3.0 Cold Pen Glacial Cascade Mines

kan3 wrote:
I don't think this build is end-game viable, has any tried to do uber lab / uber atziri or shaper?

Im going uber lab today with around 30k dmg tooltip no carcass jack yet
Uber atziri should be also ez, im missing 2 pieces to go try, spent all ccy for a 6L tremor staff, in case anyone wanna donate the remaining pieces, mortal hope and grief
PM or IGN SimbolRO
Last edited by radu0423 on Aug 11, 2017, 5:22:52 AM
What purpose does the spell totem have? Iam kinda confused ._.
radu0423 wrote:
kan3 wrote:
I don't think this build is end-game viable, has any tried to do uber lab / uber atziri or shaper?

Im going uber lab today with around 30k dmg tooltip no carcass jack yet
Uber atziri should be also ez, im missing 2 pieces to go try, spent all ccy for a 6L tremor staff, in case anyone wanna donate the remaining pieces, mortal hope and grief

I did Uber Lab with 15k tooltip and no Carcass Jack. Only the last Izaro fight was a little bit sketchy...

LoniLoni wrote:
What purpose does the spell totem have? Iam kinda confused ._.

It's there to explode your mines for you, so you can focus on dodging damage, especially in bossfights.
Ascendancy order anyone?
Hey guys, can anyone send me a link of socketed/linked gear of the glacial cascade mine pleasE? because when i go on the pastebin link all i get is alot of words and numbers jumbled up in mambo jumbo. thanks if anyone can help me.
You have to copy down all that text and then paste it in a program called Path of Building. That will load up all the relevant information.

What do you guys do about the Mana? I keep on chuggin mana pots like a Irishman beers.
LoniLoni wrote:
What do you guys do about the Mana? I keep on chuggin mana pots like a Irishman beers.

1. Lots of mana (more mana = more mana regen).

2. Lots of mana regen on gear. Resists to cap and life are more important, but after that mana regen and raw mana are probably most important.

3. Vaal Clarity. It has a pretty low soul requirement (16-32, depending on what act you're on) and with the speed at which you clear things you can have it up almost constantly. At the very least you can have it up every time you drop a Detonate Mines totem and spam your mines. Try to get one early, they're pretty cheap. It helps a ton even while leveling.

4. Tremor Rod helps, because it means you (in theory) only need to drop half the mines (since you can detonate each mine twice).

Even with that, it's not unusual to have to use mana flasks pretty regularly. I don't feel the need to carry more than one, but I do use that one pretty often.
Orrav wrote:
Is it best to go for MoM right away? Or is it better to go for something like Force Shaper and Doom Cast first?

Go for MoM first. Partly because getting to the life wheel southwest of Scion start is pretty important, and MoM is right on the way. Force Shaper is very nice and is probably what you should go for as soon as you have that life wheel. The crit nodes should be saved for last because they just don't help that much until your gear level gets higher.

kan3 wrote:
I don't think this build is end-game viable, has any tried to do uber lab / uber atziri or shaper?

I think that's going to depend more on player ability than in most builds. Facetanking anything that can resist your initial barrage of Vaal Clarity-fueled mine spam will end in tears. It's got the damage, but its survivability is going to depend on good move speed, Flame Dash, and situational awareness. Mana is going to be an issue if you can't avoid hits, and refilling flasks/recharging Vaal gems off adds is going to be very important.

I haven't done any of the real endgame yet (just not high enough level yet), and I'm not really sure how it's going to go.
Can someone please give suggestions / advice on my gear, I keep dying in higher tier maps.

Thank you very much.

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