[3.5] The Blinding Blizzard - Whispering Ice CI Elequisitor - Viable For Everything

Quick update from my SSF (SC) adventures in Incursion league with this build (lvl 93 right now, don't think I will level any higher with it):

- All endgame map bosses are easy, including T16s
- Got a Vaal Temple Map and it was a complete joke (bosses died within seconds)
- Shaper: Down without any problems, even though I can't tank his beam with my SSF gear.
- Elder: Did a lot of red elders (up to T15) and only once did I fail the shaper phase - but no Watcher's Eye yet. Have not yet tried Uber Elder...

And my latest achievement (which got me my 35th challenge as well):
- Completed the Hall of Grandmasters (on my first try). Hadn't done this map before, but your guide made it fairly easy - died only twice, the stone golems are my best friends now... :-)

Last but not least - my current gear. I had the 6L Vaal Regalia (white) and all the uniques (but one Fertile Mind) before starting this char, but all the rare gear was crafted while playing it. Thanks to my body armour I could focus on ES and Int on my other gear for a total of 8.9 k ES and 1770 Int. Nothing really crazy (well, my body armour is nice I guess), but way good enough for pretty much any challenge in the game. Other than getting a better corruption on my belt and maybe slight improvements with the jewels, it's pretty much finished!

Any help appreciated. I am level 87 at this point, almost done with level ten maps but noticed I am starting to get killed way too easy. My energy shield is just under 4K. My intelligence is at 1559. All resistances are well past the 110 mark. 1942-5827 on my six linked whispering ice damage. Gear is as follows:

Ammy - astrementis

Belt - cyclopean coil

Armor - crystal vault - 39 Int, 158% increased ES, 71% Cold Res.

Helm - 37 Int, 7% Max ES, 90% Increased ES, 31% cold res, 48 light res

Gloves - 38 Int, 36% Max ES, 20 increased ES, 25 fire res, 30 Cold res

Boots - 52 Int, 72 increased ES, 47% fire res, 30% move speed

Ring - 50 Int, 35 increased ES, 77% light res, 16% fire and cold res

Ring - 49 INT, 25 Max ES, 37% Fire res, 45 light res

Jewels - 2 fertile minds, 1 izaros torment, 1 brutal force, 1 watchers eye

1 rare jewel - 14% increased spell damage while wielding staff, 15 Int, 11% increased area damage

The passive tree has been followed to the letter. Any ideas why this is suddenly so vulnerable?

Thanks in advance.

Last edited by karac67 on Jul 4, 2018, 9:40:17 PM
You should probably think about replacing your armour. 120 ES is just to low in my opinion. If you get a Vaal Regalia with 350+ ES and some Int + Res, your HP will go way up... Cannot be frozen on a flask and you should hava a better time going forwards. 4k ES is not enough for T1x maps.

Btw: Click your char icon in the top left and then just click the items you want to embed in your post (close with the x on the top right)

I have two free prefixes, but I'm not clear on what the probability is that I will get a usable one if I slam an exalt on it. Looking at poeaffix.net, do I just look at the base affixes (15 of them) and the shaped mods (7 others) as the ones that might appear, or will only the base affixes appear?

If it's the base affix only, then I have a 6/15 chance to get something useful, right? (add cold, fire, % increased elemental, max ES, increased max ES, increased spell.)
Last edited by Graiaule on Jul 4, 2018, 10:47:42 PM
Eugh...please tell me there's a way to to it like before, without SR and CWC...this just feels wrong...
I have a corrupted Brute Force Solution gem with "+4% increased damage" as the implicit, does this implicit increase the damage of Icestorm?
nymzeepoe wrote:
I have a corrupted Brute Force Solution gem with "+4% increased damage" as the implicit, does this implicit increase the damage of Icestorm?

I don't see why it wouldn't~ There's no real way for it to be a local modifier so it must increase all your damage sources.
Graiaule wrote:

I have two free prefixes, but I'm not clear on what the probability is that I will get a usable one if I slam an exalt on it. Looking at poeaffix.net, do I just look at the base affixes (15 of them) and the shaped mods (7 others) as the ones that might appear, or will only the base affixes appear?

If it's the base affix only, then I have a 6/15 chance to get something useful, right? (add cold, fire, % increased elemental, max ES, increased max ES, increased spell.)

It can take shaped prefixes too. Add cold and add fire are for attacks rather than spells, so they don't work. So the good ones are:

%elemental penetration
1% damage per 15 dex

#mana/%ar/%ev aren't totally dead, but they're pretty crap. So we have 7 from 22 as good mods.
If you use 'cannot roll attack mods' instead of int as your master suffix, you remove 6 of the bad prefixes from the pool, taking us to 7/16. Then you remove the master suffix and add int again after you exalt.

These aren't the odds though. I think it's about 1% to roll one of the shaped mods, but there are 12 tiers of #ES. http://poedb.tw/us/mod.php?cn=Amulet has the odds for non-shaped, so you can adjust accordingly.

#ES: 12x 1.1%
%ES: 7x 1.1%
%spell: 5x 1.1%
%IIR: 4x 1.1%

I think if we adjust to include shaped mods, each is actually about 1% due to the slightly increased pool. There are then 5 shaped mods (2 levels of ele pen & move speed). Then if we adjust to exclude attack mods, we only have 60% of the pool left. So I think this takes us to about 33% * 1/0.6 (to exclude attack mods) = 55% chance of rolling a good mod with the first ex.
Last edited by NoImagination on Jul 5, 2018, 8:42:21 AM
@NoImagination -- thanks a LOT for the detailed response, including how to analyze the chances and what the point of the "cannot roll attack prefixes" mastercraft was!!

To double check, the 6 "attack" prefixes are the four "adds # to # ... to attacks, the "% increased elemental damage with attack skills", and uh, which one? I checked the poe wiki's list.

Also, while the chance to "upgrade" might be 55%, the chance for a good upgrade is much lower, correct? E.g., for #ES, I have 12 possible tiers for it to roll (the amulet's ilvl is 82) and, arguably, only say tiers 1-4 are worth spending an exalt on.
Last edited by Graiaule on Jul 5, 2018, 3:22:16 PM
alantrik wrote:
Eugh...please tell me there's a way to to it like before, without SR and CWC...this just feels wrong...

Of course. You can still use Spell Echo and a DPS gem (Fire Pen, CD) instead of SR-CwC. You'll just need to find a way to sustain mana. Leech enchantment on the boots works for trash clearing and bosses that spawn adds. But for the other bosses you'd need some mana regen on rings, or perhaps Warlord's Mark instead of Enfeeble.

And if Uber Elder is on your hit list, it's going to be really painful. Dodging the Shaper barrages while stuck in a 0.9 sec casting animation won't be easy. And if the Elder slows you while you are casting - that's an almost guaranteed death. Everything but the Uber Elder should be fine though.
Last edited by Kelvynn on Jul 5, 2018, 4:50:53 PM

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