[3.5] The Blinding Blizzard - Whispering Ice CI Elequisitor - Viable For Everything

Zephryl wrote:
Also, has there been any discussion about

Not as good as a good Rare, but, it has great ES, great Movement Speed, a smattering of damage to make up for a little bit of lost Int and a level 25 Purity for that delicious +5% cap.

Best of all? Pretty cheap.

Another cheap beginner boots like Sin Trek. No Int, no resists. PoI lv 25 isn't that much better than lv 20, 1% won't save you vs Uber Elder or Aul.
theFirstOne wrote:
i seem to be missing ~ 500 int is it only from my one ring and low level ? or i am missing something big. I also seem to be shot down by mobs if i am not careful before my icestorm takes into effect is this also levels ? ty for checking , char name is ColdVamp btw

You're level 71. It doesn't really matter what any of the stats are right now. 91 is when you should think about that stuff.

I don't think you need more than one quicksilver or more than one sulphur. Three defensive flasks mean you cam stupidly run into a big group (I do this all the time), pop all 3 flasks, and live while you wait for the ice storm cast to take effect.
Last edited by NoImagination on Sep 23, 2018, 1:01:55 PM
Any suggestions for leveling skill other than Freezing Pulse?

Only at level 15 and it's already mind numbingly boring/slow...
FP & frost bomb is fine. This is not a clearspeed build, but when they're 3 linked it's not a problem to kill anything you bother to stop for.
Not disputing that it works, it' just really REALLY slow.

Zephryl wrote:
theFirstOne wrote:
i seem to be missing ~ 500 int is it only from my one ring and low level ? or i am missing something big. I also seem to be shot down by mobs if i am not careful before my icestorm takes into effect is this also levels ? ty for checking , char name is ColdVamp btw

Your staff doesn't have a max % Int roll, you're not wearing a helmet (At least it's not displaying one).

The CWDT in your boots is too low level to trigger your Immortal Call, which is a pretty big bout of survivability. Normally we can leech back to full during the IC.

if the survivability is just of immortal call thats a great relief,have a cwdt leveling up ~ lvl 8 now, ty . Have a helmet just had removed it to offcolour the sockets. Will look into getting a better staff .

NoImagination wrote:
theFirstOne wrote:
i seem to be missing ~ 500 int is it only from my one ring and low level ? or i am missing something big. I also seem to be shot down by mobs if i am not careful before my icestorm takes into effect is this also levels ? ty for checking , char name is ColdVamp btw

You're level 71. It doesn't really matter what any of the stats are right now. 91 is when you should think about that stuff.

I don't think you need more than one quicksilver or more than one sulphur. Three defensive flasks mean you cam stupidly run into a big group (I do this all the time), pop all 3 flasks, and live while you wait for the ice storm cast to take effect.

i just went the flask suggestions in the guide . Should i get a 3000 armor flask or the evasion flask as defensive . Will definitely update them
theFirstOne wrote:
i just went the flask suggestions in the guide . Should i get a 3000 armor flask or the evasion flask as defensive . Will definitely update them

I tend to go Basalt, Stibnite, Jade. At the moment I swapped Stibnite for Wise Oak.

Do you have your pantheon set up right? That's important too.

And talking of gem levels, you can upgrade enfeeble to 20, it's only ball lightning that needs to stay low level with cwdt.
Last edited by NoImagination on Sep 24, 2018, 1:05:42 AM
theFirstOne wrote:

if the survivability is just of immortal call thats a great relief,have a cwdt leveling up ~ lvl 8 now, ty . Have a helmet just had removed it to offcolour the sockets. Will look into getting a better staff .

It's not all of it, but, a big part of it for sure.

After that it's the usual stuff of working to improve your gear overall. Better rolled rares, %Int Corruptions on accessories, 24 Int Fertile Minds (Last I checked these were pretty cheap, though it's a very minor upgrade).

The '+ES On Hit while Discipline' is the next big survival upgrade, but unfortunately it's very expensive this league. It's not a required item or anything, but it's a huge quality of life upgrade and makes high end content a lot easier.
Zephryl wrote:
The '+ES On Hit while Discipline' is the next big survival upgrade, but unfortunately it's very expensive this league. It's not a required item or anything, but it's a huge quality of life upgrade and makes high end content a lot easier.

