[3.15] Fivers Frost Blades Raider (Outdated)

archwerewolf wrote:
Well endgame boss Sirius is smth not funny at all

on youtube only 1 video with kill....Pyroclast Mines Deathless....

Or you need 75% chaos resists or it's only for ES users boss or i don't know -_-

me just melting in 0.2-0.3 sec with 3.8k hp...its nothing vs all bad things on boss arena

Yeah I haven't tried the fight myself, but I hear it's pretty brutal.

3.8K hp is extremely low though. You should try to have around 5k.

Don't panic.
lunaticwoda wrote:
Im still leveling but am struggling incredibly bad. Bought a 212pDPS claw and had to get a carnage heart for the INT. Doing like 5k tooltip damage and I am just getting whooped on at Act 9/10...

Any suggestions besides making an offering to the RNG gods lol


Flasks! At level 58, you should have access to sulphur, diamond and silver flask. They make a huge difference in burst damage.

Getting your cruel ascendancy is also a huge deal. Way of the Poacher is important.

You are only on a 4L, and I now that it's easy for me to just say that you need to get more links, but I don't know your budget, and at lvl 58 it might not be a very reasonable thing to expect. A tabula rasa could make things easier. When you get to mapping I recommend buying a 6-Linked STR/DEX base and just toss a pristine fossil or two on it.

You're at a point where you will soon be able to use Darkray Vector's, Bloodseeker and Starkonja's. All of those make a difference.
You can also use a pair of Tombfist and you can actually equip them as early as lvl 36. Right now Tombfist is the best budget option to use for the build, since Shaper's Touch are so expensive. Socket them with a Murderous Eye Jewel, and the enemies will take 10% increased damage.

I'm sad to hear that you've struggled when leveling, but there are a couple of leveling tips at the bottom of the guide, as well as in the PoB.
Even just getting a Prismweave & Wake of Destruction provide good damage at lower levels.
It's also important to maintain your rare gear. It's easy to just keep going through the acts, but things like added damage on your rings is actually quite important.

You'll feel a big difference when you replace some of that gear.

On another huge note though. You don't have any of the required burst skills. I really recommend getting an Ancestral Protector that you can bring out every time you encounter any target that requires more than a couple of hits. It has no cooldown and when you watch me play, you'll see that I very often have it out.

Vaal Haste and Berserk are also very important to the build. You can most of the time save up charges on rage and vaal souls when you're moving through an area, and then use those to activate Rage+Berserk. This is an insane burst in damage, and you are usually able to kill the bosses really fast when using this combo.

Herald of Ice is also incredible important, not only for the damage, but the shatter effect is very strong.
Same goes for Precision. Even a level 1 precision (which I recommend that you keep on level 1 even when you're higher level), is very good. It only costs 22 mana and will provide you 40% crit and 93 accuracy.
If you feel that mana is a problem when using these, don't worry. Soul Raker will take care of that.

On another note, you should get Whirling blades and add a fortify gem to it. Fortify provides 20% reduced damage taken from hits. This is both spells and attacks. Whirl through enemies and you'll be able to keep it up almost 100% of the time. I also have Cast on Crit + Frost Bomb in the whirl setup. It's a good way to debuff bosses at the same time as you keep your fortify up.

Ask someone to help you with the ascendancies if you have problem with them yourself. I could help you later on if you want me to.

I hope these tips can help you out some. :)

Don't panic.
rocketto41 wrote:
Difficult to leveling between 50 and 62.İt need patient.
İn this build(my opinion) little things make big changes.Severel times I wanted to left this buil.But now I enjoy.

This is correct. It might be rough to reach a damage where high-tier content feels good right now, considering the changes to the atlas and a lot of other stuff. These things has made basic items needed for the build pretty expensive, which kind of sucks. But there are a couple of alternatives to those items and they are added in the newest version of the PoB.

Once you reach a decent dps, every little point of damage on gear will provide a huge boost. The damage increases exponentially.

Don't panic.
lewistcy wrote:
how would this build do if i choose to go DW dagger?

You'd lose out on a lot of life, and it would be harder to max your resists.
Another big downside to this would be that you lose the node Soul Raker which provides you with a lot of survivability and mana sustain, and even bigger than that, you lose out on the life gain on hit you get from claws. It's insane for survival.

It's probably viable though, but you'd need to change a bunch of stuff, and there are sacrifices to doing this. :)

Don't panic.
akiris wrote:

what do you think which gloves is better?

