Path of Nerfs

Slayer meta confirmed
They just wanna slow down the game, so people will play longer.

They nerfed Mov Speed, Vaal Pact, AoE, DPS, XP, all things that make you "finish the game" fast.

A lot of people play just 1 month of the leagues and then left the game until new patch, they wanna people active alltime.

I have 4k+ hours on PoE and still dont have a char at lv.100, simply because is NOT FUN level 94-100, its fucking boring, u dont need to be good at playing for reach the 100, u just need time and patience, that's rly sad...

U asked people watch streaming but when i tryied what i saw was just a guys do 10.000 times same map skipping the boss, very fun...

Continue changing the game based on the Top Streamer and you'll only have those players.
All sensible and items still usable but it is nice to have more than what would be reasonable sometimes. Especially with speed maybe an item that lets you have insane speed but also had far more than reasonable drawbacks? that would be nice
Yup, another patch, another nerf to xp.

Seriously, this has got to stop. Yes, 100 should be difficult, but not next to impossible for a player who may have a life. The grind from 94-100 is not fun, not difficult, not interesting in any way what so ever. What is it? Mind numbingly dull.

If you want to encourage those that get to 100 and quit the league to continue, try making creating a new character more interesting to them so they start new ones. Oh wait, they are only interested in getting to 100 as quick as possible, so no character but the peak of efficiency will do.

No matter what you do, those players who do the speed clear meta will always get to 100 too quickly.

Just stop please.

Fix the problem, not the symptom.
"We don't want to take away the feeling of closing your eyes and Exalting an item, scared to see whether you ruined it or not." - Harvest Manifesto 3/10/2021

So unbelievably inane it has to be memorialized.
Last edited by Dspayre on Dec 4, 2017, 8:31:00 PM
why does it matter if certain builds are OP in a game that is mostly just gonna be played as single player or co-op anyway?? It's not like PVP is a real thing, nobody cares!

Looks good!

All of these changes are more than reasonable and if you paid any attention to the state of balance you could have seen most of this coming.

VP was stupid and I exploited it everywhere I could because it was just that strong. The only thing I hope is that without a look at slayer ascendancy they will be by a large margin the most used class.

As for the exp gain nerfs at high levels I cannot attest to that as I stop caring about levels at 93. I have more enjoyment building new characters once they clear all content. Without beachhead, getting 100 in 3.1 sounds nearly impossible.

I'm looking forward to the full patch notes!

Edit: Oh about Acuity, I feel like they shouldn't get hit that hard. Alluring Abyss just became nearly worthless to do.
Last edited by AtownStomp on Dec 4, 2017, 7:54:35 PM
If I can understand that acuities gonna be retro nerf...that's it for my PoE gaming bois. More chase uniques new and old are gone to oblivion.

Last edited by Molochmane on Dec 4, 2017, 7:54:26 PM
Very fuckin happy Slayers didn't get nerfed and i LOVE the new Vaal Pact. Slayer Leech will be more unique and fun!

Vulnerability change is AWESOME! Despair Change is really cool too! Esp for the the witch ascendancy that already reduces chaos res on curse.

A little irritated about the Witchbrew Change, since I'm a Slayer who stacks bleeds.
I really hope there will be a melee Vulnerability counterpart to flasks, since my current Blood Magic setup does not support curses...

4) Just really damn happy that Slayers are unchanged...for now.
I know I'm going to Alf+F "Slayer" and "Leech" tomorrow. If nothing is found, then there is nothing for me to read! (Not really, I love geeking out on patch notes).
"Your grandchildren will awaken screaming in memory of what I utter today!"
- Path of Exile, Legacy Whispers of Doom Keystone
but i love the drama tho so it may be worth it
So many complaints about xp. In the past, it was so much harder to reach 100 than nowaydays, and if you are not aiming to 100, 1 or 2 level less wont make any difference. But i understand that this decision should not have been based on top racers/streamers.

I disliked Qotf nerf, it was the only item that could provide decent movement speed if compared to movement skills, mainly if you are playing solo.
VP deserved to be nerfed long time ago, facetanking abuse on end game bosses doesnt seem right.
Waiting for full patch notes now.

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