[3.9] Windz's Generic Miner Sabo (Arc/Pyroclast focused)

Solmyr77 wrote:
droodic wrote:
The MoM variation of this guide is super confusing, the guide has so many PoB links all around, and some differ from what the guide is saying so I don't know which to follow anymore lol (PoB still has deciever belt, shows to get Bomb Specialist / Demo / Explosive expert when guide says to get Pyro second, PoB tells you to go Phys to Cold helm enchant but certain parts of the guide tell you to get +1 mine, one PoB tells you to get atziris step(?))

Would really appreciate a clearing up on those things / a good PoB from anyone here

I have toyed around with PoB quite a bit and am rather fond of my current tree.

Here's a quick comparison with the guide's (lvl93 pastebin link)tree:

Given that my tree is at lvl94, I have added the best single node I could find (5% life) to the guide's one before taking that screenshot.

The config tab or my items shouldn't matter for the sake of this comparison.

So damage is 2.6% worse, EHP are better because of the mana gain and then I have both Acro and Phase Acro.

I don't play enough to judge if Phase Acro is worth it, but you could always trade those four points for damage (Will of Blades and Amplify), which would come out ahead of the guide's damage values then.

Note that I have 2 less AoE radius in my tree (Amplify and Blast Radius each account for 1), but I have permanent Inc AoE from my helmet, the two Long Winters and a poor man's armor (Carcass Jack) to make up for that.

My tree is
http://poeurl.com/bRWI (as is)
http://poeurl.com/bRWH (damage modification)

The dodge from Acro is flat, right? I could see it working well with Born in the Shadows.
KIlled uber elder in one hit with this 6-link weapon,

kan3 wrote:
KIlled uber elder in one hit with this 6-link weapon,

Any tips for Hall of the Grandmaster? Will try do it today or tommorow (want to level to 90 first, 89 atm) but never tried it. I heard I need Scorching Ray but I dont know why. Do I need to change something in my setup to be able complete this map?
So I've been trying the LL version of this build, but I realize now that it's going to be INSANELY expensive to get the survivability of it with all the ES needed to the point where it's better than the Life/MoM version. I bought a 6L shavs and still have roughly 13ex left on the budget, but it just doesn't seem like it will get me anywhere near where I need to be to kill uber elder, which is the reason I made the character.

Does the LL version really have more dps as well? Comparing the some LL PoB links with the life/MoM version, it seems like the Life version comes out ahead, even if it uses a shield as well.

I'm not sure if, at this point with 13ex left to spend after buying a 6L shavs, it would be better to swap to the Life/MoM version. Anybody have any suggestions?
So i'm currently leveling this build up. I'm only in Act 6. But I just got all of my skill gems together. I have Detonate Mines, Spell Totem Support, Faster Casting, and increased duration all linked together. I have laid down mines, and casted the detonate mines. The only thing that happens is that a totem comes up. It doesn't actually detonate the mines. I just end up doing that using the D key. How is this supposed to work exactly? Is it just better to 4 link some other spells and use the D key to blow up the mines? I also noticed that increased duration doesn't support any of the skills. Please let me know what i'm doing wrong here, or how my thinking is wrong. I certainly feel like i'm missing out on something. Thanks!

Edit, nevermind I figured some of it out. I was casting my mines first. But throw down totem first, then mines on top of it and they auto detonate instantly.
Last edited by Acideyez on Apr 6, 2018, 2:21:35 PM
Acideyez wrote:
So i'm currently leveling this build up. I'm only in Act 6. But I just got all of my skill gems together. I have Detonate Mines, Spell Totem Support, Faster Casting, and increased duration all linked together. I have laid down mines, and casted the detonate mines. The only thing that happens is that a totem comes up. It doesn't actually detonate the mines. I just end up doing that using the D key. How is this supposed to work exactly? Is it just better to 4 link some other spells and use the D key to blow up the mines? I also noticed that increased duration doesn't support any of the skills. Please let me know what i'm doing wrong here, or how my thinking is wrong. I certainly feel like i'm missing out on something. Thanks!

Totem comes out, he detonates your mines if there are enemies on sight. While he's doing that, you put out more mines. Increased Duration should affect the duration of the totem (base duration is 8 seconds). Use D to blow your mines manually if mapping.
Last edited by leafyr0kr on Apr 6, 2018, 2:21:33 PM

I got some daggers that I don't need so if somebody is interested hit me up
ingame: HiddenRyo
Shimmeron build
No 20/20 gems (gc is only 20/20) other gems was like 15/20, working at +1 shaper chest and looking for 21/20 gc but thats is already overkill for shaper, running other version of tree (6 power charges)
Last edited by AphexWoot on Apr 6, 2018, 7:40:42 PM
Shimmeron build
No 20/20 gems (gc is only 20/20) other gems was like 15/20, working at +1 shaper chest and looking for 21/20 gc but thats is already overkill for shaper, running other version of tree (6 power charges)

Nice, mind opening profile / sharing PoB?

Also unrelated :
Crafted this with a few alts, I guess it's decent for mapping as a whirling blades stick. Should I keep it as is or is it worth multimod ?

Last edited by droodic on Apr 6, 2018, 11:59:47 PM

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