[3.3] BloodFlurry (18+ mill dps), Instant Leech, Inc. Hardcore Version (Elder/Shaper/Guardians/Uber)

imbafromNorth wrote:
Okay im getting pissed with people trashing this build, and the guy who is trashing it, has his own sword flurry (THE ONE AND ONLYFLURRY thread) build.

Ok let's get started,

First of all this build is over 9000 times better than Lawyn's build and heres why:

I did lawyn's build I had high budget so could acquire acuities and other stuff,

-dmg was still low
- leeching was low as well
- acuities simple wasnt worth it even tho I had 370 pDps sword with 7,5 crit and 1,98 aps.

So i transfered to Zabosnu's build and I was amazed at how much improvement there was:

I had A LOT OF MORE DMG than Lawyn's build even tho my claw is only 350 pDps 7.05 crit i 2.02 APS, so sword I had is much better than this current cluaw, but simply I was comparing those two tree's and zabosnu's tree is simply superior.

So anyone hows debating out there im speaking from experience, go this build over Lawyn's because this build is much better done.

Also not arguing with anyone you can quite how much u want, I told the truth.

Even though certain people will try to make it sound differently, that IS a good build if you can invest into it, that's out of question. I can't compare that to Lawyne's though.

However you either accept getting oneshot quite a few times, or you go for very tanky version of it with quite a bit less damage. Also a few million DPS against white mobs with a bunch of temporary buffs and wrong checkmarks for the calculation don't say anything, it is just clickbait. And getting decent damage while maintaining acceptable survivability will require you some serious investment. All in all, it's not a cheap newbie build that you can adjust and play with ease IMO.

That's the point of critism I have and what certain other people here don't want to see or accept.
IGN: @JanusHuntress

Thanks GGG for caring so much about your players: https://redd.it/57wexj
Last edited by Janus171 on Sep 14, 2017, 5:26:35 PM
RideTheRain wrote:
is it better to use a 6l belly or a 6l astral plate with 1700 armor, 140 total res and 105 life?

I personally prefer Astral plate due to the high res and flat life. However, I would recommend that you try both armors in PoB and look at the stats (total res, total life...etc) and decide which one suits you better.
Twitch Stream:
Lawyne wrote:
well, the guide is indeed very misleading, since it gives numbers with concentrated effect vs white trash and so on...
posting 176 million in the title collaborates zabosnu's misleading strategy to get as many fanboys as possible and asap for his stream.
the more viewers, the more money for him...

What is your level, mapping DPS, Shaper Dps and Life Pool?
Why do you hide your characters while being the loudest here?
I can understand that ppl get pissed from such misleading and such behavior of defending the misleads, it seems really like you were just a bored fanboy

I was looking for end game build with highest possible scaling with mirrored items, yet there is 0 proof this build is actually anywhere close to the 176 mil dps even with full set of mirrored items.
Author of this build hide his characters and I asked him 5 times to post his gear, he just keeps ignoring me.
Anyone able to give me some pointers on what to focus on for improvements. I'm down to about 700c left and not sure where to use it;

I have an aby helm ready but would need to fix res as it puts me under with fire by 5-9 and 15-20 on lightning.

Hoping to make this my last sort of push this league to try out guardians/shaper as i've never done them before.,
Love the build so far, just reached level 92 and shooting for 96 at least. Have done all guardians easily, Shaper is a joke and next is Uber Atziri. As far as gear goes below is my setup so far:

I crafted both steel rings myself along with the spiked gloves (all could use some divines). To get Culling Strike on Moonbender, I just bought a normal tab full of them, linked them and vaaled all and got the Cull one on the 10th or so. Bought the rest of the gear. For mapping I use Starkonja Helm (will get a BF area enchant) + Kaoms with 16% AS. When doing Guardians or Shaper I switch to Abysus (need to get 40% BF damage enchant) + Kaoms with 10% Ele Pen. Any feedback is appreciated.

Now I hope you guys can help me with how to proceed with this Claw:

It has a Hybrid roll of Phys% + Accu (CP + P) / Flat Phys (P) / AS (S) / crafted Crit (S)
All the rolls are T1 and if divined to perfect it turns the claw to 524.00 pDPS (currently 470 pDPS). My question is: does the hybrid roll count as ONE prefix?! If so that means that I have 1 open Prefix and another Suffix (besides the crafted Crit). What would be the best course to proceed with it?! Just divine it, leave as is or slam twice and pray to RNGesus for Crit Multi + ELE damage with attack skills?! Thanks in advance
I don't know why people argue for some of these points. So much fanboyism here lol.

