[3.16][HC][ON BREAK] Caustic Arrow Raider, DoT Focused | Tanky | 6k+ Health | All Content | In-depth

April 5th, 2019
Synthesis League:
* Added "High chance +1 / Low chance +2 Bow gems implicits" crafting method
* Fixed 5% of life corpse explosion implicit additional info, now correctly says there are total 2 outcomes + 1 from flat accuracy (can be avoided by having triple T1 Light Radius)

Vertymbras wrote:
Wouldn't volley be better than GMP for clearing ?
The size of the aoe seems to be almost the same, and the "less Projectile Damage" is smaller ?

The AoE becomes bigger the farther you shoot with GMP. If you prefer to, you can use Volley but it's inferior to GMP if you ask me. Damage reduction doesn't matter much since we already sacrifice damage multiplier support which is the biggest hit to actual DPS. Not like you need damage to kill trash monsters .
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3053600 - My Guides
DankawSL wrote:
April 5th, 2019
Synthesis League:
* Added "High chance +1 / Low chance +2 Bow gems implicits" crafting method

High chance +1 / Low chance +2 Bow gems implicits:
Step 1: Get three bows with their fractured mod being the same two/three suffixes.
(example: three bows with Dexterity and Cold Resistance)
Step 2: Use Corroded - Jagged - Metallic fossil combo to roll +1 to Level of Gems and +2 to Level of Bow Gems on all three bows
Step 3 (optional): Use annul to remove 3rd suffix from the bow/s to increase chance of success. If you removed any +X to Level mod, go back to step 2.
Step 4: Synthesise all 3 for high chance of rolling +1 to Level of All/Bow Gems and small chance of rolling both of them.

tried this now, this was the result...

NOTE: Used affixes
(2) Fractured Suffix - Fire Resist + Stun Duration on enemies
(2) Fossil Crafted - +1 Socketed Gems & +2 Bow Gems
Sounds about right. The exact chances in worst case where you have 3 suffixes and all non-fractured ones are different:

* 11/21 (~50%) for any +X level implicit
* 1/21 (~5%) for both implicits

If you have no 3rd suffix on every bow, it's simple:

* 3/4 (75%) for any +X level implicit
* 1/4 (25%) for both implicits

In short, it's definitely worth the gamble... until the prices go up.
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3053600 - My Guides
Hi, I've been playing with your guide and saw a livestreamer (wolfcryer IIRC) using this item
to use toxic rain with mirage archer, is that something you considered or heard about? I've been trying it myself and I rather like it in my own play through for killing all the mobs that are just barely out range so I dont have to do anything since the mirage archer tends to kill them for me.
Last edited by wowow2264 on Apr 6, 2019, 6:30:00 PM
I've played around with it recently during levelling. I liked it, but i don't think it has place in the end game build. Single monsters that survived should be reduced to minimum once you invest into the build.

You could use it for extra DPS, but it would only be good against really tanky targets since everything else melts instantly. I would prefer extra arrow instead tho, it should net more time saved during clear than extra single target damage against bosses.

I liked it the most as auto-cursing setup with Rain of Arrow - CoH - Despair. You could ditch Frenzy - CoH setup in favour of 4L Toxic Rain, assuming you don't want that extra arrow.
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3053600 - My Guides
Sorry if this has been asked before but would a level 4 Empower give more dps then Damage on Full life support?
shiftnative wrote:
Sorry if this has been asked before but would a level 4 Empower give more dps then Damage on Full life support?

Path of Building
PoB code:

if you check DankawSL's PoB link, Empower@Lv4 is better @ 30k+ more DoT than a 20/20 Dofl gem, but an Empower@Lv3, Dofl gem is superior, around 25k+ DoT difference
April 9th, 2019
Synthesis League:
* Added "Very high chance, +1 all gems implicit (expensive)" crafting method.
* Added boots to the pool of crafting worthy bases. Implicits included of course.
* Added one more synthesiser rule for mods that have two variable rolls.


I initially didn't include the second bow method since it was expensive and worse than your usual fossil spamming. Then i remembered you can craft +2 support gems... Making the lucky result extremely valuable.
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3053600 - My Guides
I play your build for a month now and I think it is hands down brilliant. It is my second high level character (93 at the moment) and second straight league that I play. I find the build simply amazing in terms of clear speed, learning curve and mechanics!
There is one thing that I have a problem with, though. Last night tried to beat up the Elder, which I did, but I could not manage to destroy the portals on time so Shaper did not survive. Would you mind reviewing my character and pointing out what did I do wrong or what can I improve?
Thank you so much for posting this very extensive build and thank you in advance for your help!!!
Your profile is private, you're at the point where i need to know your gear to give any real advice other than what you can read inside the progression section.

You save Shaper with Frost Wall, simply check my elder video how to do it. It works for any build that can't destroy portals very quickly.
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3053600 - My Guides

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