Tombfist or new with +1 maximum frenzy charge + flat life and res.

Shaper's touch now is expensive.

I haven't actually experimented with +1 frenzy charge gloves because I was lucky to get a pair of Tombfist with +frenzy corruption.

But Frenzy charge gloves is definitely a good alternative right now, since you can also get some resists and life on them if you get a good roll.
You can also get stuff like attack speed and # to # added damage of course.

Both are good options. I'm using tombfist right now.

Don't panic.
Fiver wrote:

Yeah I haven't tried the fight myself, but I hear it's pretty brutal.

3.8K hp is extremely low though. You should try to have around 5k.

Well for t14-16 its enough and easy killing metamorphs) mb switch some passives to more hp but i don't think that it gona help vs Sirius lul

still me not in bis equip -_-

gona try one ES build for game. But Frostblades so fast to clear maps etc-(specialy then they patch with auto-loot pieces)
LostRavens wrote:
having serious problems with DPS in red maps, don't really know what else I can change to be able to progress further, can anyone check out my character and offer any suggestions?

I see taht you have an empty flask spot. I'm assuming that's temporary but a sulphur flask/wise oak/taste of hate, would be nice.
I'd replace the gloves. The phys to cold conversion doesn't really do anything since we already have 100% conversion from frost blades (60) and winter spirit and the node next to it (20+20).
I'd get a pair of tombfist and socket them with a Murderous Eye Jewel.

You have pretty low life. This is something you need to work on. When you are in red maps you should try to be 4.7k+. 5k life is generally the spot where you stop having problems with 1shots.

Your claw is alright, but I'd swap the shield. Atziri's mirror does give you some evasion and resists, but you need life as well. You can also get some damage on the shield by crafting 5% double damage.

The rings are a big deal. Unfortunately Mark of the Elder has been very expensive. It's dropping in price right now though and is at 1.8 exalts which is affordable and I would say worth it, but its very expensive compared to previous leagues where you could get it for 10c or less. This is because of the atlas changes. An assassins mark ring together with that would be ideal.

As for the passive tree.
I know that I go for primeval force in the PoB, but I'd actually recommend taking those 4 points and one more and go for claws of the falcon instead. You get a little bit of int on the way, and CotF actually provides more damage. This is something I should probably change in the PoB and I will likely do so in the next draft.

Revenge of the Hunted is a very good node and I really recommend you get it. same for phase acrobatics. You get lots of dodge from getting that one, and 30% chance to dodge spell hits is huge.

I would probably do it like this for now:
-depthperception (3 points)
-primeval forcet (4 points)
+claws of the falcon (-5 points. 2 points left)
-command of the elements (3 points. It's a very good node but we need to prioritize)
+phase acrobatics (-4 points. 1 point left)
+ start moving towards revenge of the hunted. (-1 point and 3 levels to get it.)

If you get a Lethal Pride (which I know is expensive), you can specc out of the temporary strength node, as well as get some damage and also life. Lethal Pride is expensive but worth it.

Don't panic.
phil113c wrote:
Can this build do semi deep delves (like 300 or so)?

I've been at 360 or so, but never really tried delving that deep. I plan on trying how far I can get this league.
I know people who have been below 700 with it, but that was last league, and the build has taken some nerfs this league due to the increased difficulty in crafting and the removal of maim on body armour, as well as the increased cost of items due to the changes to the atlas.

But yeah. Short answer is yes. :p

Don't panic.
archwerewolf wrote:
Fiver wrote:

Yeah I haven't tried the fight myself, but I hear it's pretty brutal.

3.8K hp is extremely low though. You should try to have around 5k.

Well for t14-16 its enough and easy killing metamorphs) mb switch some passives to more hp but i don't think that it gona help vs Sirius lul

still me not in bis equip -_-

gona try one ES build for game. But Frostblades so fast to clear maps etc-(specialy then they patch with auto-loot pieces)

I haven't really fought Sirius myself since I want to experience the fight myself the first time without knowing the tactics in advance. I think it's more fun that way.
But if he does a lot of chaos damage, then I might need to consider a lot of changes to the gear for that fight, since one big weakness this build has is that I never really bothered getting chaos resist. This needs to be addressed.

Don't panic.
again this build is real fun to play but currently im wondering how to upgrade the weapon. Since the multimod nerf im not sure if crafting them myself is worth it or i better buy one from the market. I would prefer to craft myself but i assume that i need 2*t1 mods to make it worthy in any way.

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