u doing it right :D
So there I was, putting on my rape shoes, and practicing my sexual harassment pickup lines this morning. I just got done cyberbullying my coworkers. It was time to shave, I yelled at my wife to smile because I demand it, while pinching her butt right after she told me she didn't consent to it. Putting on the shaving cream and thinking about how I can get my son into a fight at the next BBQ, I replaced the worn Gillette brand Mach3 and began to chant "boys will be boys" as I started to shave. Then suddenly my daughter burst into the bathroom holding her phone. As I began to mansplain to her why she isn't smart enough to know my shaving time is my time she showed me the new Gillette ad. I realized how my every view and behavior I've ever held dear was wrong. I'm calling in sick at the toxic masculinity factory today and registering Democrat. Thanks Gillette, now excuse me while I help to impeach.

GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
If you can't understand that those behaviors shouldn't be accepted in a society (and that was the point of the ad), then I don't know what to tell you. Maybe to get your head out of your butt?

As someone that had been bullied for nearly all of my school years, I wish society could have done something about it because even today I still suffer from that shit.

And yet, I got away from it relatively well compared to some. School bullying is the highest cause of suicide in schools. Reflect a bit on that.
Build of the week #9 - Breaking your face with style
IGN: Poltun
Oh lol Xavderion is hilarious today. Nearly choked on my after dinner drink.
The American Psychiatric Association also recently put out guidelines for combating traditional masculinity. Harmful effects of traditional masculinity are reported as: anti-femininity; undue focus on achievement; eschewal of the appearance of weakness; seeking adventure, risk, and violence; and recognition and appreciation of satire.

Drink your soy, lads.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Last edited by ScrotieMcB#2697 on Jan 14, 2019, 9:56:21 PM
faerwin wrote:
Xavderion wrote:
Amazing and absolutely disgusting at the same time.

On a side note, I wonder how much spit is in that food

Meanwhile, hundreds of thousands are having trouble getting their kids fed because the worlds worst deal maker and Kremlin mobster is an extortionist.
faerwin wrote:

That's how meme works, right?

Truth. Putin is the big winner

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