[3.5] The Blinding Blizzard - Whispering Ice CI Elequisitor - Viable For Everything

BVB_1909 wrote:
pharaoh000 wrote:
Just keep the crafted mod and slam.
You will have less chance to ruin it.
All other preffix are useful. However, if you hit lower es roll it dead, even if you try to slam it again for hybrid es it still end up lower total es.
Pls show me the result. I glad to see how your luck was tested.
I went the safe route and kept the crafted ES (as you said) and let my GF do the exalting. It went pretty well, I'd say... T1 Hybris ES

That chest is really insane for SSF. A shame with the missing Int roll, but this one has so many res on it that you can probably skip a suffix slot or two on gloves, helm, boots or rings that usually has to go to res, and craft 11 all attributes there. So indirectly, this chest should make room to get at least 22 int on other slots.
Aethe1vv01fe wrote:
pharaoh000 wrote:
try frost wall then

ive almost never seen anybody ever use that for anything...and that did it. thanks. ^^

Kinda sad considering it can turn even some bosses a complete joke. Well I guess at super high end you won't need it anymore but until then I think it is golden.

If timed well you can even prevent jumpers from jumping on you.
Sykar wrote:

Kinda sad considering it can turn even some bosses a complete joke. Well I guess at super high end you won't need it anymore but until then I think it is golden.

If timed well you can even prevent jumpers from jumping on you.

i should probably at least keep it in the back of my mind for the future, although that was probly the one and ONLY time i'll ever use it. tbh, i don'e even care for endgame, i just do the shit if i have to for challenges. 5 more then i decide what to do next.
Last edited by Aethe1vv01fe on Jun 25, 2018, 9:43:39 AM
I use it all the time. It can reduce incoming damage especially from ranged a lot even if it costs you an extra cast you just have to know what you can and cannot block though imho it should block all projectiles but that's just me.
Last edited by Sykar on Jun 26, 2018, 4:53:14 AM
Sykar wrote:
I use it all the time. It can reduce incoming damage especially from ranged a lot even if it costs you an extra cast you just have to know what you can and cannot block though imho it should block all projectiles but that's just me.

If it will block every projectiles, it will be way over OP.
For starters, it would be absurd single target for lightning arrow, and explosive arrow builds. It was nerfed that way exactly because it was quite absurd.

And from defensive standpoint, you can also link it with totem, and totem can use it indefinitely, without care about "charges". If target only one, it become completely trapped in ice. If it would block all projectiles - 95% of bosses would become trivial with any build. While they uselessly trying to escape ice maze that only getting bigger and bigger, while we just slaughter them without care.
Regarding this in the guide,

"Some Talismans or Shaped amulets can do better but they are very rare and expensive."

I find that Three Rat Talisman is still very common and cheap this league and you can easily find one which is better than Astramentis (the non-corrupted version) for 1c (use one with +all attributes if your str/dex is too low or use one with energy shield related mods otherwise).
Never mind, found the info online!
Last edited by Graiaule on Jun 26, 2018, 11:26:47 PM
this build has gotten very expensive. price of everything keeps going up. that corrupted belt with the % increased int implicit on it that someone got for 5chaos? the cheapest one i see listed now is 4.5 ex lol. and thats with just 14% inc attributes not 15.
corrupted fertile minds and brute force solutions are also close to 1ex or more for any useful corruptions, assuming you want one thats near the max int. Gloves and boots with 50 int and 30% mvmt speed, decent es and resists are in the exalts, if they exist at all.

higher tier red maps are quite rippy and im guessing guardians will be as well (havent gotten to them yet), as my es is just 7.4k. But if i try to boost my es then my dmg drops off. This league in general, everything is just so damn expensive, i feel like people that dont play a lot are at a severe disadvantage. Just completing atlas is quite costly with chaos costs of maps right now, theres not much room to save currency for the big ticket upgrades.

just a fair warning to people who think they can go in and farm guardians/shaper on a budget - the 2k int/ 9k+ es needed for those fights is not easily attainable. Having done actual cheap totem builds in the past (killed shaper and guardians on less than an ex with soul mantle/dark pact setup), i can say with confidence this build , while still cheaper than a lot of other builds, climbs steeply at end game.
Sykar wrote:
I use it all the time. It can reduce incoming damage especially from ranged a lot even if it costs you an extra cast you just have to know what you can and cannot block though imho it should block all projectiles but that's just me.

If only it could block Shaper and Elder projectiles... Wishful thinking )))

I tried Frost Wall but it only slows me down. There are no projectiles (other than the two mentioned above) that can do enough damage to threaten this build, especially with the Watcher's Eye.
Frost Wall is super helpful keeping the Shaper alive, if you struggle on that phase of the Elder Fight.

As to the cost... yeah, all the new corruptions on useful gear is pretty pricey, not just for this build. No Corrupted Blood costs, like, 80c on its own on any popular jewel, and with higher rolls on the jewel that just goes up steeply... But, you don't actually need any of the new corrupts. None of them are vital, the build can clear all the content with stuff released prior to this patch, so you can slowly try to corrupt your own gear as you go.

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