[3.9] Windz's Generic Miner Sabo (Arc/Pyroclast focused)

Mirchea wrote:
ShadowGenisys wrote:

There is a bit of an issue with PS/VPS, it's an "attack", we usually scale spell damage, KB is an exception cuz of mad overlapping explosions but PS, I'm unsure if it's going to cut it.

Fair point.

ShadowGenisys wrote:

Now, if only those projectiles could shotgun or hit the same target more than once, I would change to KB mines + PS/VPS in a blink of an eye, sadly, it doesn't and barrage is still the shit for single target and it's pretty fkn annoying to use on bosses if you want to scale proj, mines and attack damage instead. Though, big thing to note is Bear trap might make it a whole lot easier to burn bosses down with Barrage Mines this league :)

If you use GMP with the new version, wouldn't the projectiles be close enough to hit the same target? And, I'm not too familiar with bear trap or traps generally speaking. How would that work exactly and with which gems?

Also, are you going to start with a shadow or a scion?

Shadow into Saboteur is the safe bet.

Though, being a min-maxer Scion opens a lot of variation such as LL (if you're into that) though, with that new unique belt leaked a few weeks ago, we might not even need to go that route, but elementalist for beacon of ruin for guaranteed shock + effectiveness might be nice for people sticking around with arc mines :)

With the changes to Sabo's mini nodes and shadow passive tree in general, it might be a pain in the ass to map with a Scion version, the main issue people might encounter is mine's clunkiness from not having enough mine recovery or instant detonation. For a pure boss killer, yeah sure thing, Scion would probably be where I'd go, for carries and such in 3.2 but Saboteur can do that as well w/o suffering from mine laying issues/speed-

In 3.3 and it's addition of a crap ton of new stuff to toy around with as well, like that new belt which makes your toon count as LL w/o being LL + dertermination/hatred watcher's eye to counter it's negative effect allows for some interesting gearing choices like brightbeak for perma onslaught and global damage increase.

Also about GMP + PS, Pretty sure BEX mentioned that the projectiles can't hit the same target once as it fans out in a 180 degree angle and auto targets. Though, if it can shotgun, it'd be pretty neat to use.

Edit: Bear Trap- Slows bosses like nobody's business- works with increased duration, etc, etc and have a strong slow with a reducing effect, much like how chill works, where enemies would gradually get back to normal speed, the initial slow from the video was used against Phoenix and the punk slowed down close to a crawl which simply means for Barrage miners= mad dps, esp if they can burst the crap out of bosses, it does a ton of damage but requires the target to be like close/almost on top of the mines for mad burst damage which is pretty annoying to get done when shit's going too fast. <---- Yeah, I've tried that in 3.2 too.

Edit 2: Oh, it also make enemies take increased damage from traps and mines.
Last edited by ShadowGenisys#1121 on May 30, 2018, 10:52:01 AM
btw, since no fire trap for us early. What do we go as lvling 1-12?
SSF viable?
Sorry if has been asked, didn't find the right answer.
Is it possible to SSF this build?

Very thank you.
playing this build in ssf is very possible, but they added around 40 new lab enchants which makes getting the gc head enchant even more impossible in SSF.

you might have to do some pob'ing to figure out optimal gem setups without the additional conversion
What about early leveling now that fire trap is gone?
What do you think will be stronger in 3.3: arc mines or GC mines? I want to play one for my league starter but I'm not sure which.
storm159 wrote:
What about early leveling now that fire trap is gone?

maybe go explosive trap?
So Windz what should our Arc links be in the helm? Arc, Trap and Mine dmg, Remote mine and Minefield or Inc Crits?

And also, which gems do you reckon we should level with?
Last edited by AbdulJafreeze#3262 on May 30, 2018, 7:10:33 PM
ShadowGenisys wrote:

Now, if only those projectiles could shotgun or hit the same target more than once, I would change to KB mines + PS/VPS in a blink of an eye, sadly, it doesn't and barrage is still the shit for single target and it's pretty fkn annoying to use on bosses if you want to scale proj, mines and attack damage instead.

Bowers/wanders use many abyss jewels with flat dmg for their atk skills, while miner will prefer spell dmg/crit. However, is that the only option we have? Can't we just scale elem/phy dmg, global crit chance/multi, then just go full conversion? It should benefit both KB/PS and GC, right?
And, if this assumption is accurate, we could avoid using barrage.

ShadowGenisys wrote:

Shadow into Saboteur is the safe bet.

Though, being a min-maxer Scion opens a lot of variation such as LL (if you're into that) though, with that new unique belt leaked a few weeks ago, we might not even need to go that route, but elementalist for beacon of ruin for guaranteed shock + effectiveness might be nice for people sticking around with arc mines :)

With the changes to Sabo's mini nodes and shadow passive tree in general, it might be a pain in the ass to map with a Scion version, the main issue people might encounter is mine's clunkiness from not having enough mine recovery or instant detonation. For a pure boss killer, yeah sure thing, Scion would probably be where I'd go, for carries and such in 3.2 but Saboteur can do that as well w/o suffering from mine laying issues/speed-

To be honest, I was not sure to go GC Miner, until you mentioned new mechanics. I played it for two leagues already, and went pretty far with the last one.

My current version - while not fully min/maxed - can pretty much do uber elder deathless on my own realm. It took me around 20 runs to achieve. We do not have endurance charges, so we cannot "cheese" half of the fight with immortal call. Also, unlike VD, GC always aim for the nearest target - even if they have immunity. So, we have to stick fairly close to Shaper, which in turn is quite dangerous. Mostly due to the beam at point blank range, and elder getting re-positioned in a bad spot (corner) through his slams. On the next ring, you have hardly any space left for dodging the incoming attacks.

Other content does not provide me any challenge at all... So, going scion would have allowed me to try the LL version, or respec into something else at some point. And, I am not a big fan of leveling several characters per league, since I like pushing my builds as far as possible.

If there are some viable options to make mapping more enjoyable as a sabo, at least in terms of clear speed, I might end up making another one though.

ShadowGenisys wrote:

In 3.3 and it's addition of a crap ton of new stuff to toy around with as well, like that new belt which makes your toon count as LL w/o being LL + dertermination/hatred watcher's eye to counter it's negative effect allows for some interesting gearing choices like brightbeak for perma onslaught and global damage increase.

I will have to look into this.
If PS is still available in A1, I am planning to use it with two storm prisons for leveling. ^^
Last edited by Mirchea#2330 on May 30, 2018, 11:36:15 PM
storm159 wrote:
What about early leveling now that fire trap is gone?

I missed that information, really. I guess the wiki is still filled with old information about gems?

Edit: I tried Arc mines in the helmet slot (shaper with remote mines on), so on a 5 link with the old gem and with the life/ mom tree for GC mines. Was able to kill trash in T16 maps (139% rolled) with 2 placements. I guess that might be indeed a good added 4 - link (instead of arcane surge links?) for leveling/ mapping.

Anyway: I do not have an open skill-slot, really and with arc it would be possible to use vaal arc as well, issnt it?
Last edited by Oxygene_PoE#6463 on May 31, 2018, 1:58:24 AM

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