[3.5] The Blinding Blizzard - Whispering Ice CI Elequisitor - Viable For Everything

Yes, obviously. But it's highly likely we spend the same amount of equivalent currency, but for better gear. Otherwise there's not much point in the new crafting system.
Last edited by NoImagination on Aug 22, 2018, 1:33:06 PM
we will see what the no xxx mods will help. Its all about availability. If they are really common it will be great. But i hoped a lot of the blue eternal recipe in bestiary and it was a fake.

And as i see in the last leagues i had most access with the alt or chaos spamming. with essences i never hat a really good item and with the bestiary recipes there where 3 or 4 good items.

I cant see that ggg will make crafting really strait forward. Its since beginning mostly luck and not really predictable. The only really nice thing was master crafting. That helps a lot.

But we will see. If the resonators and gems are common i think it will be great. If not its a gamble again.
Well, in the bad old days before the Cyclopean Coil, we had to use Spite essences on a Crystal belt to craft our belts. I would generally be able to craft a decent belt after 10-20 deafenings. So, in that particular case, Essence crafting not only worked, but was necessary!
Last edited by SoFastx on Aug 23, 2018, 8:47:00 PM
Well, it looks like the '1k balance team' has finally lost it.

In 3.4, you can craft rares with abyssal sockets, i.e. directly replace gems with abyssal jewels. Like, drop VS support, golems, maybe CWDT-IC and get 4 ES+Int+damage abyssal jewels, 1 per slot.


I don't even... This is totally not going to be OP... Not at all...

Last edited by Kelvynn on Aug 24, 2018, 1:35:15 AM
This is a buff too:
For now, detonate mines, all of the auras, heralds, self-targeting skills like Righteous Fire, Molten Shell and others have been modified to cast instantaneously

The problem with Vaal Discipline is that you have to stop casting and spam the button for a second or whatever before it activates. This is OK and has saved me from death several times, but if it's instant then presumably it'll work directly like a flask. That ought to make level 20 vaal discipline better than 21 regular discipline.
Kelvynn wrote:
Well, it looks like the '1k balance team' has finally lost it.

In 3.4, you can craft rares with abyssal sockets, i.e. directly replace gems with abyssal jewels. Like, drop VS support, golems, maybe CWDT-IC and get 4 ES+Int+damage abyssal jewels, 1 per slot.

There's also apparently a fossil that 'makes mod rolls lucky'. These two seem like they'll be pretty expensive.

There's only one fossil of each type per resonator, and it looks like this is a prefix. As it's a prefix, we can presumably still add sockets and links with other currency. We're also going to get fewer ES mods on our gear. It's hard to see how it isn't worthwhile to forgo %ES/%stun recovery though, as we can compensate with +46 ES/+20 int/+25 fire damage to spells or similar. As we're losing defence, I think we'll need to take semi-defensive jewels like that.

Does + #fire damage to spells actually give us much of a boost? I assume this will work on the ice storm as well as the scorching ray? No POB to look at here.

Which is more important? CWDT & immortal call, or chaos & fire golem? It seems a waste to not have the latter with the ascendant skill, but we now self-cast. That leaves us on:

orb of storms/arcane surge/flame dash - abyssal
herald of ash/arctic armour/vaal discipline - abyssal
chaos golem/fire golem/vigilant strike - abyssal
cwdt/ball lightning/curse on hit/blind/flammability - abyssal

That means anyone following my method loses the vitality method of leech, which means we lose controlled destruction support gem (but gain lots of jewel corruption mods, not that many are worth having), but that doesn't affect most people. In return, we gain ~85 int, ~200 ES and ~100 fire damage added per hit.

When POB is updated I'll see what this actually does to stats, but it has to be a big boost.
Last edited by NoImagination on Aug 24, 2018, 5:52:48 AM
Oh boy

i cant believe that. They cant do that. I think it will be a massive rebalance to all other game contend. Its really good for the build we use IF they dont change the wi staff.

But other builds with high amount of abyssal jewels (belt gloves) will now use so much jewels that i cant believe they dont nerf many things. Perhaps the amount of jewels ?

thats to great to believe.


Perhaps they dont think about the build we use. so lets be quiet since the league starts :-)

the only thing i see is that they are extremly rare. then it can happen.

so i change my opinion.

Crafting WILL be great in new league.

