[3.4] Arc Mines Hall of Grandmasters Farming Build

AlexFulgor wrote:
Noob question: What if we swap arc mines to arc totems? Using corresponding items and tree notes. Will it be as good viable as mines?

It will be horrible.
is temporal chains on hit really that good? what you think about goldwyrm with rare fingerless gloves?
Salvi123 wrote:
is temporal chains on hit really that good? what you think about goldwyrm with rare fingerless gloves?

DMG is fine -> I prefer movement speed + IIQ. I may use Goldwyrm next league... not sure yet (capping res will be hard).
Last edited by 99prosorc on Feb 25, 2018, 4:37:32 PM
Wow pretty solid build!

Any tips how to level this build the fastest for league start?
What are your thoughts on the new Saboteur?

Cause if the tremor rod's ability to detonate mines a second time works with that life regen part, surely we can just proc 15%+ life regen constantly?
DynamoHooper wrote:
What are your thoughts on the new Saboteur?

Cause if the tremor rod's ability to detonate mines a second time works with that life regen part, surely we can just proc 15%+ life regen constantly?

New Sabo seems good. I assume it will be easy to keep up 10%+ life regen. Reduced mana... is pretty nice too.
Last edited by 99prosorc on Feb 28, 2018, 9:16:30 AM
Thanks for keeping this updated for 3.2 - - - Patch Notes: Added 6 new grandmasters and updated or replaced 5 others... Grandmasters now generate 2 Vaal Souls per second, up from 1 soul per 5 seconds.
Hopefully nothing the build can't handle, guess we'll find out in a few days
Last edited by zmertszzz on Feb 28, 2018, 4:21:59 PM
will this build more or less still work in bestiary league. i want to start leveling this right away if its just gonna be some minor tweakin. but can you let me know now if there gonna be some major changes coming, so i dont screw up big time :) thanks
That Ventors Gamble is insane.

http://poe.trade/search/omesakasitoyor Similar rings cost no less than 20ex

How much did you pay this ring and in what day of the league?
Tsielk wrote:
That Ventors Gamble is insane.

http://poe.trade/search/omesakasitoyor Similar rings cost no less than 20ex

How much did you pay this ring and in what day of the league?

10 ex 1 month into the league (you can get a similar one with 7% IIQ and slightly less life for ~1.5 - 2ex)
Last edited by 99prosorc on Mar 1, 2018, 7:55:19 AM

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