Xavderion wrote:
rojimboo wrote:
Why is illegal immigration bad then?

Ask her.
Why? I was asking you. Do you not know?
rojimboo wrote:
Xavderion wrote:
rojimboo wrote:
Why is illegal immigration bad then?

Ask her.
Why? I was asking you. Do you not know?

I think he's pointing to a single person that was murdered by an illegal. Statistically it doesn't pan out because immigrants or illegal immigrants commit less crimes than citizens. From a practical point of this specific case, it doesn't really pan out either because if a "wall" had been in place chances are the murderer would have gotten across the border anyway.
Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired!
Turtledove wrote:

I think he's pointing to a single person that was murdered by an illegal. Statistically it doesn't pan out because immigrants or illegal immigrants commit less crimes than citizens. From a practical point of this specific case, it doesn't really pan out either because if a "wall" had been in place chances are the murderer would have gotten across the border anyway.

First of all, illegal immigrants have a 100% crime rate if we agree that crossing the border illegaly is... well, illegal. Secondly, saying "well statistically..." after someone got killed is a bit tasteless but I'd pay money to see that point being brought up at a eulogy of a victim of illegal immigrant crime (I enjoy cringe). And you have that last point the other way round, what you meant to say is if a wall had been in place, chances are that woman would still be alive.
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
Trump is a failure. Now tens of thousands government employees will suffer and the US will be less safe because he couldn't convince Mexico to pay for his racism monument. SAD

Who will Americans blame if the government shuts down? Time to look at the poll again.

鬼殺し wrote:

So let me get this right.

People vote in a blowhard who charges in making empty promises, pretty much the same thing he's been doing for decades in the private sector, because he's not the other guy or whatever. Their reason doesn't matter, just go with it. The man is in.

One of his biggest promises is to build a wall. The biggest, most beautiful wall. And on top of that, he's going to get the guys on the OTHER SIDE to pay for it. Wow, that's tremendous.

A year or so later, the wall doesn't exist. The other guys are like fuck you. Political opponents are like fuck you. The government goes into shutdown. Christmas looms.

So the response to this by the people who voted the blowhard in based on that promise (and others) to say, no worries, we'll pay for it.

So instead of holding the blowhard accountable for a promise he can't keep, those people want to support his empty promise out of their own pocket. It's almost as if they don't know what 'taxes' are for. What politicians are meant to do, as a job.

Are these people fucking stupid?

Please let me know if I've gotten any of that wrong because that's what it sure looks like.

Big unnecessary wastes of money but how dare you comment on how America waste their money. America waste trillions of dollars in wars in Middle East. A few billions is really nothing. America might get a free wall funded by Trump supporters.
deathflower wrote:
Trump is a failure. Now tens of thousands government employees will suffer and the US will be less safe because he couldn't convince Mexico to pay for his racism monument. SAD

Who will Americans blame if the government shuts down? Time to look at the poll again.

鬼殺し wrote:

So let me get this right.

People vote in a blowhard who charges in making empty promises, pretty much the same thing he's been doing for decades in the private sector, because he's not the other guy or whatever. Their reason doesn't matter, just go with it. The man is in.

One of his biggest promises is to build a wall. The biggest, most beautiful wall. And on top of that, he's going to get the guys on the OTHER SIDE to pay for it. Wow, that's tremendous.

A year or so later, the wall doesn't exist. The other guys are like fuck you. Political opponents are like fuck you. The government goes into shutdown. Christmas looms.

So the response to this by the people who voted the blowhard in based on that promise (and others) to say, no worries, we'll pay for it.

So instead of holding the blowhard accountable for a promise he can't keep, those people want to support his empty promise out of their own pocket. It's almost as if they don't know what 'taxes' are for. What politicians are meant to do, as a job.

Are these people fucking stupid?

Please let me know if I've gotten any of that wrong because that's what it sure looks like.

Big unnecessary wastes of money but how dare you comment on how America waste their money. America waste trillions of dollars in wars in Middle East. A few billions is really nothing. America might get a free wall funded by Trump supporters.