It's also a great help in the mine. You can go deep into the darkness, just cast icestorm and orb of storms and go through monsters with phase run
Last night i managed to reach 36 challenges this league and acquired that nice Dvelve portal effect which makes me one happy lad.

Now will go probably for 40 but 2 of the remaining challenges seems very hard to accomplish (one is very RNG related and one is very hard)
I will post a mini guide about some of the challenges i did already (my point of view), wall of text incoming :)

Destroy Walls -> Easy, at least 1 wall can be find almost every longer route (longer then 3 squares).
Complete Dvelve Encounters II -> This is RNG based but if you will dvelve enough you will get all those 5 types of encounters.
Defeat a City Boss -> you need to kill at least 1 of those 3 bosses that are roaming in the mines (Ahuatotli, Kargul, Aul) - first 2 bosses are easy at lower depths and with no special mods, last boss Aul is a different story though :).
Complete these Encounters I -> This is RNG based, you need to find a Cartographer's Strongbox in lower maps (Tier 12-) and also release an Essence (Hysteria,Insanity,Horror,Delirium) doable with a bit of playtime and luck.
Harbringers and Beyond bosses are also easy to find for this challenge , there are Harbinger encounters in Dvelve and Zana 8 also has Harbinger mod available; you can also join Beachhead parties - 10 chaos/person to kill more Harbingers but also to complete The Beachead map challenge.

Use following Currency -> 1-3 sockets resonators are all over the place in Dvelve , 4 sockets resonators on the other hand are extremely rare , i managed to find exactly 1 in 490 depth Dvelve; you can buy one from market, they currently going for 75-80 chaos though.

Defeat Dvelve Boss I
Defeat Ahuatotli, the Blind while fulfilling each of the following conditions.
Defeat Ahuatotli, the Blind without allowing more than one Beam Pyramid to be active at a time -> seems easy i did this randomly without concentrating on anything.
Defeat Ahuatotli, the Blind while all Beam Pyramids are active and you have not taken any damage from them -> this is the trickiest, you need quite low DPS (had to remove 1 DPS gem from staff not to nuke him down fast) to activate all 4 rotating pyramids and then make sure you don't get hit by their fire lasers.
Defeat Ahuatotli, the Blind without gaining more than 5 stacks of Darkness Debuff -> use flares just before and during the Darkness phase so you don't get Darkness stacks on you.
Defeat Ahuatotli, the Blind without using any Flares -> don't use any flares and during the Darkness phase when you kill adds try to move often to some random area that gets slightly illuminated so you can damage those adds (a bit tricky also).

Defeat Dvelve Boss II
Defeat Kurgal, the Blackblooded while fulfiling each of the following conditions.
Defeat Kurgal, the Blackblooded without using any Flares -> same as at first boss, during Darkness phase move to random slightly auto illuminated area while casting Icestorms on the adds.
Defeat Kurgal, the Blackblooded without taking any damage from his Reflecting Beam skill -> this is strange, i did this random but it seems that you need to avoid that green laser that he points to you in the first phase (before andafter Darnkess phase), just move away from it.
Defeat Kurgal, the Blackblooded after allowing him to detonate at least 8 Obelisks without taking any damage from them -> the trickiest one yet again , you also need low dps (remove DPS gem from staff of your DPS is too high and you nuke him) for this to allow him to spawn those Obelisks, normally after he spawn 4 of them he does a move and blows them up, you need not to be under those green circles on the ground near the Obelisks in order to not get damaged.
Defeat Kurgal, the Blackblooded without taking any damage from beams during his empowered phase -> this is easy i can say, in the last phase when he gets empowered he start to trigger 2 pink beams that merge one into another; just dash away when they merge, immediately after the merge he will shot a pink laser beam to your previous location.

Defeat Following Monsters II -> Easy , "hardest" to find is Igna Phoenix (she can be find often in Precinct map as a boss).

