Development Manifesto: Ascendancy Changes

imLuCaSsS wrote:
Varskar wrote:
Assassin still bad.

He looks awesome for crit. The poison nodes not sure tho... poison got nerfed so hard I'm not sure how good or useless those nodes is.

He's half good ( crit ) and half bad I would say ( poison nodes meh ). Unless someone really makes a poison build to works in next league, maybe new unique item or something.

- They combined ambush and assassinate, that's nice.
- Opportunistic: reflect immune irrelevant, damage increase / reduction irrelevant in many situations and it does nothing for mapping, movement speed is nice.
- Unstable infusion change is nice, but not really relevant.
- Deadly infusion not changed.
In other words, assassin remains the same, but we get "free" opportunistic node.

How does it compare to OP changes that hiero got? It's laughable to me. Sure it can be GG for guardians farming etc, but that's it. Also let's not forget about terrible defenses. Unless of course there is something about poison we don't know yet, I don't think it will be that good.
Last edited by Varskar on Feb 21, 2018, 1:51:41 PM
The only good poison build is anything with quill due to rapid succession and some VS I guess that's it.

Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
What?! Hierophant has 7 big points and anothers just 6?
Hope that Pathfinder don't get any major nerfs ......
Is it OK to feel guilty for killing an albino rhoa? The poor thing was scared and running away, and I slaughtered it. Does that make me a bad person?

I can see an incoming nerf for totems already. Gonna be OP.

LoL. This game is easier then FarmVille on Facebook or what was name and ppl can play Pokemon league.
Jesus. Pokemon drama in Farmville that is something what even Blizzard need to support, Downfall of PoE.

I wonder does anyone there use brain?

Those changes like come from "Wheel of Fortune", spin it Chris one more time.

Hope something will come in meanwhile, Bless, Wolcen, ... whatever
Last edited by Coolmer on Feb 21, 2018, 2:55:00 PM
Played poison assassin in 3.0 and 3.1 and it was good. Idk why a lot of people think he is bad. Hope with this changes he will become much stronger with poison builds.
GGG really thanks for not nerfing Slayer but buffing other classes.
Its good way for more viable builds. Do same with "OP" items - BUFF others not nerf 1 item.
dark_elvis wrote:
GGG really thanks for not nerfing Slayer but buffing other classes.
Its good way for more viable builds. Do same with "OP" items - BUFF others not nerf 1 item.

My suggestion is just make all mobs explode like fireworks when player come close to them (skills/classes are overrated and too much work around them) and sell micro-transactions for different fireworks explosions.
Played poison assassin in 3.0 and 3.1 and it was good. Idk why a lot of people think he is bad. Hope with this changes he will become much stronger with poison builds.

People think it is bad because it... is bad. At least when you compare it with pre 3.0 poison assassin. Now this build is almost dead. And yes, I saw your build on forum and took a look on your char. You killed guardians only 4 time with it, you couldn't kill the Shaper (no, it is not your lack of experience, this character is simply too weak) and believe me, uber Atziri would rip you to shreds, not to mention that you would not reach her, because earlier you would have died during the fight with the "three". Unfortunately, compared to the old assassin, I see only small changes here, unless they also do something with poison damage
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