[3.15] Fivers Frost Blades Raider (Outdated)

Any idea if this build will be updated by launch of Metamorph?

I'd like to use it for the new league!
Gona start with it...and cause ranger so it gona be easy to switch to bow build )
Guide Updated!
I've made some updates to the PoB, but it will likely change when we know more about the new modifiers introduced on rare items.

The changes I've made so far to the PoB:
Maim has been removed from the body armour. It will no longer be possible to get it. :(
The elemental penetration on the claws has been lowered, to the new values listed in the patch notes.

There are other item changes that will likely happen. Not sure how hard it's going to be to get good claws, but we'll find out eventually. Hopefully the Catalysts will bring positive effects to how crafting works, to weigh up the nerfs on Multimodding.

On a positive note, there will most likely not be any changes to the actual build in terms of Passive Tree and Skill Gems. Which means that it's going to be fairly easy to adapt to any upcoming changes.

New PoB: https://pastebin.com/jRCBBgqk

Don't panic.
ElysiumAB wrote:
Any idea if this build will be updated by launch of Metamorph?

I'd like to use it for the new league!

I am planning on updating it more, but right now there's very minor stuff. Passive tree won't change. It looks like we're going to replace ruthless for Melee Physical Damage. The awakened version of MPD is INSANE.
Other than that, I don't think we're swapping any skillgems.

There will be item changes, most likely the shaper/elder uniques may need to be replaced in the cheaper versions, depending on how rare they are.

The build is going to be basically the same.
The nerf to maim on chest and elemental penetration on weapons are obviously sad, but the awakened gems weigh up for it.

Don't panic.
Last edited by Fiver on Dec 11, 2019, 8:28:06 PM
There is one thing i noticed in your build.
You are using The Berserk buff despite having no Rage.
Do you bypass it or is it a fail? :D
Ashrielll wrote:
There is one thing i noticed in your build.
You are using The Berserk buff despite having no Rage.
Do you bypass it or is it a fail? :D

I'm using the support gem Rage in my Frost Blades link setup. :)

Don't panic.
Thanks for updating to 3.9 Fiver!

I'm a new-ish player and plan to use this build for league.

I'll be sure to follow your Twitch and give some support, especially considering the hard work it must take to update things in such a short period of time! I'm happy to show my appreciation for that.

hey Fiver really loving the build :D

i have 1 question though if you've got the time for it

whats your take on the awakened cold penetration??
ive tried messing around in PoB and switching out hypothermia for it and the DPS seems to be the same although the cold pen% gives us.. well cold pen% :)

does PoB take the cold pen% into calculation of the actual dps??
ElysiumAB wrote:
Thanks for updating to 3.9 Fiver!

I'm a new-ish player and plan to use this build for league.

I'll be sure to follow your Twitch and give some support, especially considering the hard work it must take to update things in such a short period of time! I'm happy to show my appreciation for that.


Awesome! I hope you have fun with it!
It's actually probably a pretty good idea to stop by the twitch channel once or twice if you need help with anything. :)

ErikSchon wrote:
hey Fiver really loving the build :D

i have 1 question though if you've got the time for it

whats your take on the awakened cold penetration??
ive tried messing around in PoB and switching out hypothermia for it and the DPS seems to be the same although the cold pen% gives us.. well cold pen% :)

does PoB take the cold pen% into calculation of the actual dps??

Awakened Cold Penetration looks insane. And like you say it might replace Hypothermia. But I need to do some testing first. We had the same thoughts last league regarding Nightblade, and I suggested Nightblade instead of Hypothermia during league start.
But I decided to revert the change. which caused a lot of confusion, so I'm going to be conservative with changing this one before launch.
PoB does take penetration into account though.

Don't panic.

New PoB: https://pastebin.com/8ECGrqhD

Items wrote:
Maim still might be available on body armours, just not from fossils, but until further notice I have removed it from the build.
Elemental penetration on weapon is nerfed.
Watcher's Eye is probably not going to be something that we'll see a lot of, so I've removed it from the build.
Shaper's Touch are probably gonna be slightly more expensive than previous leagues, but since they are such a common drop from shaper, I don't think they'll be super expensive.
There are new modifiers on items that will likely mean that more items will be replaced though. This is something that I'm going to have to change during the league.
Mark of the Elder might turn out to be very expensive, so that's something that I will have to look over. I have removed it from the budget version.

gems wrote:

Ruthless is replaced with Melee Physical Damage. Or more specifically the awakened version of it. It will give us a lot of damage, but also intimidate, which makes it better than ruthless.
Hypothermia might be replaced by Awakened Cold Penetration. This is something that I haven't tested yet, but until you have the Awakened version, Hypothermia will be better.
The damage from the awakened gems are not accounted for in this PoB, so the DPS output will be a lot higher than the displayed values when you have them.

passives wrote:
No changes so far.

Other wrote:

Multi-modding isn't going to be as good this league, which means it's going to be harder to get good claws. How hard it's going to be, and what effect this will have on the build remains to be seen.

There are new modifiers that may cause changes in the itemization. A +1 to power charges modifier has been shown on helmets, which leads me to believe that there is a similiar modifier for frenzy charges. Depending on what item this modifier can be rolled on, we will likely be changing more stuff.

I will be streaming during league-start, so if you encounter problems or need help with anything, the fastest way for you to get help is to ask me on stream, because I will likely not be checking the forums when I'm playing.

Don't panic.

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