[3.5] The Blinding Blizzard - Whispering Ice CI Elequisitor - Viable For Everything

Ah, my 'yay' was from 6 linking my existing chest that I bought from someone. They of course fossil crafted it. Trying to fossil craft for that kind of chest seems a forlorn plan though, so many things have to go right. You'll sell 100 before you hit 1 you want to keep, and you'll trash a thousand.

I've done ~15k alts looking for 2x shaper mods on an amulet and I'm fairly sure each are 1% chance, perhaps +/- 30% on that. So I think it'd be 1/100 to hit this mod while fossil crafting. To hit the 2+ other mods you need is obviously making it even harder, but I don't know enough about the odds yet.
Last edited by NoImagination on Sep 14, 2018, 5:18:09 PM
i have a question guys, i have both this (where i am gonna craft 25 int instead of fire if i decide to fuck up the wise oak)

and a 98 attri astramentis.
On pob i gain 9% more average hit with the amu at the cost of like 350ES (at level 91) AND with the current setup i have all balanced ress while using wise oak so 10% less elemental damage in general.

What would you do?

1) +9% more on the average hit (so i think a lot more dps)
+all equal ress with wise oak

-350 less ES (8.8k instead of 9.1k more or less)

2) More ES, less damage, no balanced wise oak

Last edited by Nephitis on Sep 14, 2018, 7:20:29 PM
It's probably better to optimise for damage than ES (says the guy with 12.3k ES)
Last edited by NoImagination on Sep 15, 2018, 6:59:11 AM
New video: Kurgal the Blackblooded

Found another Delve boss. This guy has a 'Reflecting Beam', so I thought I didn't need to care about it, being immune to ele reflect. But it hurts like hell (at lv 83 at least). According to PoEdb it's physical damage, and the way my CWDT was firing, it may be some unusual form of reflect, like 'reflect X% of incoming damage as physical' or something. That would explain why I was not immune to it. Probably a good idea to dodge that beam, and/or stop casting on him while he's doing it. But facetanking is fun!
I'm actually really about to be swayed to start that build in that league, after realising that watcher's eye still hit immortal enemies, which makes you pretty much immortal even in darkness...

But the fact that i did that build in previous league is stopping me, i don't have much time and want to have some diversity in my characters... especially because whispering ice lagging me like hell :)

But i can't imagine anything better for delve, than that OP watcher's eye interaction.

P.S. Always wanted to try shimmeron traps/totems. On 65 lvl after getting shimmerons realised that it was nerfed, my soul is dead now...

I like my death's oath occultist though, but can't exactly tell how long will it take me considering unlimited delve, and being not really good at bosses. Really cool for mapping though :)
How do you gear this build? It is really hard getting all these Items with good Energy Shield and with non-intelligence sockets (like 3 Red 1 Blue). Also all these Items with +% Intelligence.

I mean, I know that they are expensive - but barely no one is selling such stuff
WapitiDrumlin wrote:
How do you gear this build? It is really hard getting all these Items with good Energy Shield and with non-intelligence sockets (like 3 Red 1 Blue). Also all these Items with +% Intelligence.

I mean, I know that they are expensive - but barely no one is selling such stuff

You can easily get those 3 off-sockets using Vorici's bench method.

This is explained in this guide in the "Socket" section, "How to off-color sockets?"

All basic stuff with +40/50 int and good ES is not that expensive. Corruption with %int and shaper body armour ARE expensive, but not mandatory to do most content.
Last edited by AsbelFar on Sep 16, 2018, 7:37:47 AM
Ah thx, i missed that chapter :)
Found the Big Boss Aul The Crystal King at 364 Depth with Onslaught and Skills chain 3 aditional times on top of it!
Tried to kill him 2 times alone , he hits like more than 11K (~my ES) in that dash-multiplication phase (you need to move a lot and not get caught in the dash line).

Managed to kill it after in Duo with a LL-RF guy, with his auras i got to 16K ES.

Dropped a shitty ring which worth 2.5-3 EX according to market prices , dunno why but this seems to be the price!

Last edited by lilianmarius on Sep 17, 2018, 4:04:03 AM
lilianmarius wrote:

Dropped a shitty ring which worth 2.5-3 EX according to market prices , dunno why but this seems to be the price!

There are 3 groups, and 3 rings in each with the same stats but slightly different names and arts.

Those are part of recipe, you need 3 rings (valley, meadow and mountain) from any primary group combination. And combinations of first names will describe what "charges mods" will it be. (uzaza - frenzy charge, ahkeli - endurance charge, putembo - power charge)


Those are recipes, you can also see what are those "charges mods" are. If you are lucky, you can get really powerful ring.
Last edited by Med1umentor on Sep 16, 2018, 5:00:23 PM

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