As expected, the TDSers are in full denial. Only time will tell whether they'll eventually accept the truth or develop into Alex Jones tier conspiracy theorists. Remember our flat-earth/anti-vax guy on the forum? Do you really wanna be that guy?
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
coatofarms wrote:
But the Mueller report said there was insufficient evidence to prove or not prove collusion.

You keep repeating that lie even after you've been corrected twice. I wonder what your motives are.
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
Xavderion wrote:
As expected, the TDSers are in full denial. Only time will tell whether they'll eventually accept the truth or develop into Alex Jones tier conspiracy theorists. Remember our flat-earth/anti-vax guy on the forum? Do you really wanna be that guy?

That's quite ironic, looking at your favourite social media outlet would seem to suggest that magas are way more likely to be conspiracy theorists. Still, you're not a real maga.
Kellog wrote:

I've already agreed that the Dems need to focus on 2020, but the simple fact is we don't know what evidence there is. All we have is the word of a partisan AG. Until the full report and all supporting evidence can be evaluated we'll never know. Moreover, as already mentioned, it's not up to the AG to decide whether Trump is guilty or not; that falls on Congress. That simple fact alone cannot be ignored.

Nope. Don't let us stop you from your self righteous crusade. Just want you to know I am not marching that way.
Kellog wrote:
Xavderion wrote:
As expected, the TDSers are in full denial. Only time will tell whether they'll eventually accept the truth or develop into Alex Jones tier conspiracy theorists. Remember our flat-earth/anti-vax guy on the forum? Do you really wanna be that guy?

That's quite ironic, looking at your favourite social media outlet would seem to suggest that magas are way more likely to be conspiracy theorists. Still, you're not a real maga.

"no u" is not an argument, but this isn't a debate so I'll let it slide. I rarely deal in conspiracy theories. There's actually only two I believe in, one of those being that the CIA killed Kennedy. I'll leave the other one open.

Bonus Reddit nugget:

GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
Last edited by Xavderion on Mar 25, 2019, 4:53:39 AM
deathflower wrote:
Kellog wrote:

I've already agreed that the Dems need to focus on 2020, but the simple fact is we don't know what evidence there is. All we have is the word of a partisan AG. Until the full report and all supporting evidence can be evaluated we'll never know. Moreover, as already mentioned, it's not up to the AG to decide whether Trump is guilty or not; that falls on Congress. That simple fact alone cannot be ignored.

Nope. Don't let us stop you from your self righteous crusade. Just want you to know I am not marching that way.

If being self righteous is wanting to get to the truth then I'll be right at the front.
deathflower wrote:
Kellog wrote:
coatofarms wrote:
Of course Barr is biased. Barr said the Mueller report found no collusion. But the Mueller report said there was insufficient evidence to prove or not prove collusion.

If Barr was an honest man, he would have said that Mueller's findings found the results of the investigation to be inconclusive. Instead, Barr somehow concluded Mueller found no collusion (and all the newspapers are pathetically repeating Barr's claim) when Mueller's Report does not say that.

Indeed, this is a complete clusterfuck by the MSM. It's something I'd expect from the right-wing media. In reality, everyone should have taken a breath before reaching for their keyboards. All they've done is empower Trump and his magas.

You are missing the point, there is weak to no evidence of collusion or obstruction, THEY SHOULD DROP IT! DROP IT! DROP IT!

Wasting time, energy and political capital fighting losing battle is silly. Wasting time to Subpoena William Barr over semantics or his supposed bias on his report which he has barely time to read is silly. What would they gain going after William Barr. NOTHING.

Trump can't be indicted and he wouldn't be impeached, STOP TRYING.

You know what empower Trump and his MAGAS? The most glaring omission? Democrats failure to win. Democrats can't afford to lose 2020.

Taking Trump's initial candidacy seriously was a waste of time. Now look where we are. Letting Trump get away scot-free about his Russian "contacts" and focusing on 2020 is literally the dumbest fucking thing we could do right now. The showman would herd the sheeple and eventually dominate the elections, leaving people like you thinking what went wrong. Tsk tsk.

Don't forget, the incorrigible idjits are always far more numerous than smart people.
I'm starting to believe that Adam Schiff is in Putin's pocket, trying to sow division in America with baseless conspiracy theories. Someone should investigate him.

GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
I don't understand.

The paper Dalailama posted on page 665 clearly exonerated trump of collusion with russia.

Then it went on that it could not find sufficient evidence for obstruction.

So why are people still on the "trump-russia" thing.

I see a lot of post talking about the lack of evidence etc which was part of the obstruction part of the document, not the russian collusion part.



Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
Boem wrote:
I don't understand.

The paper Dalailama posted on page 665 clearly exonerated trump of collusion with russia.

Then it went on that it could not find sufficient evidence for obstruction.

So why are people still on the "trump-russia" thing.

I see a lot of post talking about the lack of evidence etc which was part of the obstruction part of the document, not the russian collusion part.




Did you read the reply I made to your earlier post? Did you read Barr's memo of last year?

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