[3.16][HC][ON BREAK] Caustic Arrow Raider, DoT Focused | Tanky | 6k+ Health | All Content | In-depth

Another thing you can use instead of 1 life flask is forbidden taste with "cast when taken a savage hit" (can craft from bench now)

Thank for the advice! This works really well. I'll be looking into the aspect of the crab next.

ALso, I killed my first Sirus today. Feel pretty proud of myself. Even though, it was just awakening level 1.
This probably might not be the place to ask this but how do you get the chaos damage over time multiplier recipe since its now a suffix and not a prefix? I've been searching everywhere and all I could find is "unveiling doesnt give the recipe anymore in 3.15 since its a suffix and not a prefix"
JeanSupernova wrote:
I've been searching everywhere and all I could find is "unveiling doesnt give the recipe anymore in 3.15 since its a suffix and not a prefix"
Unveiling works as before, only difference is if you press alt and it says "veiled" it only unveils prefix, now you need suffix, so you need weapons saying "of the veil" which is suffixes. Personally I had most luck with bows and wands to unveil, but it's fairly random.

*SC Exp here*
Hello and thanks for the build guide, its great! I feel like I reached a massive wall this time and I need some guidance, some goal to make me keep playing. I don't know a lot of things about the game and I'm trying to look for information everywhere at the moment. Thanks!

imgae wrote:
I need some guidance, some goal to make me keep playing.
Time to roll a new build to sink currency into, or maybe go for 40/40 if you're bored. :P Or just take few weeks break until new league.

How much did you spend on it so far btw? 200ex?
imgae wrote:

*SC Exp here*
Hello and thanks for the build guide, its great! I feel like I reached a massive wall this time and I need some guidance, some goal to make me keep playing. I don't know a lot of things about the game and I'm trying to look for information everywhere at the moment. Thanks!

For someone who doesn't know a lot of things about the game, you've done a stellar job based on your PoB! What sort of guidance are you looking for?

Taking a stab at it based on your POB, you have 4m caustic DPS and no secondary source of damage (e.g. Toxic Rain) for additional single target damage. Is this right?

If so, your CA DPS is great, but I see two walls. The first is mapping clear speed, and the second is end-game boss DPS.

The first wall is easy to clear if you haven't already -- since your CA DPS is so high, you can just take out one of your DPS skill gems and use arrow nova instead. This will basically cover the entire screen with CA with just one shot. It's much faster clear speed than casting CA normally, which is slower and has much less AOE by comparison.

The second wall is really a matter of preference. One way to get higher end-game bossing DPS is using Toxic Rain as suggested in this build guide. It's what I've done. For reference, my CA DPS is about the same as yours, but my additional TR DPS is about 12m according to POB, so that really helps with knocking down bosses quickly.

If you're curious, my POB is: https://pastebin.com/87q57kNN. I have a few pieces I shift around depending on what I'm doing, but I think that link is fairly current/accurate.

How do you guys manage to have enough attributes, namely INT and STR?

THe only thing that keeps me from switching my passive tree from classic to cluster is that I am afraid I won't have enough INT and STR (need atleast 155 each).

If I change to to cluster now, I'll have to get new pieces of gear with perfect resistences. I'm having a headache lol.

Also, as sugested in this guide, I'm trying to craft a new bow (with Bow Attacks fire 2 additional Arrows) and a warlord/shaper quiver (with Bow Attacks fire an additional Arrow) with Arrow Nova set up.

I plan to use them as a second weapon set mainly for map clearing and switch to my main bow for bossing. Hopefully it will speed up my clearing speed.
Piangwan wrote:
How do you guys manage to have enough attributes, namely INT and STR?

THe only thing that keeps me from switching my passive tree from classic to cluster is that I am afraid I won't have enough INT and STR (need atleast 155 each).

Look to get int/str on your gear, e.g. jewellery/belt/helm/gloves etc. or on your jewels if you end up slotting more in as a result of picking up cluster jewels.
You can also have on cluster "small passives add +X to int / str / attributes", or have resists on cluster freeing some affix on gear where you can put str / int instead.
How much did you spend on it so far btw? 200ex?

I think so with 100 left in stash waiting to be spent
My goals were: dot +poison immune+bleed immune while malevolence watcher s which was 100ex a month ago but i cant find any anymore
I wanted to try HH but people said its useless for CA which was sad to hear
Or trying to farm a few hundreds of ex for a: t1 life + 1dex + 1chaos + chaos t1 dot+ malevolence reduce amulet but nobody is willing to make one so i kind of gave up.

For someone who doesn't know a lot of things about the game, you've done a stellar job based on your PoB!

Thanks! ive been asking everywhere for information and got help from a lot of people

What sort of guidance are you looking for?

Straight up item upgrades, tree upgrades (maybe +1 frenzy from tree and +2 frenzy from both rings would be op? Idk, i dont wanna waste money either)

The first is mapping clear speed, and the second is end-game boss DPS.

For "maping" (i dont map anymore just farmed the challenge) i used woke AOE gem instead of conc and arrow nova instead of swift aff
I don't really do bosses either

using Toxic Rain as suggested in this build guide

I just don't like TR, I'm trying to min-max CA but i know TR is better

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