Path of Nerfs

Chris wrote:

  • 95 to 96: 6.5% more experience needed
  • 96 to 97: 11.5% more experience needed
  • 97 to 98: 18.7% more experience needed
  • 98 to 99: 28.25% more experience needed
  • 99 to 100: 40% more experience needed

I saw this coming. No way could you make the mapping experience better without nerfing my xp gains. So a few racers don't like the race to 100 because it's getting too fast and you once again, nerf everybody in the bracket. Granted, at these numbers I'd still probably be 100 a few times if I would just stop dying to stupid things (but thats my fault more than yours). Bah humbug to penalizing only the top levels of experience.
LaiTash wrote:
No i've seen my girlfriend who just started playing this game...

Wow. Sexism much? The classism is real. Your entire problem is new people being able to enjoy a powerful character in what is lets be honest a single player game.

This is about control for you people and nothing more.
Too much censorship that you never even see. Totally removed posts and silenced accounts across all communities.
Nice nerf, want buff earthquake and groundslam
LaiTash wrote:
LaplaceNoMa wrote:
LaiTash wrote:
Meanwhile i see no nerf to spectres. Is this for real?

>seriously implying that spectres needed a nerf

Are you per chance an avid VP user?

No i've seen my girlfriend who just started playing this game this league playing an unkillable 11k EHP 75% block/spell block character who could also kite shit with shield charge while spectres tank and melt everything including shaper into oblivion.

Meanwhile a melle-range skill that uses your health gets a triple nerf. Wow, just wow.

You mean 11k EHP that have literally zero mitigation and provide way less actual EHP than some eva/armour-based character with ~6k HP?

You mean the 'unkillable' character with literally zero leech and only surviving due to block, with pretty much a sneeze from some problematic affix'd mobs killing them in one-shot way before any DD mob can even look their way, if it doesn't get blocked?

You mean 'kite shit with shield charge' with such a great speed that you finish the outer perimeter of Poorjoys when your rotation party is already TPing back to town with their movement skill speeds?

You mean 'melt everything' as in like only bosses, pretty much like many other boss-killing builds (and worse than some of them, especially the lab-running Izaro-oneshotting ones)?

Dude, try actually playing the fucking game instead of watching your girlfriend run white maps and create the illusion of an overpowered build.
Last edited by LaplaceNoMa on Dec 4, 2017, 9:14:38 PM
Odds_ wrote:
Yeah, players are obviously weaker than ever, which is why they're clearing content 10x as fast as they used to. lmfao

Oh, is it pull bullshit stats out of your ass day already? Pro gamers and no-lifers might be clearing content faster than ever, I don't know, nor do I care; the vast majority of the playerbase is certainly not experiencing that phenomenon. In previous leagues I got 36+ challenges and leveled multiple characters to 90+, but this league I leveled a dozen characters to maps and with each one I fairly quickly got bored by the overly long boss fights and constant one-shot bullshit (more often than not accompanied by multiple simultaneous slowing debuffs being applied to my character). Unfortunately, each league we just keep getting more nerfs to player damage and defenses, more garbage mechanics like bullethells, and more buffs to mob and boss damage and defenses, so the endgame has become as boring and tedious as leveling to endgame used to be (and will be soon again, once the novelty of the new acts wears off).

On the plus side, I've been able to invest a lot of my time recently in Elder Scrolls games.
Fairgraves was a slave trafficker specialized in the kidnapping and transport of children. He was not "a good man".
Sweet. Looks like no one is playing a bow/wander and everything will be playing duelists.
I have a suggestion! If you raise the amount of exp needed to get to another level, Then i hereby demand you lower the exp penalty on death!
Odds_ wrote:
straight up mid-20's communist irl

If by "communist" you mean neolib I might buy that. Or you're just being the everyone's a PHD on the Internet cliche.

In reality we both know I nailed it, regardless of what label you claim for social advancement because of context.
Too much censorship that you never even see. Totally removed posts and silenced accounts across all communities.
Odds_ wrote:
Innomen wrote:
Odds_ wrote:
Reigning in the extreme BS like this will allow GGG to nerf spike damage and make other functional buffs to players - which we're already seeing via volatile and reflect changes.

Bunch of brats.

As we say in the wiki community: Citation Needed.

If you really believed that you wouldn't be calling people brats, you simply be correcting them and providing some evidence.

The real issue with you, GGG, and all the nerf defenders is control and status quo defense.

It's class mobility that you can't stand. It's the idea of the top tier in any context being supplanted terrifies you.

Your ageist "Brats" comment shows this extends to real life as well. You're clearly the kind of useful idiot that thinks "millennials" are ruining everything but see no problem with literally three Americans owning more wealth then the bottom half of the country and a student loan asset backed securities bubble that going to make the housing crash look like a slow news day.

Every debate is the same debate.

You just think you'll be 0.01% some day.

"We've all been raised on television to believe that one day we'd all be millionaires, and movie gods, and rock stars. But we won't. And we're slowly learning that fact. And we're very, very pissed off." ~Tyler Durden

You'e clearly still a believer.

The debate is always between the people still mentally plonked in front of that TV and the people that aren't.

No, uh, I'm a straight up mid-20's communist irl, you're just a childish dipshit who's bad at a video game and mad that his hand isn't being held by broken mechanics anymore.

I'm not a fan of some of GGG's business practices - particularly the exploitative loot boxes and skinner box mechanics, but I enjoy the gameplay, so I play.

The reason for the changes is precisely to supplant the top tier builds with fresh new stuff; this reactionary whining only betrays people who have no idea how the game actually works.

I can't tell which parts of this argument are satirical or sincere but you're both idiots
Chris wrote:

Experience changes for high-level characters
Each league, the race to 100 is over more quickly than the previous one, as players become more efficient and the experience available gets larger. We receive overwhelming feedback (including from top racers) that this process should be made longer. We're going to be careful though, and just adjust it a bit at a time. In 3.1.0, this takes the form of small additional experience penalties at levels 95-99 that have the following effect:

  • 95 to 96: 6.5% more experience needed
  • 96 to 97: 11.5% more experience needed
  • 97 to 98: 18.7% more experience needed
  • 98 to 99: 28.25% more experience needed
  • 99 to 100: 40% more experience needed
I don't have lvl 95+ characters as of now since it's an awful lot of exping to do. Now I probably won't even have any, which is sad. I understand that going to the game as a second job probably would solve the answer, but I play it more than I should already.


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