[3.6] Milky's Scorching Ray Totems (updating process)
The totem resist or degen change most likely just happened this last beta patch, since I was testing previously and totem time to death at level 32 was insanely fast with 0 totem resists from links or auras. Approx 3-4 seconds.
For fast leveling with out going the melee route, Scorching Ray is still my VIP. Adding 1 Flameblast totem makes it feel really good when you hit act 3. Last edited by kager#6456 on Jul 29, 2017, 6:55:07 PM
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I see that similar, maybe the less damage on the totem affects the degen as well, the max and minimum resist changed or something whole different. Doesn't seem intended
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Am I seeing this correctly that for 3.0 you're recommending Chieftan ascendancy? I recall you could do Zerker or Chieftan, but in your skilltree I'm seeing the Chieftan PoV.
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" i slimmed the mainpost down to chieftain only. It should make the guide less confusing with all thr options aviable. in the 2nd post you'll find other stuff like scion/berserker and additional options and information. Everything is the same for a Berserker except the class ofc. Same skilltree, gearing, jewels and so on. Chieftain is just the easiest to play while a berserker can be more more rewarding if played well https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi-NL9JevOxF-6W3n-a7o-w My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc Last edited by Milkyslice#1099 on Jul 30, 2017, 3:47:38 AM
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A question about using Lightning Warp as a movement skill. I came across a post saying that the best LW setup is Lightning Warp + Less Duration + Faster Casting + Rapid Decay. Is running a 4-link worth it (provided that you have links to spare), or is it going to be excessive for a movement skill?
Fuck master rotas. Fuck any kind of rotas, for that matter.
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" It didn´t make a huge difference for me, its just 15% reduced duration. The increased mana costs can be annoying in some cases. some like to add culling strike with quality for extra 10% movementspeed (less about the cull) into shield charge just to squeeze more speed out if it. I would say its the same for rapid decay and LW https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi-NL9JevOxF-6W3n-a7o-w
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" Allright then, let's do a final reality check :) Let's say I wanna run a minimalistic BM chieftain build relying only on RF totem + decoy totem + OoS to trigger EE/EO and apply flammability. Here's the gem setup I'm planning to use: Chest: Soul Mantle with Righteous Fire + Burning Damage + Increased AoE + Elemental Focus + Rapid Decay (+ Efficacy if I get lucky with a 6-link Mantle) Weapon: Lightning Warp + Faster Casting + Less Duration Shield: CWDT + Immortal Call + Increased Duration Helm: Orb of Storms + Curse on Hit + Flammability + Increased Critical Strikes Gloves: Decoy Totem + Increased Duration + Faster Casting + Minion and Totem Elemental Resistance Boots: Stone Golem + Minion Life + Minion and Totem Elemental Resistance. And the last remaining socket goes to Portal. Any obvious mistakes? Would it make sense to use increased AoE instead of faster casting with decoy totem? I know a lot of people would say that instead of boosting my decoy totem and golem, I should be using searing bond, or scorching ray, or blasphemy with curses. But let's just assume for a moment that I don't want any of those things, and that I'd rather use a minumum number of skills, but maximize the efficiency of each one. Fuck master rotas. Fuck any kind of rotas, for that matter. Last edited by DGTLDaemon#6150 on Jul 30, 2017, 7:28:36 AM
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if you would use a doryani earlier or later, swap the lightning war in the shield (you dont want/need the ele prolif support), otherwise it doesnt matter.
Decoy doesnt need any supports. Its ele resist capped anyway and mainly used for singletarget (aoe/fc are useless there). so you could swap decoy into the golem setup the remaining 4l could be used for searing bond, vaal lightning trap, scorching ray or other utility. so you could swap the 3l cwdt setup in the 4l if you dont care for the 15-30% extra dmg from searing bond (which we will need for singletarget bosses). Overall i think my setup uses all you need while small changes aren't a big deal (like a tankier golem instead of cwdt) but searing bond is like 70k-100k dps later on, thats pretty good for a totem that exceeds our totemlimit https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi-NL9JevOxF-6W3n-a7o-w My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc Last edited by Milkyslice#1099 on Jul 30, 2017, 8:05:04 AM
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" Yup, good point, thank you :) I'm not sure about using doryani's, though. I remember someone mentioning in one of the 3.0 beta videos on youtube that you can now get up to 150% fire/elemental damage on a rare scepter. If that is true, doryani becomes just a useless expensive toy. " You mean, not even increased duration? " OK, point taken :) I really hate having to use four skills in bossfights (RF totem, decoy totem, OoS, searing bond), but your argument is solid. Fuck master rotas. Fuck any kind of rotas, for that matter.
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Depends on what will be easier/cheaper aviable ;)
A rare weapon has definetly more potential with great rolls (especially a atk speed rool for shield charge). the duration is already like 9.5-10sec.In that time the totem probably needs a recast due to health loss. If now... whatever just recast every 10 sec in a bossfight :p I dont see a problem with many skills in a bossfight if there isnt anything to do besides dodging stuff. If i would play some idk sparker and have to recast 4-5 other things inbetween i would go crazy, but here i don't see a issue with that. I also always consider scorching ray (selfcast or totem) since it is potentially a big dmg buff, but its so clunky to use. Either you have to cycle one more totem (which could replace decoy for guardians/shaper since they are taunt resistant/immune) or its clunky as hell via selfcast. It doesn't offer a smooth gameplay so i dont recommend it, but it can also be beneficial if you try hard https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi-NL9JevOxF-6W3n-a7o-w My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc Last edited by Milkyslice#1099 on Jul 30, 2017, 11:34:50 AM
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