[3.5] The Blinding Blizzard - Whispering Ice CI Elequisitor - Viable For Everything

Managed to catch this interesting amulet for quite a low price. Now have problems with dex requirements on armor but solved them with one +30 dex node. Gave around 150 int more than standard non-corrupted Astramentis.
Last edited by IceHead on Sep 27, 2018, 4:04:46 PM
IceHead wrote:
Managed to catch this interesting amulet for quite a low price. Now have problems with dex requirements on armor but solved them with one +30 dex node. Gave around 150 int more than standard non-corrupted Astramentis.

Nice, I haven't thought about these much. A perfect one of these (with spell damage too) would gain me 165 ES & 191 int, which would take me > 2500. The problem is that it's still 9% lower DPS than this kind of thing:

So I think best in slot is still a good shaped amulet - ideally you'd onyx, alt until 1% damage per 15 int, 12% attrib, mastermod #int, #ES & %ES. That'd be just about better than my amulet above still (1% more DPS, 140 more ES).

For comparison, a perfect Astramentis with 6% int & str is 75 lower int (and 110 more str/dex), and 15% lower DPS on my character, so you definitely have a great upgrade on that.
Last edited by NoImagination on Sep 27, 2018, 5:00:10 PM
Also worth keeping an eye out for Three Rat Talismans.

They're not exactly common, but, possible to grab from Delve.

I think a half decent one is usually, performance wise, smack bang in the middle of the Astramentis and Shaped Amulet (And usually a lot cheaper than a Shaped)
Zephryl wrote:
Also worth keeping an eye out for Three Rat Talismans.

They're not exactly common, but, possible to grab from Delve.

I think a half decent one is usually, performance wise, smack bang in the middle of the Astramentis and Shaped Amulet (And usually a lot cheaper than a Shaped)

Three Rat Talismans were very cheap in previous leagues (can drop in the temple). I don't see any talisman drop in my Delve, though.
Just keep an eye out for the three rats and eyes of the greatwolf talismans, that's all. They do spawn on trade from time to time. My talisman
was a good upgrade to my +109 to all Astramentis.
Last edited by Graiaule on Sep 28, 2018, 12:37:57 AM
hey guys is the CI node really needed ? ( not playing with a life flask is scary) , coudn't we use shavonne's wrappings to get rid of that chaos damage anyway or does CI give some extra benefit
The highest level player on WI has gone Shavronne's and lots of uniques, but it isn't an improvement. I'm on:

36,594 per hit
14,243 es
134 str, 99 dex, 2,315 int

He's on:

13,529 per hit
12,447 es & life
269 str, 244 dex, 1,861 int

He also has the super expensive Watcher's Eye which gives ES for 20% of clarity, which I'm missing.

Shavronne's by itself seems a pretty big ES drop & a huge int drop for some life gain and a saved passive node. Having 2k life and 11k ES means life flasks are rarely useful anyway - you have no time to use one. Vaal Discipline works as a life flask too.

Adding it to my build gives -12% DPS, -207 int, and -3,830 ES. So I don't think it works as a like-for-like replacement, nor as an item you specifically build around.
Last edited by NoImagination on Sep 28, 2018, 2:48:04 AM
Investing as much as possible in Damage isn't anymore the way to go in this league if you want to go deep inside the mines. You need as many defensive layers as possible to survive the insane output of damage some mobs from the mines are doing.
Myself, I am standing on 46.5K Shaper DPS(not counting DPS bonus from Wise Oak) with 11.5K ES, equal resistances to get full benefit from the Wise Oak flask + The Vigil jewel socketed for 35 seconds of Fortify + Vaal Discipline + Enfeeble + AA + Basalt & Granite flasks and still get one shoted very often in the 500+ depth. I am currently at ~570 depth and get frustrated very often by the damage I have to face in some areas. Going LL like that guy prolly has some benefits (many defensive auras).

Using Dynamite often to blow up the mobs when you get swarmed is also a good approach, I maximized Dynamite upgrades to get full benefit out of it.
Last edited by lilianmarius on Sep 28, 2018, 3:13:01 AM
Perhaps temporal chains is better than enfeeble? Also, I imagine 0% movespeed on boots is good, because the cart moves in proportion to your movespeed.

And yeh, that guy has purity of ice & fire, molten shell, vitality, stone golem & has regen.
Last edited by NoImagination on Sep 28, 2018, 3:14:33 AM
i tried to go back to the mines where i left off with my arc totem and couldnt survive at all. i tired 3-4 times but kept dying. its only 210 depth. i have nearly 7k ES but i guess its not enough. i should've tried this build last league where being CI would've been good in the temple

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