[3.3] BloodFlurry (18+ mill dps), Instant Leech, Inc. Hardcore Version (Elder/Shaper/Guardians/Uber)

zabosnu wrote:

If you use elemental focus then you won't be able to shock, so you will lose a lot of damage.

You're not going to shock him anyways unless you have gear for 1K exalts or so.

The whole PoB for 17 mill DPS thing is a tooltip warrior joke, and I guess the others are similar:

- 17 mill is vs white mobs, yeah you need that to compare ^^

- Shocked checked, even though you cant shock bosses with a few million DPS, and even if you could, you definitely wouldnt shock for 50% Increased Damage

- Power Charges checked, but no way to sustain except the 20% Chance against enemies on full life

- Running Blood Rage with no way to fight the degen, plus Abyssus that increases the degen

- Temp buffs like Ancestral Protector, Blood Rage, Orb of Storm with CoH, Frost Bomb, Vaal Haste... highly unlikely you can have all those constantly up while fighting.

- 10 of those 17 mill are from flasks that you cant refill vs bosses

- 5 perfect jewels with life, dual multi and all res ^^

So if I take out ONLY the checkmarks for stuff you dont usually have (power charges, shock, flasks) and calculate the DPS vs Shaper/Guardians you have 2.2 million sustainable DPS left, out of 17 million claimed. That still leaves the insane jewels and other very very good gear for a temp league (like perfect Abyssus, culling Moonbender, perf Kaoms etc etc) and all those temporary buffs. And you pay for that by using an Abyssus that gives you 30% of those 2.2 mill remaining DPS and no way to mitigate that increased damage taken except 5.7K life and flasks that wont refill vs bosses.

I'll leave the conclusions up to the people who wanna try the build. Gotta believe in human intelligence.
IGN: @JanusHuntress

Thanks GGG for caring so much about your players: https://redd.it/57wexj
Last edited by Janus171#4754 on Sep 14, 2017, 3:47:38 AM

Ok check my PoB, what to upgrade next?
Last edited by imbafromNorth#6595 on Sep 14, 2017, 5:21:00 AM
Janus171 wrote:
zabosnu wrote:

If you use elemental focus then you won't be able to shock, so you will lose a lot of damage.

You're not going to shock him anyways unless you have gear for 1K exalts or so.

The whole PoB for 17 mill DPS thing is a tooltip warrior joke, and I guess the others are similar:

- 17 mill is vs white mobs, yeah you need that to compare ^^

- Shocked checked, even though you cant shock bosses with a few million DPS, and even if you could, you definitely wouldnt shock for 50% Increased Damage

- Power Charges checked, but no way to sustain except the 20% Chance against enemies on full life

- Running Blood Rage with no way to fight the degen, plus Abyssus that increases the degen

- Temp buffs like Ancestral Protector, Blood Rage, Orb of Storm with CoH, Frost Bomb, Vaal Haste... highly unlikely you can have all those constantly up while fighting.

- 10 of those 17 mill are from flasks that you cant refill vs bosses

- 5 perfect jewels with life, dual multi and all res ^^

So if I take out ONLY the checkmarks for stuff you dont usually have (power charges, shock, flasks) and calculate the DPS vs Shaper/Guardians you have 2.2 million sustainable DPS left, out of 17 million claimed. That still leaves the insane jewels and other very very good gear for a temp league (like perfect Abyssus, culling Moonbender, perf Kaoms etc etc) and all those temporary buffs. And you pay for that by using an Abyssus that gives you 30% of those 2.2 mill remaining DPS and no way to mitigate that increased damage taken except 5.7K life and flasks that wont refill vs bosses.

I'll leave the conclusions up to the people who wanna try the build. Gotta believe in human intelligence.

1) After the changes made to how shock works in 3.0, this build WILL ALWAYS SHOCK enemies. If you lack clarity on that fact, you can easily refer to the 3.0 patch notes. On the topic of 'Degree of shock' applied, you will easily shock 90+% of all enemies (including bosses) to the full 50%. Why? Because this build instantly melts bosses in less than a second (easily fulfilling the 10% of HP in a single hit in most scenarios, and this is speaking from practical testing).

2) Lets move on to Power charges. In the first place, the line '20% Chance against enemies on full life' is the ascendant assassin node, which this build NEVER took. Hence, are you even reading the correct build guide? Probably not, otherwise you would have easily read the part about swapping to Jaws of Agony in an off swap, which lets you generate power charges for those bigger boss fights, for more comfortable kills. However, in practice, you dont even need the power charges for white mobs or bosses like shaper.

