Responses to the 3.1.0 Patch Notes

Hi Chris,

I know you probably don't read every reply but I think a lot of people are just being whiny. Your game is amazing and every single one of the people complaining here and on reddit are going to play the new league anyway. It's ultimately your game to balance and probably none of the people complaining have ever worked in QA for anything. I look forward to 3.1 and the patches that follow :^)
Woow dont know why always see the same ball suckers saying thx chris you are te best and bla bla, ggg are destroying the game every league, and they nerf focusing always to people play other specific build, this time only specters builds, i hate that way to play, GGG dont give freedom to the player, they only want people play as they want.
Sunscorcher wrote:
Hi Chris,

I know you probably don't read every reply but I think a lot of people are just being whiny. Your game is amazing and every single one of the people complaining here and on reddit are going to play the new league anyway. It's ultimately your game to balance and probably none of the people complaining have ever worked in QA for anything. I look forward to 3.1 and the patches that follow :^)

I've spent 10 years doing Quality Assurance and engineering for enterprise level applications processing 15 billion dollars a year and otherwise. I've also played this game for 4+ years. This is not whining.

Whining is just complaining without moving from a problem to a solution.

Plenty of solutions are available here.

One pretty easy way of making people's days a bit brighter:
soften the nerfs. (nerfing dark pact three times over is ludicrous)
increase the # of buffs.

More thorough:
Don't dump all nerfs on us and call it Path of Nerfs, then not give us Path of Buffs, but more nerfs...... it's insulting and makes baby Jesus sad.

and you're damn right I'm playing the new league. No sleep till 95!

Excited for new content, new possibilities, dunno why anybody would want to play same build every league, that's just lazy and boring.
Drop the mic!

jdance25 wrote:
Honestly the content in 3.1 looks good. I'm excited for Abyss and I'm actually someone who would like the grind to 100 to take longer (so long as there are still items to chase while doing so). The problem I have with GGG as of late is the flat out lying or misleading or deflecting of criticism.

- We have a decent list of buffs coming tomorrow.
- We have a million DPS build that we will share before next week.
- ES builds at 25k

These are all essentially lies, mostly stated seemingly for the purpose to mislead the majority to explain a reason for a nerf or change.

Just fucking tell the truth. Seriously. Say this instead:

- We don't have many buffs tomorrow, however, patch 3.2 will feature a complete re-work of ascendancies. A future patch will deal with reworking skill gems.
- We don't like how powerful this build was, we are reducing its power to compensate.
- We are sick of the ES meta and would like the current meta to change.

I fucking hate feeling like I'm being lied to. If you make changes with the honest intent to make the game better, just state why you're doing it. It's mindbogglingly frustrating that we have to consider whether or not you as a company know what the fuck you're talking about (consider the whole GGG doesn't actually play their game fiasco) when you try and justify changes through lies. This whole controversy started because as a company you've started to say factually incorrect things and straight up ignore people that demanded an answer for it.

For god's sake just tell the fucking truth.
Apart from the various nerfs and some that dont make sense (nerfing Bisco drop rate I totally missed the flask UI change, maybe bold the the important parts of each note that way its easier to see

thanks though
Shirukan wrote:
dunno why anybody would want to play same build every league, that's just lazy and boring.

You mean what has been happening more often the last year than ever before?
Last edited by jdance25 on Dec 5, 2017, 10:50:48 PM
<3 you GGG. Love all the communication. Keep it up

patch 4.0-we have now removed monsters/bosses from the game as they were granting too much exp and loot.

First off, I love your game... I am terrible at it... but I LOVE it.

Although the patch notes didnt make me HYPE, its a decent list of meaningful (not exciting) changes.

I am always REALLY impressed by your transparency and your approach towards this community (which BTW is one of the best in the online gaming world).

I think I will just offer that this response was a bit more disappointing than everything else. We trust you to lead your team towards the best game and experience out there, and at some point in the past weeks, you mustve known that you wouldnt be able to deliver a lot of the "buffs". It might have made more sense to limit the nerfs too. If you couldnt limit the nerfs than you probably should have delayed again as its always better to "underpromise" and "overdeliver" than hype something and come up short. I know that there is a LOT of cool stuff coming out soon, but trying to hit an unattainable deadline isnt good for you, your team or your customers.

With that said, I am still looking forward to Friday but have no idea wtf to play, any suggestions (remember I am terrible at this game!)


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