But what i like even more is change to atlas. I dont like to run always the same map and shape the atlas in this way . So mostly i have 156/158 atlas compleated.
Til now there was no benefit from this.
Now it would give some extra loot. THAT S really great

i think the delve league will be toooo good. There must be a hook.
Yeh, if nothing changes, the +ele damage on hit builds will be absurd now.
Fishing for information/people's experiences while mulling over Delve league plans - has anyone active in the thread run this build as SSF in Incursion/Bestiary/Abyss? I've done my best to churn through this thread, but couldn't turn up much in the way of SSF-specific discussion.

Edit #1: I'd missed BVB_1909's post on page 113 which talked about their Incursion SSF experience; it's their L93 character I mention in the poe.ninja builds-related paragraph below.

BVB_1909's SSF Incursion experience
BVB_1909 wrote:
Quick update from my SSF (SC) adventures in Incursion league with this build (lvl 93 right now, don't think I will level any higher with it):

- All endgame map bosses are easy, including T16s
- Got a Vaal Temple Map and it was a complete joke (bosses died within seconds)
- Shaper: Down without any problems, even though I can't tank his beam with my SSF gear.
- Elder: Did a lot of red elders (up to T15) and only once did I fail the shaper phase - but no Watcher's Eye yet. Have not yet tried Uber Elder...

And my latest achievement (which got me my 35th challenge as well):
- Completed the Hall of Grandmasters (on my first try). Hadn't done this map before, but your guide made it fairly easy - died only twice, the stone golems are my best friends now... :-)

Last but not least - my current gear. I had the 6L Vaal Regalia (white) and all the uniques (but one Fertile Mind) before starting this char, but all the rare gear was crafted while playing it. Thanks to my body armour I could focus on ES and Int on my other gear for a total of 8.9 k ES and 1770 Int. Nothing really crazy (well, my body armour is nice I guess), but way good enough for pretty much any challenge in the game. Other than getting a better corruption on my belt and maybe slight improvements with the jewels, it's pretty much finished!

Edit #2: Right, finding a few more SSF-related posts I'd missed in my first go round - the ladder-related "SSF" links on every page make searching for the term nigh-impossible. Anyway, vbvan and Kelvynn have a SSF-related multi-post discussion across thread pages 68 and 69.

I'm not too familiar with how poe.ninja's Builds section works, but of their SSF Incursion Icestorm-related characters, there's one character at L93 with ~1750 Int / ~8.5k ES, then someone at L87 with ~1200 Int / ~5.3K ES, then a cluster around L83/82 with similar stats.

Ill-informed speculation on SSF gear

Not requiring a specific helm enchant or a 6-link are pretty big boons for SSF, eh.

Targetable gear:

* Obviously it's fairly straightforward to farm a Whispering Ice via The Incantation cards from the Western Forest (the wikia says it's A6 WF while poe.db says A2 - guessing they're both right but incomplete) while levelling or from T3 Burial Chambers after you reach maps.
* Astramentis is poentially targetable via The Polymath div card via L67 Reliquary in A10 or T4 Relic Chambers, as well as chancing Onyx Amulets - not sure there's any better uses for Chance Orbs in SSF aside from buying maps or trying to get particular unique flasks.
* Cyclopean Coil drops from any level of Elder, so it might be worth keeping him in lower-tier maps to farm this while gearing up.
* Fertile Mind is targetable via A Mother's Parting Gift from L58 The High Gardens in A8 - you'll suffer a 20% drop penalty once you're at maps or thereabouts, but it could be worse.
* I'm not sure how Labyrinth-only uniques like Izaro's Turmoil work in the post-Intricate Lockbox labyrinth - from what I understand, they have a chance of dropping from any mob/chest in the lab now? If so, is it restricted by labyrinth difficulty? Wondering if it's worth farming Merc lab for a chance at Izaro's Turmoil dropping alongside boot enchants + quality gems etc (assuming the usual SSF uber lab trial RNG plays out, etc).
* for rare slots, hopefully the Delve crafting system should hopefully make things a little easier.

Unlikely without natural drops

* While it'd be possible to farm yellow+ Elder, the odds of getting the relevant Watcher's Eye mod are quite low.
* Brute Force Solution / Pure Talent can't be relied on - even if it were possible to farm The Garish Power in maps (according to the wiki, it's been removed from Maligaro maps and is now only dropping in A2/7), the pool of unique jewels is astronomical. Not having access to these would probably require tweaking the skill tree. Edit: Oh, The Eye of the Dragon drops in T2 Marshes / T5 Sulphur Vents - I haven't seen any data on drop rates, but requiring a stack of ten seems pretty punishing ... guess I could try and gather some data myself.

Fantastically well-written/reasoned build guide, by the way - a pleasure to read and to follow the evolution over various challenge leagues!
Last edited by Haasts on Aug 27, 2018, 10:31:03 PM

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