3) Blood Rage? This build does not even use Blood Rage. Either your ability to read and comprehend information is low, or you are hallucinating. Please read up the build guide and pastebins correctly before you spout nonsense, and maybe get your eyes checked as well.

4) Temp buffs. I am deeply sorry that you lack the basic skill to read, but it is even more saddening to know that you have to complain about pressing multiple buttons, thereby hinting at your distinct lack of hand-eye-coordination. When killing most enemies, you do not need any of these buffs, you will still be melting map bosses and mobs no problem. In the situations where you do want to pump out the max DPS, you can easily drop your totem, pop vaal haste, drop an orb of storms and frostbomb (it IS almost like there is a gif of that in the build).

5) Flasks. 100% flask up time when running maps. Bosses die before your flasks even run out (and your flasks have at least 2 uses). OH NO, HOW CAN I REFILL MY FLASKS IF THE BOSS IS DEAD.

6) Lets talk about gear and jewels. The only mandatory unique is moonbender's wing (culling strike is a nice bonus, that isnt even counted into the Path of Building DPS). There are so many variations of this build with varying levels of gear. Without Abyssus and without perfect jewels, you can melt shaper easily as well. The build works fine without needing a lot of great gear, but with that being said, it is also relatively easy to get great jewels and gear with enough farming in a temp league. Many people have already farmed GG gear in the new league.

It is funny how you mention human intelligence, but fail to understand the basics of this build guide. It is perfectly acceptable to critique and offer constructive criticism, but that actually takes critical thinking and comprehension.
Last edited by iSo1iD#4681 on Sep 14, 2017, 5:43:44 AM
iSo1iD wrote:

1) After the changes made to how shock works in 3.0, this build WILL ALWAYS SHOCK enemies. If you lack clarity on that fact, you can easily refer to the 3.0 patch notes. On the topic of 'Degree of shock' applied, you will easily shock 90+% of all enemies (including bosses) to the full 50%. Why? Because this build instantly melts bosses in less than a second (easily fulfilling the 10% of HP in a single hit in most scenarios, and this is speaking from practical testing).

From the Wiki:
The base duration of shock is 2 seconds and the damage increase scales relative to the amount of Lightning damage dealt to the enemy's maximum life. Increased damage from shock is capped at 50% at 10% of the target's maximum life dealt by Lightning damage, scaling down to 0% at no damage. Increased shock effect will reduce the threshold required to reach the cap. For example, with 100% increased Shock effect, a hit that deals 5% of the target's maximum health or more in Lightning damage will apply shock for 50% increased damage.

Assuming Shaper has ~20 million life, and your damage is let's say 5 million, of those 10% are lightning, you deal 500K Lightning damage, meaning you do 4% of his life as lightning damage. While you might be right about super endgame gear, you will not shock him for 50% increased damage with average gear only. And checking that 'Enemy shocked' IS for 50%.

iSo1iD wrote:

2) Lets move on to Power charges. In the first place, the line '20% Chance against enemies on full life' is the ascendant assassin node, which this build NEVER took. Hence, are you even reading the correct build guide? Probably not, otherwise you would have easily read the part about swapping to Jaws of Agony in an off swap, which lets you generate power charges for those bigger boss fights, for more comfortable kills. However, in practice, you dont even need the power charges for white mobs or bosses like shaper.

You are right I made a mistake about the tree. However you then have another mechanism to get the PCs. Quite clunky imo. Add it to the bunch of other stuff you use to buff DPS.

iSo1iD wrote:

3) Blood Rage? This build does not even use Blood Rage. Either your ability to read and comprehend information is low, or you are hallucinating. Please read up the build guide and pastebins correctly before you spout nonsense, and maybe get your eyes checked as well.

You might wanna check https://pastebin.com/8qKLUQ05, the '17M damage' pastebin on first page. It's in the boots... But thanks for your nice words, stuff like that makes people sound like a giant assholes when they cant really argue about most of the points in a post and try to find certain points and attack personally.

iSo1iD wrote:

4) Temp buffs. I am deeply sorry that you lack the basic skill to read, but it is even more saddening to know that you have to complain about pressing multiple buttons, thereby hinting at your distinct lack of hand-eye-coordination. When killing most enemies, you do not need any of these buffs, you will still be melting map bosses and mobs no problem. In the situations where you do want to pump out the max DPS, you can easily drop your totem, pop vaal haste, drop an orb of storms and frostbomb (it IS almost like there is a gif of that in the build).