Trump has claimed that Mexico is paying for the wall indirectly. Because he got such a wonderful improved trade agreement. This is a stupid lie by our lying President though. Mexico does not give money to the US government in that agreement. Mexican citizens do give any money to the US government in that agreement. There is no indirect money going to pay for the wall. It is just another silly lie by our lying President.
Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired!
Turtledove wrote:

Trump has claimed that Mexico is paying for the wall indirectly. Because he got such a wonderful improved trade agreement. This is a stupid lie by our lying President though. Mexico does not give money to the US government in that agreement. Mexican citizens do give any money to the US government in that agreement. There is no indirect money going to pay for the wall. It is just another silly lie by our lying President.

Would Trump and his supporters care if the wall is funded by America Tax payers instead Mexico? Nope, they would consider it a win. I thought thinking otherwise is just silly.
Last edited by deathflower on Dec 22, 2018, 9:14:01 PM
Xavderion wrote:
Turtledove wrote:

I think he's pointing to a single person that was murdered by an illegal. Statistically it doesn't pan out because immigrants or illegal immigrants commit less crimes than citizens. From a practical point of this specific case, it doesn't really pan out either because if a "wall" had been in place chances are the murderer would have gotten across the border anyway.

First of all, illegal immigrants have a 100% crime rate if we agree that crossing the border illegaly is... well, illegal. Secondly, saying "well statistically..." after someone got killed is a bit tasteless but I'd pay money to see that point being brought up at a eulogy of a victim of illegal immigrant crime (I enjoy cringe). And you have that last point the other way round, what you meant to say is if a wall had been in place, chances are that woman would still be alive.

You really aren't making sense. You are being tasteless and silly in thinking that one murder can somehow prove your false assertion.

But the social-science research on immigration and crime is clear: Undocumented immigrants are considerably less likely to commit crime than native-born citizens, with immigrants legally in the United States even less likely to do so.

Even Heritage Foundation, a conservative organization says,

The Wall Is Not Enough. Here’s How to Solve Illegal Immigration.
There are also hundreds of thousands of visitors to the U.S. who continue overstay their visas. So it’s worth considering, at the outset of 2018, how to solve this problem.
t’s clear that the U.S. can make improvements at its borders to stop additional illegal immigration. These include adding physical barriers where they would be effective, improved technology to monitor the border, and ensuring that we have appropriately equipped border patrol agents watching our border.

This holistic approach of combining barriers, technology, and people is the cost-effective way to secure the border. Build “the wall” is not enough.

Congress and the administration could build a large wall on a mountain in the middle of a desert in New Mexico, but that would not be the best use of limited security dollars. The mountainous terrain already acts as a natural wall that prevents border crossing.

Furthermore, a wall in a remote desert would barely slow down illegal immigrants. It would only take them a few minutes to get over the wall, but after that it would take them hours to reach the nearest town or road—the proverbial speedbump in the desert.

Instead, our tax money would be better spent on technology or additional agents would could respond to and detect illegal crossings.
But let’s step back. Is better border security even the main way to stop illegal immigration?

It is certainly a piece of puzzle. The more important piece, however, is the enforcement of U.S. immigration law within the country.

Our President is just being a political hack and racist going on about the wall and you have swallowed his whole story hook-line-and-sinker. Open your eyes and get a better grasp of reality. Listening to our lying President is not the best way to do that.

Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired!
You've hit the cultists right where it hurts most. Truth is the most difficult thing for them to accept.

As they say (they're all saying it), the truth hurts.
deathflower wrote:
faerwin wrote:
calling such a mess beautiful is a joke XD

Come on liberals start chanting "Shut it down Shut it down Shut it down" You don't wanna pay for the wall, right? Threats only work when you feel fear. You probably want to shut it down if you are feeling vindictive. Shutdown would actually paralyzed Trump's administration. Show him who's boss.

The joke would be on Trump if the government goes into a prolonged shutdown over this border wall. Who care if Shutdown would leave hundreds without pay before Christmas, blame it on Trump.

I disagree, it is a beautiful mess.

I meant the wall appearance.
Build of the week #9 - Breaking your face with style
IGN: Poltun
If the racist donations continue at the current pace, it will take about 32 years to pay for the wall. Not bad.

(based on 30 billion cost)

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