-45 value rare. I ended up using one with flat ES and some damage, but it wasn't anything special. Now they are much more rare and expensive and generally not worth going for.
Considering the idea with Fenumus' Shroud and Aspect of the Spider...

The obvious way to use it is to craft Aspect of the Spider on a ring (it's a suffix).

What you get:

1. Nearby enemies are hindered (30% slower movement). Not really important against most targets, but nice.

2. Nearby enemies deal 10% Reduced damage. Which is effectively 10% LESS because we don't have any other source of 'Deal Reduced Damage' (Enfeeble is 'Deal LESS Damage' and is a different mod). Now this is really nice. Unlike Enfeeble, this is debuff is not mitigated by the uber boss 80% LESS curse efficiency, and it's a stronger debuff than Enfeeble itself (Enfeebled uber boss deals 6.6% LESS damage).

3. Nearby enemies are debuffed with -10% resistances. Enemies with 75%+ resistances are very rare, and none of them are endgame bosses, so for all intents and purposes this is +10% resist penetration. We already have 21% penetration from Ascendancy and Pure Talent, plus another 24% on the current target from SR. Endgame bosses have 40% fire res, and against them this is very close to a 10% MORE damage mod.

4. Nearby enemies take 15% increased damage. This is additive with the 10% Inquisitor debuff. And together they work as a multiplicative damage mod. This debuff takes it from 10% MORE damage to 25% MORE damage, or an equivalent of a 13.6% MORE damage mod.

5. About 1% ES regen. Nice but insignificant.

What you lose:

1. About 1.2-1.5k ES from a good regalia and ring, or 13-18% ES. This is a big deal to discuss.

2. About 20 Int (chest+ring). Insignificant.

3. About 200 Icestorm tooltip damage. More than compensated for by the extra damage from the debuffs.

4. Chest slot as a source of resistances. You will likely need to take Nullification and Faith & Steel.

5. One of the auras: AA or HoA. Taking reduced mana reservation nodes would cost at least 2 jewel sockets and a lot of Int (dropping ES nodes to lose even more ES sounds crazy). Enlighten lv 4 is expensive and would ruin the gem links because it would require Discipline - AA - HoA - Enlighten. Replacing one of the auras with Aspect of the Spider looks like the simpliest solution.


The offensive bonus is very good. Even when you replace HoA with Aspect of the Spider, it still gives you more than 13% MORE damage.

But the defensive side... That's a big question. You get hit for 10% LESS damage but you have 15% less ES. This means you are more vulnerable against 1-shot attacks, but less vulnerable against everything else, because you take less incoming damage and can repair it with leech easier.

It's kinda like Incandescent Heart, except that this works against all damage, not just elemental, and has an offensive bonus attached.

Hmm... I like this idea but not sure how it will work against the endgame. Going to check it out and see for myself.
Last edited by Kelvynn on Mar 28, 2018, 5:03:43 PM

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