DalaiLama wrote:
The_Impeacher wrote:


Here he is in 1988 on Oprah, where she is asking about him running for president.

Notice Trump is saying many of the same things he says today - foreign countries dumping on US markets (Japan at the time, not China). Getting allies to pay their fare share (as he pushed for with NATO).

Before that, in 1987, Trump was asked by Larry King about his presidential aspirations, after Trump spent 100K on a full page ad in the NYT criticizing US foreign policy.

Before that - in 1980, Trump is being asked about running for president.

Even at that time, Trump realizes being a good president will involve holding some unpopular views.

Donald J Trump has been prepping to be president for over 25 years. He grew up in one of the largest cities in the world, with plenty of exposure to the power games people play.

Trump is his own man. He always will be. The only other politician remotely like him would have been Ross Perot. The big difference there was that Ross Perot didn't understand the depravity, mean spiritedness and potential violence that opposing politicians would take. Perot was forced out of the election - whether by implicit threats to himself or to his family no one knows.

Trump didn't fail to notice that. It was probably a key moment letting him know he had to set up all kinds of defenses for himself and his family in advance.

For people who think Trump just decided in 2015 or so to run for president, it would look like some kind of miraculous transformation. If you consider that he has been planning for it for over 20 years, then suddenly a lot more makes sense.

The US presidency was never intended to be a position for a professional politician. If it weren't for other nations having kings at the time, America wouldn't have any central figure. As it was, the president and congress were originally part time politicians and full time citizens with various experiences that shaped their minds to be suitable to lead.

As George Washington was shaped by irritation from Britain and a strong belief that Americans were being ripped off in taxes (without representation), so was Trump shaped by seeing America taken advantage of by foreign powers. George Washington didn't want to be president, and neither did Trump. Because of his wealth, Washington had more leeway to develop his thinking and meet with various leaders than most people did. This was also true of Trump.

Washington proved his allegiance to America by risking his life during the Revolutionary War. Trump has had no such test.

It wasn't Russia that gave Trump the presidency, or even that they helped to any significant degree. Aside from Trump's own tireless efforts to promote himself, the biggest help he got was almost certainly from the DNC , since they thought he would be very easy for Hillary to defeat. The DNC saw him as the weakest candidate, and did what pushing the could to help Trump and harm his GOP rivals.

In 4 hours Trump will be holding another major rally in Montoursville Pennsylvania. It will be his 5th this year. He filed his official 2020 election campaign the day after he was inaugurated as president.

Trump isn't someone who leaves things to chance. His work ethic and planning combined with viewpoints that reflect what Americans think and want, are what put him in office.

The other shoe is about to drop, and we will see some of the deep state machinery exposed and some high level democrats facing jail terms.

Enjoy the Ride, and know that this was all planned long ago by a much younger Donald Trump.

You can watch the Rally Live - here (starting in about 40 minutes)

Actually a very rational view. The only possible exception is the bit about Trump never wanting to be President. That is obviously ridiculous.

My alternative view is that President Donald Trump is the most successful conman in history. He conned his way all the way into the White House.
Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired!
Last edited by Turtledove#4014 on May 20, 2019, 3:14:22 PM
The_Impeacher wrote:
Now you're finally catching on.

I had a good chuckle at that.

I started paying close attention to Trump about 30 years ago. Something back then impressed me with his character (in a good way). I still remember exactly what it is that impressed me, but telling the story would divulge far too much personal information.

I'm looking forward to Nov 4th, 2020 when MSM tries to figure out what country to blame when Trump wins again. Will it be North Korean hackers? Will it be the Chinese who tell Trump what to do? Will Jacinda be the puppet master behind Trump's strings?
"The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games." - Eugene Jarvis
PoE Origins - Piety's story
Turtledove wrote:

Actually a very rational view. The only possible exception is the bit about Trump never wanting to be President. That is obviously ridiculous.

Wanted it, is very different from considering it. If Chris Wilson knew way back when what he knows now about running a company with over 100 employees, he would probably do the same thing, but he wouldn't look forward to many of the tasks that are essential when you are a leader.

Turtledove wrote:

My alternative view is that President Donald Trump is the most successful conman in history. He conned his way all the way into the White House.

