[3.16][HC][ON BREAK] Caustic Arrow Raider, DoT Focused | Tanky | 6k+ Health | All Content | In-depth

Did you find a better way to get +2 or +3 with the new harvest mechanic?
Did you find a better way to get +2 or +3 with the new harvest mechanic?
xpctarget wrote:
Thanks for the guide, I am having a blast so far in SSF (no hc yet - maybe next league :P).

What is your opinion on farming porcupine in act 8?
Do you consider that an alternative to tabula at blood aqueduct, or is this way too inefficient?

I was also considering trying to skip blood aqueduct to directly farm Imperial Legacy in a9?

I am just really not targeting that tabula and do not plan other chars...

I tried farming Porcupine twice, fresh character who got to that zone and stayed in there starting from lvl ~55. Got 1 card per try i think in 2 hour i managed to hit lvl 67+ in both tries. Just don't, not worth at all. I don't recommend farming Humility either, it's pure masochism nowadays (also low drop rate). Farming Imperial Legacy is the right way in SSF.

I recommend farming some levels in Vastiri Desert / Foothills / Oasis and then farm the rest in maps. It takes some time, but you'll get there eventually while progressing atlas. Harvest also allows to 5-link / 6-link any item you want, so you might get lucky along the way too.

Lupofin wrote:
Did you find a better way to get +2 or +3 with the new harvest mechanic?

It's true for +2, just spam whatever until crafts you hit it. No strategy or thought process required.

I don't know any method which could help crafting +3 bow. None of the seeds interact with gem_level tag. They can be used in end game bow crafting tho as a way to remove some annoying mods. Let's say you have +2 arrow bow but your 2nd suffix is crit modifier (3rd is multimod). You can remove that crit mod and add speed/resist modifier instead.
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3053600 - My Guides
Last edited by DankawSL on Jun 21, 2020, 4:39:43 PM
Hi @DankawSL,

Great build and great consistently updated guide! I'm rolling this character this league to try to 'get good' at not dying -- I find that I usually have two sticking points and was wondering how you handle them (aside from trying for ~2500 life @ Doedre -- I find that I still sometimes die here).

The two that I usually die at while leveling are Act V Innocence (sometimes) and Act VIII Doedre (almost all the time)? Any general advice for these two? Lastly, how do you do against Sirus with the build?

Again, I really appreciate the guide!!!
Last edited by SCNava on Jun 21, 2020, 8:57:04 PM
I'm running the champion variant of this build as my league starter, and I'm quite impressed with how it has performed thus far. I'm still on low tier maps, but I hardly ever take damage and I've yet to die while mapping.

I'm curious where you'd recommend I take jewel slots on the passive tree. The champion tree in the OP doesn't take any and has a few allocations that seem kinda strange to me.

Thanks for the build and your help!
SCNava wrote:
Hi @DankawSL,

Great build and great consistently updated guide! I'm rolling this character this league to try to 'get good' at not dying -- I find that I usually have two sticking points and was wondering how you handle them (aside from trying for ~2500 life @ Doedre -- I find that I still sometimes die here).

The two that I usually die at while leveling are Act V Innocence (sometimes) and Act VIII Doedre (almost all the time)? Any general advice for these two? Lastly, how do you do against Sirus with the build?

Again, I really appreciate the guide!!!

Innocence is really simple majority of the time, maintain close-mid range from him so when he starts using Scorching Ray, you can avoid it easily. Other than that... he's quite simple. I guess there is one case where he's straight up unfair and it's when he's casting his bullet hell with no statues to avoid it easily. In those cases i tp out, tp in and wait ~20 sec until the attack is gone. It's possible to avoid it manually but i'm not going to risk it in HC.

Against Doedre, just use valve from time to time to reset arena. You can also kite around cauldron so you have some cover (i don't remember 100% if it works, but iirc it stop projectiles). Keep track of her at all times to avoid her teleport slam.

Sirus is mostly a mechanical fight. If you know exactly what to do, you can kill him on almost any build. I didn't attempt him in 3.10+ yet.

Martingale7 wrote:
I'm running the champion variant of this build as my league starter, and I'm quite impressed with how it has performed thus far. I'm still on low tier maps, but I hardly ever take damage and I've yet to die while mapping.

I'm curious where you'd recommend I take jewel slots on the passive tree. The champion tree in the OP doesn't take any and has a few allocations that seem kinda strange to me.

Thanks for the build and your help!

Rarely anybody picks champion, but he still has some niche and is never a bad choice for ranged character (fortify is strong). I mention what to do with jewels, you usually pick extra jewel sockets past tree's designated level. You can pick them a little bit earlier if you have necessary jewels.

I don't know what you find odd. Passive trees almost identical between all ascedancies with minor exceptions.
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3053600 - My Guides
Hey, I'm curious why you don't mention anointing your amulet with perhaps something like Corruption node. Am I missing something cause i'm bad?

-thanks in advance.
I don't know what you find odd. Passive trees almost identical between all ascedancies with minor exceptions.

I was just talking about the two pierce nodes below phase acro. Seemed strange to get those over a jewel slot but I'm obviously not as knowledgeable as you are.
Zyaak2point0 wrote:
Hey, I'm curious why you don't mention anointing your amulet with perhaps something like Corruption node. Am I missing something cause i'm bad?

-thanks in advance.

Its mentioned in Eqipment-Amulet Section. And yes, its the Corruption Node.
Martingale7 wrote:
I was just talking about the two pierce nodes below phase acro. Seemed strange to get those over a jewel slot
I'd say that's personal preference, the default guide assumes to get good feel of map clear you want +2 pierce +2 arrows, and these can be gotten from various sources (second pierce can be a quiver mod or from the tree, arrows can be a bow mod or from dying sun), but you can try without and see if it feels too slow / not enough coverage for you.

Since arrow nova was introduced some people play with it and feel it's amazing, some feel it's awkward and skip it. You can gem swap around and check what feels best for your playstyle.

The pierce wheel was reworked this patch, before you had to invest ~4 points if I remember correctly for +2 pierce, now it's 2 points for +1 pierce and 4 points for +3 pierce total, position on the tree is also a bit better than old one. Overall an improvement.

This is one of the QoL cases where it's hard to evaluate exact worth of it, but I imagine in some cases like immunity totem packs extra pierce might be handy.

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