Path of Nerfs

sinub801 wrote:
Each nerf hit casual like me 10times than the 18h/ day players.

Will it, though? Because i honestly fail to see how that'd be the case.

Especially in terms of exp nerf, if you were considering pushing to 100, you're hardly a casual player, at least for my humble standarts :D.
Mythabril wrote:
Build diversity, yeah, right. Were those builds centered around a skill or around Vaal Pact? Because if they can't work without the latter, they aren't the former and you only have a Vaal Pact Build dressed up with different skill gems. That's not diversity, it's the opposite.

Welcome to the party. But seems like 5th grade math is very hard for some peoples, and they believe that with decreasing the possible choices - the result will became even higher..
You need to buy more stash tabs, and play months to fill them with items which to be deleted by GGG.
if anyone hasn't realized yet, poe is slowly aproaching in a direction where the safest way to reach the top is with a summoner(any kind you like). You love melee builds? slayer gets nerfed, you love fast moving qotf + a "5L" tornado shot build? gets nerfed. And aside from this , all the gems we are getting in 3.1 are "necrmancy" based. Now does that ring any bells? yep, pretty much the same as the meme build of d3, le necromancer.
I know the kind of neuroses required to currently get a character to lvl 100... and now it's worse?

Utter madness.

These people getting 100 in a matter of days are truly at the extreme end of the leveling speed spectrum and, thus, should be excluded when deciding on changes to the game.

I've seen the way they play and it ain't fun.
--------------- THE MOOCH --------------
Last edited by Damoochie on Dec 5, 2017, 1:57:40 AM
BlazeSTX wrote:
bashtart wrote:
I think all nerfs are reasonable... even the xp... because I just hate it when it is too easy too reach the final goal. IMO it is stupid that some skills can melt shaper in a few seconds... so I would nerf them aswell.

The great thing about PoE is that there are so many solutions for a problem. F.e. there are so many ways you can make a build visble without VP.


- Could You explain why You think so ?!

- as well - could You please enlighten me why the diversity should be decreased in order to be found some "other way" the target ?

I don’t think diversity will be decreased by balancing some op meta skills... I even think the opposite will be the case. I just think that when you take away the easy logical way you can find more beautiful ways while searching.
[3.2] Bashtart's Spark Inquisitor:
[3.2] Oni-Goroshi Frost Blades Trickster:
ZERPHI 3.1 25000+ Life/second ... broken please fix! VIdeo! Reddit! PVE broken

what about this chris?
Forum pvp
If you think Dark Pact radius is too big I don't care about any "buffs" that are to come. Never buying support packs again. The only reason why I enjoyed this game for so long is because of the cool builds you could play (VMS V.SPARK V.FB VPS CoC discharge) builds you could really sink currency into and have FUN being a fucking god PLOUGHING thru maps. I hate this degenerate meme of "hurr durr true d2 successor" such a cancerous outlook on the game. This game could literally be one of the greatest and most enjoyable pve games ever made but you CONSISTENTLY choose to play the role of the anti-fun police. If I could refund my support packs I would. If I could go back in time and prevent myself from wasting money on this depressing saddist company I would. From the bottom of my heart as a long time dedicated player, fuck you.
End it 👌
Heaps of nerfs again no buffs to existing but shitty skills. Vaal pact was an alternative to Acuity which was immensely expensive to many casual gamers now it does almost the same just shuts down in 4 sec... I guess this won't leave legacy copies either. I aggree that these were powerful passives/items but I am not sure it is a good idea to make them each other's copies.... The whole point of acuity was that it gave us Pact without its downside. Meh. Disappointing as most of the time.
Damn .... 78 pages of talking shit. Come now.
I fell like not a shingle one of this nerfs is going to affect me. Was the community really so reliant on Vaal pact?
What. No nerf to glacial hammer?
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