I'm sure Trump saw a lot of dirty pool and heard or experienced a lot of less than pure deals. He definitely found novel ways to get what he wanted. He himself talked decades ago about the tax loopholes and how companies could be making a killing, yet not paying taxes because they were investing and growing. Amazon is still doing that kind of thing.

Trump isn't pure by any means. He isn't evil and isn't trying to ruin the world or make things better for himself at the expense of America. He's like the Mathil of politics - show him the rules and he will have a good time rising to the challenge, while making the winning look easy.

I can see why a lot of people don't like him. He just rubs a lot of people the wrong way.
"The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games." - Eugene Jarvis
PoE Origins - Piety's story
Turtledove wrote:
My alternative view is that President Donald Trump is the most successful conman in history. He conned his way all the way into the White House.
con man
a man who cheats or tricks someone by gaining their trust and persuading them to believe something that is not true.

Hmm. Sounds like every President-Elect of the United States ever. Except possibly one who actually keeps his campaign promises.
BTW that's also an example of how to deceptively edit a clip by removing context. This is more fair:
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
The_Impeacher wrote:
Guess we'll soon know exactly how far into Russia and Saudi's pockets Trump is. But there was nothing to hide, right? :D

Does it even matter at this point. Of course there are financial dealings with countries all over the world.

Even if the House does go forward with impeachment proceedings, it will die a quick death in the Senate.

And even if by some miracle he is formally impeached and/or resigns you are going to get Mike Pence, who is far far more right wing than Trump.

Careful what you wish for, and pray to the God of Skinny Punks that your two decrepit SC justices dont die.
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln
^You make it sound like Impeacher cares about the future.

I'm more interested at this point what's going to happen when a democrat get's elected as president to be honest.
They opened pandora's box so i'm sort of curious if the republicans won't be tempted to go all nuclear on a dem elected president at this point.

It's fairly obvious a president elected by a majority of the people should be supported by both sides of the political spectrum to push america as a whole forward.

Everybody knows it's for max eighth years so i find it sort of infant like to blow up the future between both sides over an interlude in the big picture of american history.


Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes

Boem wrote:

They opened pandora's box so i'm sort of curious if the republicans won't be tempted to go all nuclear on a dem elected president at this point.

Everybody knows it's for max eighth years so i find it sort of infant like to blow up the future between both sides over an interlude in the big picture of american history.

Dems enjoy burning their bridges. Or at least the modern party. They are like stupid animals that can't conceive of a future and only live in the now.

Zen-like? No. Stupid and childish.

Talked to an old poli sci professor this weekend who is always right (at least to my knowledge). He is one of the people they pull out on elections to show charts and graphs.

Dude claims the Reps already have HUGE plans for Biden. Not if he wins. If he even secures the nomination. Day fucking one. Open season on him and his whole family. Biden is weak with that son of his so... they smell blood.

Everybody can play dirty. The dems will find out just how dirty stuff can get. They have no one to blame but their own sorry selves for opening the door.

Payback is a bitch. Reps won't even have to make up stuff about Biden and his psycho kid. They already have dossiers, all they need.

Grab your popcorn sit back and watch another shit show!
Last edited by kolyaboo#7295 on May 20, 2019, 6:21:40 PM
The_Impeacher wrote:
Boem wrote:

It's fairly obvious a president elected by a majority of the people should be supported by both sides of the political spectrum to push america as a whole forward.

If you're talking about Trump, he's a minority installation

Ah yes the minority.

"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln
The Reporter wrote:
LOL Are you talking about the Q dossiers?

I don't think you understood my post. You can't possibly know what they have since it is not public. I don't know either. I merely take the word of a reliable source.

Or are you trying to tell us (yet again) that you have supernatural powers of perception and can see all that happens in the world?

OK. No delusions of grandeur, eh?

Why the fuck didn't you inform all those people in the range of Fukushima what was about to happen? I mean, you did know, right?
Last edited by kolyaboo#7295 on May 20, 2019, 6:47:31 PM
DarthSki44 wrote:
The_Impeacher wrote:
Boem wrote:

It's fairly obvious a president elected by a majority of the people should be supported by both sides of the political spectrum to push america as a whole forward.

If you're talking about Trump, he's a minority installation

Ah yes the minority.

Clearly one blob of red vs multiple blobs of blue.

/statistical representation in 2019


Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes

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