Balance Changes to Chill, Shock, and Charges

Patchumz wrote:
Wait... so we can only get 1x jewel from the quest when almost every single jewel requires a minimum of 2 to be any good (all skills that have threshold jewels require threshold jewels)? How is this right at all :$.

Also, what vendor recipes/prophecies require jewels besides 5 for 1 (which was beyond trivial to do already)?

Finally... no one considers threshold jewels to be "uniques" on the same level as armor/weapon uniques.

easy options to vaal orb spam for some of the corruption on unique jewels.
The changes to charges makes some sense.

The chill and shock effects, not so much. Basicly what's being done here is majorly nerfing the ailments so that they are trash.

Almost no one plays for chill because most cold spells aren't good and you have to do such huge hits to freeze/chill that no one bothers. Of course there are the immune bosses which is even more aggravating. Shock is also nerfed to hell and back. There are few lightning players because again, skills are not that great and now that the extra damage is based of how hard you hit, that means that it's going to be hard to get any effectiveness at all against bosses.

To add insult to injury bosses now have double their HP. You have the gal to say to us, oh look, we've removed immunity... As if that matters. They should have never been there in the first place and now these stat ailments went from bad to absolute garbage.

PoE skill diversity? Wheres is this promissed fairy land of yours? With each single patch, with each nerf, all that we see is build diversity being slaughtered. Have you even stop to consider for a moment that what you called OP (and in many cases weren't) is exactly what promoted build diversity? Because so many things could actually do what players want? Now we're being restricted more and more as to what works. There is almost no viable end game skills and with 3.0 the amount of viable league starter builds are also decreasing!

I know a lot of people cry at how some builds deal so much damage and how they "trivialise" content. Let's be honest with ourself here. Fact of the matter, no one wants to spend 2 hours killing a boss. If something takes longer to kill it doesn't makes it more challenging, just more boring! It just feels like GGG is making us wasting our time killing these bosses that are still in no way dangerous or fun to fight, they just take longer to kill.

Lastly about threshold jewels. We never got them "easily" and to be honest I feel the vendor was a good idea. Again some "illuminated" brains said that trivialised content. What they fail to realise is that these jewels don't make anything easier. All they do is provide a way to alter the way you play a skill or even may make a skill worth using.

Providing it as a quest reward is one thing but we cannot forget that in many cases you don't just use one of these gems and it's bad form to simply make players create characters just to finish that quest and get extra jewels which are build enabling and are pretty damn weak anyway. The vendor was by far the best solution but of course, GGG listens to those who cry rather than making a decision based on things actually impact the game.

It may be just me (although I'm fairly sure I ain't the only one) but PoE was much better in 2.0, there is in fact no comparison to how much better it was!
"The heavens burned
The stars cried out
And under the ashes of infinity
Hope, scarred and bleeding breathed it's last."
shadowraiden wrote:
Patchumz wrote:
Wait... so we can only get 1x jewel from the quest when almost every single jewel requires a minimum of 2 to be any good (all skills that have threshold jewels require threshold jewels)? How is this right at all :$.

Also, what vendor recipes/prophecies require jewels besides 5 for 1 (which was beyond trivial to do already)?

Finally... no one considers threshold jewels to be "uniques" on the same level as armor/weapon uniques.

easy options to vaal orb spam for some of the corruption on unique jewels.

Random unique jewels are cheaper to buy from players than from that vendor anyways, and Vaal orbs are really tight for SSF players. From 4 lvl90 SSF toons I used all my vaal orbs on gloves. I got 1 ele weakness glove, and 1 vuln glove from that. The one that uses ele weakness gloves currently has a single socket as Im outta orbs to 4 socket and link it with Vorici. I hardly see this vendor as enabling any vaalorbing exploit venture for either trading or non-trading players.
Last edited by Riborg on Aug 1, 2017, 9:03:29 AM
I appreciate that you listened to my suggestion here :P This chill and shock change makes it actually usable imo!
nadakuu wrote:
seems fair,

what is the minimum dmg we have to do now as a percentage to apply the 1% of aliment effect?

Shock: 10% dmg for max effect (50% increased dmg taken). 1% shock effect: 10/50 = 0.2% life dmg.

Chill: 10% dmg for max chill (30% slow). 1% chill effect: 10/30 = 0.33% life dmg

I think this should be correct.
duncandun wrote:
Power charges need something to make them valuable to non crit builds, otherwise they are the weakest charge by far and one that is ignored the most by far.

What are you talking about? I'd argue that it's the most used charge in the game right now. No one uses endurance besides dischargers with Voll's Devotion and some hipster tank builds, because they are too cluncky to gain. Power charges are one of the things that cause majority of the players go crit, because not going crit is just too big of a loss in damage. How is it the weakest charge?
IGN: MegaSplasz
Last edited by Jaari on Aug 1, 2017, 9:10:01 AM
Changes are good , but in practice it is a nerf to many unpopular build/mechanic that was not even considered worth it before , for example power charge changes is a nerf to attack staff build (since they rely on crit and power charges) and frenzy charge changes is a nerf to raider/dex spell caster and trapper . Nerf meta builds/mechanic is something but nerf unpopular builds along with it is just not cool and you've done this many times before.
Jaari wrote:
duncandun wrote:
Power charges need something to make them valuable to non crit builds, otherwise they are the weakest charge by far and one that is ignored the most by far.

What are you talking about? I'd argue that it's the most used charge in the game right now. No one uses endurance besides dischargers with Voll's Devotion and some hipster tank builds, because they are too cluncky to gain. Power charges are one of the things that cause majority of the players go crit, because not going crit is just too big of a loss in damage. How is it the weakest charge?

Because its not worth picking up on the tree unless you already have all the crit nodes. Its even better to spend travel points to a crit cluster than to pick up powercharges, and will be so even more now as they are nerfed from 50 to 40%. You dont even ever use the shields that gives powercharges (other than offhand for generating charges immideatly before a boss) because a shield with actual crit on it and picking up a crit cluster instead of charges is so much better. Need more crit than you find on the tree? Run a curse, inc crit gem or a Diamond flask will be more effective than powercharges in most cases, IMO.
nadakuu wrote:
seems fair,

what is the minimum dmg we have to do now as a percentage to apply the 1% of aliment effect?

from top effect to minimum effect it is:

-deal a minimum 10% life dmg to a boss to apply a 30% chill or 50% shock
....down to....
-deal a minimum 1% life dmg to a boss to apply a 3% chill or 5% shock


or even lower down to 0.33% or 0.2% life dmg to a boss to apply a 1% chill or 1% shock
Last edited by PayneK on Aug 1, 2017, 9:21:26 AM
I cant understand the logic of these changes GGG: first you introduce very nice Tinker armour for Trappers which give +% to gain Frenzy charge and second - introduce changes which remove any effect of Frenzy charges from Trapper-builds - what the hell is this?
The same problem with Node which should increase % to gain Frenzy charge with traps - what reason should i have to take that Node now?

Whether i don't know something or don't understand you...
Sadly... I planned to start as Trapper.

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