[3.5] The Blinding Blizzard - Whispering Ice CI Elequisitor - Viable For Everything

fox200 wrote:
Why Golem Level 12 ??

So "cast when damage taken" setup can cast it. That gem can support only gems under certain level, and that level grows with level of the gem, but together with that grows "damage need to be taken for activation", so level should be as small as possible.

You can experiment yourself in what level and activation range is comfortable for you, but Kelvyn himself chose level 12, because it was a breaking point for "summon chaos golem" to have phys damage reduction become 4% instead of 3%.
NoImagination wrote:
pharaoh000 wrote:

Why you doing this with DESTROYER? with the same mods on VAAL regalia, it should be ~500es and easily beat your old chest.

Yes, good question. I'll roll another while I use this, but I'll do it properly this time :)

Here we go:

Now it's time to save for fuses.
Last edited by NoImagination on Jun 19, 2018, 5:44:51 PM
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to get corruption altars more often than RNG offers? I've managed to get exactly one so far, and only because I had the +1 room tier room next to it. The couple of times I've had the tier 1 corruption room to start with, I got zero chances to upgrade it.
Kelvynn wrote:
Syche22 wrote:
Played the witch version of this build a while ago and really loved and it I feel like giving it another go in incursion. How is this holding up in hardcore? Anything people have run across this league that are pretty rippy?

The new Nemesis mods. Namely, Lightning Mirage. That crap hurts like hell, especially if you don't notice it quickly (spawning that thing from a strongbox can be a 1-shot). And some of the mechanics in the Incursions (some kinda explosions some of the Architects do, some purple projectiles that chase you and explode like mini-volatile balls).

And of course in HC you shouldn't try to facetank things you can't outleech, especially while leveling. One of my friends ripped in HC because everything looked totally OP and he got complacent and decided that he doesn't need to dodge anything.

Also, for HC you definitely want to put this jewel into the socket below the start instead of Fertile Mind:

36 sec Fortify. Just hit something with VS every half a minute.

Died several times to Lightning Mirage :-(
Looks that you can't leech from it and it will chase you and kill you in 3~4 hits if you don't see it.
somebody tried it on HC?
legion4561 wrote:
somebody tried it on HC?

Literally the post above yours is talking about that.
Thoughts on going Occultist over Scion?
First Shaper of the league done for me, cake walk.
Had to leave at 2:30 PM to take plane, at 2:08 I buy Minotaur and clean it, at 2:17 I say, hmm, might be a bit late for Shaper, well, fuck it. At 2:28 I'm done, deathless. (actually, I died to trash during transition cause I'm a trash myself)
Delzeed wrote:
Thoughts on going Occultist over Scion?

I don't think taht occultist deserves to be called even an "option".

Forbidden power: Area of effect not only don't give us much benefit, but very well can be said hinder us.
Spell damage per power charge is nice and power charges are nice, but it's only additive binus, not multi, and i don't see how we can switch this build into crit... and if it still elemental overload - doesn't worth it

Profane bloom/malediction: With spell cascade we cover enourmous area, and enemies usually die in pack at the same time, so i don't think we need explosions. Hexproof immunity is cool, but in boss-killing build it's wrong to concentrate on curses in the first place with their really questionable effectivity on high rank enemy.
10% reduced enemies damage and 10% multi is nice, but is it worth points of 2 entire labs? I don't think so. Elementalist or scion will give you much better benefits.

Void beacon: completely useless

Wicked ward: Really cool thing, but as we use vaal pact, it's much less potent, and moreover, if we stand in place and tanking by leeching, there is no way that we will activate it.
It's not the best synergy with leech-builds like this.
ES is good though.

Vile bastion: Regeneration that we don't need. We are basically immortal in big pack of enemies due to watcher's eye and ball of lightning, and our own leech on the top.
Cannot be stunned is really nice, but when pantheon came to us, stun became minor issue. It's still nice QoL, but nothing more, when enemies can't stunlock you anymore.
ES is good, again.

So, basically we have more ES (not even that much more, cause pure int from scion also give us ES), but much less damage and int. Nah, not even worth considering.

P.S. Atleast that's what i think. I'm not against counter-arguments, so maybe you can prove me otherwise. If you suggest it, then i guess you saw something in it, cause i don't even see that "starting point" which motivate me to even look into it.
Last edited by Med1umentor on Jun 20, 2018, 1:14:27 PM
Anyone know if unique jewels count as ‘equipped items’ for perandus signet int bonus? Even if it does not sure if it’d Be worth it, but just curious

Edit - nvm google told me they do not :( too bad.
Last edited by rozakk on Jun 20, 2018, 3:01:54 PM

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