[3.5] The Blinding Blizzard - Whispering Ice CI Elequisitor - Viable For Everything

There is maybe one enchantment that has some merit: the 2nd ball lightning ball.
I bought my Watcher's Eye very late in the league and immediately noticed a very marked improvement in survivability. Before, I flame dashed into a bad mob by mistake, maybe buffed by a invulnerability totem, I would be pretty much stun locked and killed almost every time
After using Watcher's Eye with 29 ES gain on hit, my Ball lightning triggered from CWDT kept me alive inside those mobs. My ES stayed nailed down on 100% for many seconds.
So more balls might be helpful.

So I would say Watcher's Eye is not really optional to the build as stated in the guide, at least for red maps.
NoImagination wrote:
What links do people prefer for Freezing Pulse and Frost Bomb? I assume I want +1/+2 gems for the former, so it's a 3L. Do I want +gems for the latter, or 4L?

3L with +1 cold gems: FP, Controlled Destruction, Added Lightning
4L: FB, Controlled Destruction, Arcane Surge, Added Lightning

Something like that? Presumably if we're using FB we can have Arcane Surge there instead of on FP.

Been having a trial SSF run in Standard, and I found Onslaught pretty decent as a Frost Bomb link alongside Added Lightning in a second +1 cold gems wand; found it easier to trigger Arcane Surge w/FP.

(Farmed Western Forest from 16-26, and didn't find any The Incantations - swapped over to another character and jumped in a Burial Chambers just to double-check my hacked-together lootfilter wasn't hiding them).
Haasts wrote:
(Farmed Western Forest from 16-26, and didn't find any The Incantations - swapped over to another character and jumped in a Burial Chambers just to double-check my hacked-together lootfilter wasn't hiding them).


Act 6, not Act 2.
And items from divination cards get their ILvl from the character that turns them in. So you should wait for your character to be level 50 so you can get 6 sockets on the staff.
pr13st wrote:
I've been stalking this build since its CI Elementalist days and I gotta say I'll start this league with it, really excited.

For utility, which would you say is the best enchant?

arctic armor buff effect
Ball Lightning fires an additional Projectile
12% increased Ball Lightning Area of Effect
generic aura reduced Mana Reservation
30% increased Flame Dash Cooldown Recovery Speed
40% increased Herald of Ash Damage
36% increased Immortal Call Duration
Orb of Storms has 30% increased Cast Speed
15% increased Scorching Ray beam length
45% increased Vigilant Strike Fortify Duration
enfeeble effect

Thank you Kelvynn for a well maintained GG build!

AA effect = good
Enfeeble effect = excellent
There is also a Flammability effect enchant, but I don't think it will make any difference for trash clearing.

HoA explosion damage: OK for clear speed, I suppose

BL extra proj: just 1 won't make a difference for coverage, and 2 projectiles from the same cast can't hit the same target, so no advantage for the Watcher's Eye ES on hit either.
BL area lost all value after the AoE nerf.

Reduced mana reservation: maybe if you have a special Watcher's Eye with Vitality Leech or Clarity ES, otherwise we don't need more mana. There are also bigger reduced mana enchants like this for AA, Discipline, HoA, Vitality and Clarity - all that would be useful if you can get your hands on one of those jewels.

FD cooldown, IC duration, VS duration, Orb cast speed, SR beam length - all very insignificant bonuses

The big problem with helmet enchantments is their sheer number. They started at about 350, and now there are like 500 them. There is no realistic way you can get a good one yourself. You can try to buy an enchanted base and craft it, I suppose. But that's not a commonly available option.
Last edited by Kelvynn on Aug 30, 2018, 11:36:00 AM
NoImagination wrote:
What links do people prefer for Freezing Pulse and Frost Bomb? I assume I want +1/+2 gems for the former, so it's a 3L. Do I want +gems for the latter, or 4L?

3L with +1 cold gems: FP, Controlled Destruction, Added Lightning
4L: FB, Controlled Destruction, Arcane Surge, Added Lightning

Something like that? Presumably if we're using FB we can have Arcane Surge there instead of on FP.

Just go with whatever you find that increases the tooltip. FP is OP at low levels with pretty much anything. You aren't going to spend enough time in A1-3 to worry about +1 gems.

If you are leveling after the 1st day then Tabula Rasa and Lifesprig is all you need. It's completely trivial with them.

Added Cold is about the same as CD but freezes more often. I'll go with one or the other depending on what color I get in my links. Blue is more common, so probably CD.
Parja1 wrote:
Haasts wrote:
(Farmed Western Forest from 16-26, and didn't find any The Incantations - swapped over to another character and jumped in a Burial Chambers just to double-check my hacked-together lootfilter wasn't hiding them).


Act 6, not Act 2.

Oh, it's A6 only now? Back in the day it was Cruel Western Forest. I guess it's not that hard to get past A5 Kitava with Firestorm. But I'll add this detail to the guide.
Last edited by Kelvynn on Aug 30, 2018, 1:39:42 PM
With the new PoB out, has anyone mocked up the new trees?
ns10fan wrote:
With the new PoB out, has anyone mocked up the new trees?

Yes, I mentioned it 1 page ago. Just one small change: in the Templar area we now have to take 1 little damage node to get to Light of Divinity and the renamed Elementalist. Compared to 3.3 we take 1 extra node and get 20% increased damage. The old lv 67 and lv 90 trees are now lv 68 and 91.
The other nice thing with the next update is that they buffed flame dash so it can compete with other move skills. Curious to experiment this build next league :)

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