1) Only 10% of our damage is lightning?
Yes, according to 17 million dps "budget" version. Actually, vs Shaper type boss it is only 9% of the damage. I'll write something about his "bugdet" version as my last point.
If you want to really calculate Shock vs boss, you have to look at the average damage of the hit, not dps. It doesn't matter if you deal 100 million dps to Shaper if it is spread out over 1 million hits, resulting in 100 damage per hit. Select Shaper type boss, remove Shock buff, and you get Average damage of 200k with 6 stage release. Since it is average damage, including non-crits and misses, lets be really generous and say that top damage with a single good rolled critical hit is 500k with that gear used. Of this 500k, 9% of damage is lightning, leaving you with just 45k. 45k out of 20 million hp is 0.225%. I don't think that you will Shock Shaper with much more then 1-2% increased damage taken with best conditions (don't care about the exact math, with numbers so low).

you will easily shock 90+% of all enemies (including bosses) to the full 50%.
This build does only a very small portion of the damage as lightning. Amount of shock that is being applied even to normal enemies is meaningless. By the time your lightning damage is enough to apply 50% Shock at 10% of enemy life per hit, the rest of your damage will surely kill the target anyway, so the Shock is wasted. If it takes you 2 hits to kill the enemy, Shock will also be wasted. 10 hits? Your Shock bonus will not be high enough to make a difference, maybe reducing the amount of hits required from 10 to 9 at best.

2) It is clunky for you, but for others, it is second nature to do it before every boss fight.
When you start a league with a build, or you are poor (like, on a 5 link rare) etc., your dps will be so low that you cannot dps down a boss in under 2 seconds, but 10-25 seconds, assuming you can survive tanking on 5k hp with only leech as defense. Frost Bomb lasts 3.5 seconds, totem also has expriation date, so does the curse (but curses last long enough actually). In an end-game boss fight under such conditions, you have shitty gear and low dps, when boss hits you, you have 2 options: run away, loosing leech and risking death on re-engage, or keep on flurring praying that leech will save you while being on a -1 gemlink. Recasting the totem is a risky manouver, so is manual application of the curse. Throwing in a Frost Bomb debuff lasting only 3.5 seconds is just too much. Not only that, you also have not 1, but 2 golems that aren't in a CwDT setup because of Kaom's and socket starvation. So you have to resummon both golems which die quickly to end-game bosses, totem that can also die or expire, Frost Bomb every 3.5 seconds, and manual cursing. It is not only clunky, but makes the builds dps unreliable and risky since you lose out a lot of dps by losing golems, FB etc. Couple that with a Damage on Full life gem - with shitty gear, comes shitty leech. Once you get hit, you are basically on a -1 gemlink, reducing your dps/life leech even more, which makes getting back to Full Life state even harder. It's not only unreliable and in fact lowering your real dps (making other support gems more attractive), it is deadly on a build that relies on leech alone to survive.
That being said, with 150++ ex budget, it pretty much doesn't matter what kind of gem links you use (50% more vs 40% more etc.), or which of the Blade Flurry builds you use - your damage will be high regardless, so you probably don't need these buffs ANYWAY at that point, unless you want to dps down Shaper in 1.2 second instead of 1.35 second.
Try building this character on a 8ex budget with 18 or 19/0 gems at best, where a 6 link alone will cost you 2-4ex easily - Damage on Full life, self casting curse/Frost Bomb/2 Golems/Totem will just get you killed in any Guardian boss, there's too much buffs/debuffs that aren't automated/cwdt or aren't active 100% of the time. Shaper is childs play, the guy doesn't move and there is practically no AoE/Degens which you couldn't dodge from 5 miles away.

5) Not with starter gear? People must have been jumping into Uber Atziri at level 68. In practical leveling, the two uses of all your flasks is more than enough to kill all the bosses in your path.
I personally haven't seen the post about Uber at level 68, the gear used also would make a lot of difference. But, to have a bigger picture, just check few last pages:
Hey guys, I've been having trouble with t14 maps and above. The way I see it, I have all the essential gear apart from the expensive flasks (Taste of Hate & Sin's Rebirth), but my damage and my survivability seems to be lacking.

For the begginers trying out this build (which was my case), it is just a decent build, you get a lot of dmg, but you are extremelly squishy, so get ready to get one shotted many many many maaaany times.

I started following this build due its similar to my previous buid that used Howa.

But i found a dead end cos the bosses in t11+ kill me one-shot (specially the bazaar one).

Hihi, I am very new to this game, just started to play after 3.0 release. I am following this build atm, but I found both my damage and survivability are very low.

