rojimboo wrote:
Friendly reminder who to blame for climate change (hey Donald!)

Prosperity? You can live at 1850's standards if you want to but most of the world would say no thanks.
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
Xavderion wrote:
rojimboo wrote:
Friendly reminder who to blame for climate change (hey Donald!)

Prosperity? You can live at 1850's standards if you want to but most of the world would say no thanks.
Why would you have to live in a cave to decarbonise?

Are you spreading myths and fake news again tsk tsk.

Cumulatively, the US is by far the biggest polluter, and Trump is guilty of basically declaring war on science and research, the fool that he is.
rojimboo wrote:
Why would you have to live in a cave to decarbonise?

I wouldn't, thanks to the developments from 1850 and onward. Apparently you wanna profit off of those developments and at the same time blame them. Weird logic.
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
Xavderion wrote:
rojimboo wrote:
Why would you have to live in a cave to decarbonise?

I wouldn't, thanks to the developments from 1850 and onward. Apparently you wanna profit off of those developments and at the same time blame them. Weird logic.

TFW you are literally a meme.

Luna's Blackguards - a guild of bronies - is now recruiting! If you're a fan of our favourite chromatic marshmallow equines, hit me up with an add or whisper, and I'll invite you!
IGN: HopeYouAreFireProof

TFW you are literally a meme.

Only if you miss the point entirely.
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
Xavderion wrote:
rojimboo wrote:
Why would you have to live in a cave to decarbonise?

I wouldn't, thanks to the developments from 1850 and onward. Apparently you wanna profit off of those developments and at the same time blame them. Weird logic.

If only you could decouple GDP growth and CO2 emissions, hmmmm.

Oh Wait! You CAN!

Ps. AS mentioned, you are literally a meme Xav. ANd not a funny one.
rojimboo wrote:

If only you could decouple GDP growth and CO2 emissions, hmmmm.

You couldn't in 1850 and onward. That's the point.
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
Xavderion wrote:
rojimboo wrote:

If only you could decouple GDP growth and CO2 emissions, hmmmm.

You couldn't in 1850 and onward. That's the point.
I have no idea what your point is. Perhaps use more words, you know, the stuff of coherent sentences?
In retrospect I was breaking my own rule by googling and linking that image.
Luna's Blackguards - a guild of bronies - is now recruiting! If you're a fan of our favourite chromatic marshmallow equines, hit me up with an add or whisper, and I'll invite you!
IGN: HopeYouAreFireProof
rojimboo wrote:
I have no idea what your point is. Perhaps use more words, you know, the stuff of coherent sentences?

You're blaming the US for their cumulative carbon emissions since the 1850s as the key factor for rapid climate change. I said that blaming them makes no sense unless you'd be fine with living at the standard of the 1850s. You said no we could decarbonise and keep our current standards of living (which is debatable but I can see that with a couple more decades of technological progress so ultimately I agree). Now my point is that we can only decarbonise and keep our current standard of living because of the technological progress and prosperity we achieved from 1850s onward, which would've been impossible without the industrial revolution and the pollution that came with it.

There's no current level of progress and prosperity without the pollution which came beforehand. If you went back to the 1850s and told the people to stop the industrial revolution and go green instead, they literally wouldn't be able to as they have neither the knowledge nor the means to produce solar panels, wind turbines, hydroelectric dams etc. at an industrial level. So their only two choices would be to either stay at their current level of progress or to industrialize and pollute to achieve enough progress to some day go green. I'm glad we went with the latter but maybe you disagree.

GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.

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