Ok so we have PCs by weapon swap, Ancestral Protector, Frost Bomb, Orb of Storms. All buff the sheet DPS a lot, and most likely are impossible to use all at once. If you should be able to, it's very clunky and tooltop warrioring for PoB. But hey, freedom of opinion.

iSo1iD wrote:

5) Flasks. 100% flask up time when running maps. Bosses die before your flasks even run out (and your flasks have at least 2 uses). OH NO, HOW CAN I REFILL MY FLASKS IF THE BOSS IS DEAD.

Yeah but not with starter gear...

iSo1iD wrote:

6) Lets talk about gear and jewels. The only mandatory unique is moonbender's wing (culling strike is a nice bonus, that isnt even counted into the Path of Building DPS). There are so many variations of this build with varying levels of gear. Without Abyssus and without perfect jewels, you can melt shaper easily as well. The build works fine without needing a lot of great gear, but with that being said, it is also relatively easy to get great jewels and gear with enough farming in a temp league. Many people have already farmed GG gear in the new league.

It is funny how you mention human intelligence, but fail to understand the basics of this build guide. It is perfectly acceptable to critique and offer constructive criticism, but that actually takes critical thinking and comprehension.

Again again people I didnt attack you personally, but you think you have the right to do so? Nice manners, totally not douche-like...


If you wanna build a semi-glasscannon with <6K life and Abyssus, sure, go for this. If you fall for 17 mill DPS vs white monsters it's your own fault. What pisses me off is that so many newish players fall for these numbers and end up with A TRASH BUILD.

IGN: @JanusHuntress

Thanks GGG for caring so much about your players: https://redd.it/57wexj
well, he was right that you never would shock the shaper for 50%, for that you would have to hit deal 2 million hp with only one hit recognized that he has 20 million life. the linear scaling from that number causing 50% shock and your average hit of 500k with utopical gear and every possible buff up would mean tjat you shock him with maybe 12.5% increased damage taken. the usual gamer would be happy about 200k hits, which would only be a 5% shock, so for most players elemental focus could be the better choice against the shaper (only).
anyway, unfortunately PoB is only taking 50% shock into its calculations. this can irritate a lot when comparing numbers vs shaper
IGN: Lawyne (Stream: www.twitch.tv/lawyne) [inactive]
100% Life Shaper in 1s https://www.twitch.tv/videos/173720595
Practical Blade Flurry https://tinyurl.com/practicalBF
Regarding shock, i was under the impression with the changes to shock they also capped the damage increase vs monsters/bosses at 15% at best? atleast thats how i understood it from the notes and how it was explained.
Janus171 wrote:

Assuming Shaper has ~20 million life, and your damage is let's say 5 million, of those 10% are lightning, you deal 500K Lightning damage, meaning you do 4% of his life as lightning damage. While you might be right about super endgame gear, you will not shock him for 50% increased damage with average gear only. And checking that 'Enemy shocked' IS for 50%.
Again again people I didnt attack you personally, but you think you have the right to do so? Nice manners, totally not douche-like...


If you wanna build a semi-glasscannon with <6K life and Abyssus, sure, go for this. If you fall for 17 mill DPS vs white monsters it's your own fault. What pisses me off is that so many newish players fall for these numbers and end up with A TRASH BUILD.

1) Only 10% of our damage is lightning? It is more than that for sure (it is actually about 19-20% of our damage, which is double your claim), because we are using Moonbender's wing . I have disproved the first part of your claim that it will not always shock enemies. As for the 'degree of shock', as seen in my responses, I clearly stated that it will easily shock 90+% of enemies (including bosses) to the full 50% extent, not once did I claim that it applied to all enemies. You will however do enough damage to easily shock shaper more than vaal lightning trap and vessel of vinktar, whilst being more consistent.

2) It is clunky for you, but for others, it is second nature to do it before every boss fight. It is a reliable mechanic and it is easy to do. I am not sure how you can fault this build for using it, especially when it is something you can do to casually boost your dps.

3) Well this is where you once again prove to everyone that you are clearly not comprehending the build or pastebin. Look closely at the gem socket group with the blood rage in pastebin. Do you realize it is grayed out with the bracket word DISABLED (because we cannot put gems into Kaom's Roots). Still do not believe me? Try manually disabling the blood rage gem. Oh look, no change in DPS, I wonder why? Attacking specific points when they cannot argue? I am giving detailed responses to every major point and I am pointing out the blatant misinterpretation of information.

4) Impossible for you to do maybe, but for many other people it is easy to do. You do not have to use it if you find it 'clunky'. However, for the rest of us, who are interested in achieving personnel goals like the improving shaper kill speed, it is a no-brainer.

5) Not with starter gear? People must have been jumping into Uber Atziri at level 68. In practical leveling, the two uses of all your flasks is more than enough to kill all the bosses in your path.