Defeat Following Monsters III -> A bit Hard due to last boss Aul, you need to kill all 3 bosses from Dvelve. While first 2 bosses are quite easy with decent gear, last one Aul can be very dangerous and you need to learn his mechanics in order to have a chance to kill him. If the area in which the boss spawn comes with difficult mods, Aul becomes even harder and almost impossible to solo kill at higher depths and with some nasty area mods. I found him only once at ~ depth 364(lv 83) with Onslaught and skills chains 3 additional times as mods, it was kinda scary at first sight, failed 2 times in killing him alone then managed to kill him in duo party with a LL RF guy - buffs from his auras (+ max resistances, extra ES, etc.) seem that counted a lot in the fight.

Use Following Fossils -> Some fossils are quite rare and if you don't find them you can buy them from market in order to get this challenge done; you don't need to use all types of fossils so you can skip the most expensive ones.

Complete these Encouters III -> quite easy , The Beachead map can be joined and completed with 10 chaos/person, second boss from Dvelve (Kurgal) count also as a Lich , and a Breachlord you can get easy these days.

Reach Depth level -> Depth 300 is not difficult to reach , the pain and the difficulty starts from 400 onward(areas have more and more nasty mods and mobs start to hit like a truck).

Complete Deadly Encounter -> Nowadays Shaper, Uber Atziri and Vaal Temple are easy to kill with this build when having decent gear, Uber Elder on the other hand remains hardest boss in game now on par with Aul with nasty mods. Uber Elder kill service was the only one i payed because my reactions and my PC are not so good and the Uber Elder fight with this build need all these to be present.

Complete these Encounters IV
Complete each of the following Encounters.
Defeat Esh without taking damage from the shock nova -> hardest one , i failed couple of times not to get hit by that skill , you need to nuke him as fast as possible and when he cast that Shock Nova to be sure you are as far as possible from him (that skill has a very large AOE so make sure the distance from him is maxed).
Defeat Tul with 4 crystal totems active -> easy, let him spawn the number of crystals needed while casting on him from time to time to leech , pop anti freeze flasks and kill him.
Defeat Xoph with at least 10 flame geysers active -> a bit harder than Tul one in my opinion but same strategy, run around, cast a bit from time to time on him to leech, let him open those geysers and nuke him after that.
Defeat The Cursed King without being inflicted with bleed -> nuke the boss fast and use anti bleed pots.
Defeat Hephaeus, The Hammer while he is enraged -> i did this randomly, i am not sure how he gets in Enraged mode but i don't think is very difficult to trigger that state.

Now from remaining challenges to get to 40:

Complete following Maps -> easier than same type of challenge from previous leagues - you can do it faster by running 300 maps (at the same time vaaled + some Zana mod - cheapest is Onslaught - 2vaal+2 chaos and you get 20% increase quantity).
So cost per map will be in this case at least 3 vaal + 2 chaos orb , some may say it's expensive but it's the fastest way of doing this challenge.

Complete Endgame Grinds
Complete any 4 of these encounters the specified number of times.
Reach Level 100 -> impossible for me :).
Reach Depth Level 600 in your Mine -> very hard and tedious, after 400-450 most of the areas tend to be very dangerous with nasty mods and mobs wich hit big time ; expect to get 1 shooted often after 450 depth even with a lot of defensive layers.
Kill any of the Shaper's Guardians -> just grind T16 Shaper guardian maps.
Kill any of the Elder's Guardians -> same, just grind , fastest way if you can afford and if you are capable is to spawn Uber Elder, kill him and redo the same thing over and over again (30 Elders/Uber Elders).
Open Chests at the end of the Endgame Labyrinth -> i hate this most, not a fan of Labyrinth but this is only time consuming.

Defeat Dvelve Boss III -> Hardest one, this assume you need to kill Aul multiple times in order to get those challenges. I am not sure if i will be able to do this until the end of league alone.

Complete Dvelve Encounters IV -> The biggest and the most frustrating RNG based challenge, to get those 6 different encounters is very RNG based and i mean very, i am close to 500 depth and only found 1/6. Probably is better to go horizontally at depth 80+ (minimum spawning level of depth) in order to look for those encounters.

Happy Dvelving !!!
Last edited by lilianmarius on Sep 24, 2018, 10:17:35 AM

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