[3.9] Windz's Generic Miner Sabo (Arc/Pyroclast focused)
" I have 5k hp with 1.7 k mana for mom and more than 2.5mil effective dmg with just one set of mines so deadeye cantcome near the high potential of a miner. Trust your mind and strengthen your abilities!
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" Dropping defenses works when you have gear like yours. But I have 4498hp when using a shield with 101 life. Dropping it would leave me around 4.2k hp, not the 5k you have. Like I said, my gear is garbage, but this build still works on a crazy low budget. This league I'm level 92 and have found 0 Ex, 0 Divines, 0 Carto boxes, 0 Diviner boxes, 0 items worth more than 2c, and all my currency is going into buying maps because I am getting no returns. At level 90 my highest map tier done was tier 9. That's hundreds of low level maps done to level up with nothing to show for it. |
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" Dude. It sounds like you have the worst luck on the entire planet, and possibly in the known universe. If I were you , I wouldn't venture outside on the fear of being killed by falling airplane parts. :) |
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just tried yoke but i lost my 50% of the dmg by swapping out my amulet
i dont think 10% shock chance is worth swapping in yoke's because its too small to be effective instantly. Trust your mind and strengthen your abilities!
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" Do you even know what you're talking about there? Edit: That's why Yoke is great. We're a crit build, we shock on crit regardless. Yoke is used because it let your elemental damage SHOCK the bosses, if built properly, you can even shock Shaper for massive damage, upwards of 50% MORE multiplier; just in case you might think 50% increased damage is the same, let me tell you it's not, shock is by far the strongest multiplier in this game, the reason why Vinktar and Vaal lightning trap was brought in line. This is a test I've conducted: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0dtgwl6Dr8A Full health Shaper: skip to 45 seconds, there's where he gets off his immune phase shenannigans and he dies at 47 seconds. Phoenix: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F2pW4z3Tq5g Same thing. I've told you before, tooltip damage isn;t everything. Last edited by ShadowGenisys#1121 on Apr 20, 2018, 6:20:14 AM
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" lol,thanks for proving a point here. :) Last edited by L00n#7819 on Apr 20, 2018, 7:43:05 AM
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" I just completed the bestiary today, and I will start farming uber lab for endgame grind soon. If I can get the conversion enchantment, I will probably use that second intuitive leap. :) " You are no real min/maxer if you do not get that extra frenzy charge on your yoke! They are fairly cheap at the moment, so it is totally worth corrupting them. " I guess I will go through it one more time so that it can finally sink in. "Shock is an elemental ailment associated with lightning that causes the affected target to take increased damage from all sources. A hit of damage that has a chance to shock is capable of inflicting shock. Critical strikes inherently have a 100% chance to shock. You can also gain chance to shock via gear or the passive skill tree. By default, only lightning damage is able to inflict shock, but certain equipment can change which damage types are able to inflict shock." (from the wiki) With the yoke of suffering, ALL your elemental damages can shock. In other words, your cold and fire damage can shock as well. Why is this important? Because "the damage increase [from shock] scales relative to the amount of [...] damage dealt to the enemy's maximum life". So, to put it simply, the more damage you deal, the more damage increase you get - till you reach a certain cap. And, as Adder explained earlier, it keeps ramping up. " Your first hit will shock the target and give you increased damage. Then, the second hit will hit harder, and give you even more increased damage, and so on. Also, if you self cast frost bomb - and have some added fire damage to spells - you can benefit from "enemies take 5% increased Damage for each type of Ailment you have" as ignite does not require any threshold to be applied. Unfortunately, this is not displayed correctly on the in game tooltip, so it cannot be used for enlarging your epeen. You could argue that it takes too long for the yoke to show its usefulness - given your current dps - though I highly doubt you can kill shaper in "one hit" (ie 1 mine). If you are just playing for having the highest number on your tooltip that is perfectly fine, but please do not mislead others by saying that x or y is garbo - without even understanding how it works. Plus, the yoke only costs 5c. With a budget of over 100 exa, anyone can deal ridiculous dps... Yet, if it was really your aim, you would not use controlled destruction in your 6L. As I said before, concentrated effect is far better for that. And, if you really feel like it is slowing you down for mapping - which should not be the case with demolition specialist - just alternate it with increased area of effect. One for doing end game bosses, and the other for mapping. NB: Even though a well-rolled loreweave is a really nice armor, there is no way that it trivialize a farrul's fur + wise oak as you claimed earlier. Both have their strong points. Last edited by Mirchea#2330 on Apr 20, 2018, 9:40:58 AM
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" Dude, you have 40% conversion on your helm enchant. So your GC is 100% conversion from phys to ele... |
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" uh ? Trust your mind and strengthen your abilities!
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i knew i would get instant hate because people cant think outside of their tiny little boxes ^^
i think this will be my last message on this thread. i will keep pushing my dmg further. 153k might be current but its not my final touch on the build. i pity on the fools thinks stacking shock will give them more damage than i got ^^ bb ps: gotta love the guy who killed elder 5 times in this league giving me a lecture :D Trust your mind and strengthen your abilities!
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