6) Damage shown on a PoB Pastebin is a reflection of the ideal (something you want to strive for), as actual damage varies from gear to gear. However that is also why multiple version of the build is provided, so that people can tailor fit the build to their requirement. Need more tankiness? Need more damage? It is right there in the build guide. What is defined as glass canon depends heavily on the player who is playing.

You challenge the intelligence of the people who run this build and yet you cannot accept when someone points out the serious flaws in your statements. You dont even have the basic respect to read through and understand the build guide properly. Instead of asking for clarifications, you make false claims, definitely 'not-asshole' behavior at all.

Is this a trash build? Well if everyone were to misinterpret the information and narrow their view to only one variation without making adjustments where necessary, then of course they will never succeed.
Last edited by iSo1iD#4681 on Sep 14, 2017, 8:17:01 AM
iSo1iD wrote:

You should really work on your personal issues if you respond like this to some cricitism that a build that advertises 17 mill sheet damage in reality has far less. Do you need to act like that to show your guild leader/build creator your devotion, or is it fanboyism, or why cant you act like a normal human being? Your answer below already shows you are butthurt a lot.

I never said it's a bad build, I however do think those numbers are extremely misleading and your defenses will utterly suck for some top-end maps where you can't predict incoming damage as well as against Shaper. But I am pretty sure you will try to twist those words, too.

By the way, PoB shows EXACTLY 10% LIGHTNING DAMAGE of all your damage, so much about the shock thing. You dont have to know that, it's just a simple check, you know in that program you tried to lecture me about? I'll leave the rest to your postfactualistic furious way to argue. And I also ALWAYS criticized the '17 mill DPS' version, because 99.99% of the players wont be able to afford more.

Weird coincidence the older build by this author was also one where most newbies got lured in by big numbers and then had huge problems... but sure, budget away. Good luck to everyone trying this on a budget, you will need it.

I'm out, trying hard to create super-insane sheet DPS builds to top this, even though that seems impossible /s

IGN: @JanusHuntress

Thanks GGG for caring so much about your players: https://redd.it/57wexj
Last edited by Janus171#4754 on Sep 14, 2017, 10:41:46 AM
Janus171 wrote:

You should really work on your personal issues if you respond like this to some cricitism that a build that advertises 17 mill sheet damage in reality has far less. Do you need to act like that to show your guild leader/build creator your devotion, or is it fanboyism, or why cant you act like a normal human being?

I never said it's a bad build, I however do think those numbers are extremely misleading and your defenses will utterly suck for some top-end maps where you can't predict incoming damage as well as against Shaper. But I am pretty sure you will try to twist those words, too.

By the way, PoB shows EXACTLY 10% LIGHTNING DAMAGE of all your damage, so much about the shock thing. I'll leave the rest to your postfactualistic furious way to argue.

Good luck to everyone trying this on a budget, you will need it.

I'm out, trying hard to create super-insane sheet DPS builds to top this, even though that seems impossible /s

Ah yes my bad, how could I forget, it is 10% of the total damage being lightning damage, and therefore only 500k lightning damage, because you only ever refer to that one exact budget variation. You have made it clear that there is only one build version that matters to you and that Shaper is the only enemy in the game. Maybe the build title changed itself to 'Budget 17 million Shaper DPS (with 50% shock)' when I was writing.

You can continue to ignore my detailed explanations and continue to offer no substantiation for all your other claims. You can keep up your 'Rebutting false claims = fanboyism' stance, it is clear now that you lack the capacity to back up your claims and have lapsed into cognitive dissonance, truly the pinnacle of 'normal human behavior' right there.

Numbers are very misleading? We are all still waiting for the demonstration that exactly proves how the builds fails and is misleading. In theory and practice, this build melts top end maps bosses easily, whilst using feasible mechanics (maybe you should watch the build creator's streams to see how your 'theory' holds up #advertisement). However, since you 'think' you will still die, maybe you will finally scroll down to look at the tankier version in the build guide.

You never said that 'this is a bad build,' but yet you denounce the DPS as being a 'a tooltip warrior joke', whilst questioning the intelligence of those who play the build. Furthermore, there was blatant cherry picking of what parts of the build you consider 'acceptable' rather than valid criticism. It is ironic that you cannot take criticism when you put yourself up on that pedestal by making those FALSE claims.

To everyone else, do continue to post your questions and queries.
Last edited by iSo1iD#4681 on Sep 14, 2017, 10:15:58 AM
imbafromNorth wrote:

Ok check my PoB, what to upgrade next?

A big upgrade would be fitting in the 'Belt of the Deceiver. It basically functions as a 10% more damage multiplier.

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