Too squishy for my playstyle man, is it supposed to be like this??
The squishiness feeling comes surerly from Damage on Full life, which under normal, real budget conditionos actually reduce your total dps in any fight, reducing leech, which reduces survivability.
Yes you get a comment here and there praising the build, like the guy above, but come on, with a 470 dps claw it doesn't matter which build he follows as everything will just die anyway with that level of gear, even without Abyssus.

Now let's take a look at his "budget" pastebin:
- 2 Rings with critical strike chance, physical damage to attacks, elemental damage, accuracy, 58/76 life and 33/69 resistances.
With offline results, and without the crit chance, you get 3 rings around 90c each, and the rest are 350c to 15 ex for similar rolls. I've even reduced the rolls a bit to be more realistic. So 200c-15ex for 2 rings alone.
- BF enchanted Abyssus. Around 400c if I'm not mistaken?
- 2x crit multi/life/res jewels. Easy 200c or much more per single one. Very easy over 1k (maybe 2k) chaos just for jewels.
- Amulet - there aren't even amulets like that on poe. Let's remove accuracy AND resists, and put a bit lower stats: http://poe.trade/search/omanititokuruo
So, the cheapest (including offline!) is 280c, then 6.5 ex, then 12 ex. All with INFERIOR rolls then the one in his budget pastebin.
- Gloves? Let's see: http://poe.trade/search/ubogamominomek - over 230c, 4ex, 6ex and so on.

So far, we've got what, +3-4k chaos already (being optimistic here)? And what kind of weapon is he using? A 270ish dps unique for 100c max? To present a 3-4k chaos build as "budget" and advertising it as a "17 million dps with a 270 dps claw" is nothing else then intentional deception of users, with getting as many clicks to his thread and stream.
(ninjas edit: Poe.trade links might include a bit different prices, I've written that part few hour ago and just came back to post this)

And while the last person might argue that this build is better then Lawyne's, and I might have some reservations against his build as well, I still believe that his build is superior as it can actually utilize Damage on Full Life gem a lot better then this build, and doesn't rely on self casting buffs as much, making it much more easier to play and thus increasing real dps vs this one's paper/unreliable dps.
My build guides:

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Last edited by Bristoling on Sep 15, 2017, 2:21:08 AM
my next improve?
Last edited by pvpkaos on Sep 15, 2017, 4:20:25 AM
Mesiance wrote:
Anyone able to give me some pointers on what to focus on for improvements. I'm down to about 700c left and not sure where to use it;

I have an aby helm ready but would need to fix res as it puts me under with fire by 5-9 and 15-20 on lightning.

Hoping to make this my last sort of push this league to try out guardians/shaper as i've never done them before.,

Hello Friend. I've updated your tree and gem setup, please review the pastebin below. Be sure to pick up the jewel node(s), and the crit multi at the start. Also, respec the tree at the top right as shown in the pastebin below. Hope this helps.

Next upgrades:
1. Amulet with Higher Crit Multi, Crit Chance (or even accuracy)
2. Rare 300+ DPS claw.

Twitch Stream:
redihs wrote:
Love the build so far, just reached level 92 and shooting for 96 at least. Have done all guardians easily, Shaper is a joke and next is Uber Atziri. As far as gear goes below is my setup so far:

I crafted both steel rings myself along with the spiked gloves (all could use some divines). To get Culling Strike on Moonbender, I just bought a normal tab full of them, linked them and vaaled all and got the Cull one on the 10th or so. Bought the rest of the gear. For mapping I use Starkonja Helm (will get a BF area enchant) + Kaoms with 16% AS. When doing Guardians or Shaper I switch to Abysus (need to get 40% BF damage enchant) + Kaoms with 10% Ele Pen. Any feedback is appreciated.

Now I hope you guys can help me with how to proceed with this Claw:

It has a Hybrid roll of Phys% + Accu (CP + P) / Flat Phys (P) / AS (S) / crafted Crit (S)
All the rolls are T1 and if divined to perfect it turns the claw to 524.00 pDPS (currently 470 pDPS). My question is: does the hybrid roll count as ONE prefix?! If so that means that I have 1 open Prefix and another Suffix (besides the crafted Crit). What would be the best course to proceed with it?! Just divine it, leave as is or slam twice and pray to RNGesus for Crit Multi + ELE damage with attack skills?! Thanks in advance

Those are some crazy claws my friend (much better than mine). With the current stats, you have 3 pre-fixes already (physical damage %, hybrid, and flat physical). You have one open suffix that you can craft, and the best modifier to craft would be a high roll critical multiplier.

Again, great claw!
Twitch Stream:
pvpkaos wrote:
my next improve?

I've modified your tree and configuration in PoB. Please focus on leveling and try to get Primeval Force and Forces of Nature as soon as possible. Import the pastebin below into your Path of Building. Let me know if you have any other questions.


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