Development Manifesto: Ascendancy Changes

Jedity1 wrote:
The buff is that you can now trigger onslaught just by hitting rare and uniques. That is a great buff for some builds.

On the other side there is a significant lost of movement speed (I think 20 in total).

I would say now is better for bosses and sightly worst mapping.

Only 10% loss, but I don't even have that yet (no uber lab) and it's pretty decent.
Bex_GGG wrote:
We care about class identity.

What the...insert Jackie Chan meme

Since when?

I think that's the most anti Path of Exileness statement I've heard about PoE from a GGG employee ever.
Ascension tied to Lab is the worst thing GGG has done...apart from GGG's philosophy on Trading. Oh and Gambling Loot boxes. And selling out to tencent.

I used to love GGG. I supported to ensure GGG remained independent, now I just wish I could get my money back. -_-
Chameleon wrote:
Bex_GGG wrote:
We care about class identity.

What the...insert Jackie Chan meme

Since when?

I think that's the most anti Path of Exileness statement I've heard about PoE from a GGG employee ever.

Haha yeah now that I think of it, you're right. Maybe it's the post Ascendancy standpoint. Pre-Ascendancy POE was all about the mixing and blending of classes. Ascendancy introduced stuff that was class locked. There was a bit of awkward resistance from the community then as I recall, but GGG and POE in general seems to have embraced this "class identity" idea since then. If we go any further down this path, POE might end up losing a lot of it's novelty that the giant sprawling skill map brought, but for now, it still seems like a decent compromise between classless mix and match and class-locked builds.
Chameleon wrote:
Bex_GGG wrote:
We care about class identity.

What the...insert Jackie Chan meme

Since when?

I think that's the most anti Path of Exileness statement I've heard about PoE from a GGG employee ever.

My first thought too.

When I first started playing PoE I told everyone else that PoE was like, you can pick your favourite looking dude and then pick ANY skill and make it work for everything.

Maybe it'll not be like that in the future? Sadface.

Last edited by callmax on Feb 23, 2018, 12:21:54 PM
Pathfinder nerfed for no reason. The broken shit stays, quality of life goes away. No reason to play the game then i guess, uninstalling.
Xelloskaczor wrote:
Pathfinder nerfed for no reason. The broken shit stays, quality of life goes away. No reason to play the game then i guess, uninstalling.

Good riddance.
Xelloskaczor wrote:
Pathfinder nerfed for no reason. The broken shit stays, quality of life goes away. No reason to play the game then i guess, uninstalling.

[Removed by Support] it's nearly the same [Removed by Support]
Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
Last edited by Blank_GGG on Feb 23, 2018, 1:38:27 PM
Xelloskaczor wrote:
Pathfinder nerfed for no reason. The broken shit stays, quality of life goes away. No reason to play the game then i guess, uninstalling.

Bye, nice not knowing you :)
Saauul wrote:
Xelloskaczor wrote:
Pathfinder nerfed for no reason. The broken shit stays, quality of life goes away. No reason to play the game then i guess, uninstalling.

Bye, nice not knowing you :)

can anyone tell me what nerf hes talking about? i saw only new buff again for pathfinder ??

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