Responses to the 3.1.0 Patch Notes

apology accepted but where are the shield charge/brightbeak nerfs? those honestly should have came now
No one cares about standard. It's literally a recycle bin, just press empty.
Ignore everyone, this was all needed and perfect.
Hi chris, thank you for the update. Are there any plans to take a balance pass at the skill tree outside of the leech changes?
IGN: IGaveTheFirstTedTalk
To be honest I don't think most of the community really have any idea of what goes into developing a game of this scale.

Also in the same way people read the notes and think that they know how the meta is going to be affected so early on.

You guys have done a great job, I'm really looking forward to the new league.
wow just want to take a minute to thank ggg for responding to the responses
delete all lootboxes
Last edited by Timbroslice on Dec 5, 2017, 9:13:32 PM
buffing during the league is fine. a lot of you know 100% that if you have shit nerfed during the league, you'd flip your shit. getting buffed during the league will feel so good.
Sad that you let the glacial cascade meta continue and that you even buffed it.
The patch notes are "generally underwhelming"

Patchnotes are. The expansion certainly isn't ;d.

But yeah, fair point, sorry for being a little bit too grumpy :D.
3.2 Rebalance Ascendancy? Alright, I'll have faith in you 1 more time GGG.

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