Breach and Legacy as Core Game Mechanics

Kunaak wrote:
League stones are so much more inclusive then Zana is - Zana is an extremely expensive option to maintain for the vast majority of people, and league stones put all league mods within every players reach - not just the richest players.

League stone system is not perfect - its a great idea, that needs to be further deveoped... not scrapped and ignored.
How the fuck are es builds supposed to do breaches with no proper leech.

Most interesting will be blade vortex, actually no scrap that, probably cwc es builds will be even worse in breaches.

I guess all es players can just skip breaches. Good design lol.
Qarl wrote:
Breach We may make use of the foiling effect or a Reliquary Key-like system that drops different uniques in the future.

We are glad our players enjoyed Legacy League, and in greater numbers than ever before.

Wut, please no more relicary, it was awful... unless they don't drop shit tier items anymore (like the ones that are worst version than what we currently have).
Buff life on the right side of the tree! Just a little! Pretty Please!
Leaguestones would be the "reason to play standard"!
Sad! :(

Also Rip ES.
Very dissapointed. I mean GGG always manages to surprise me. Legacy league would fit well in standard. Sad seeing a fantastic mechanic being ripped out of the game. Lets hope there is another chance in the future, maybe with some tweaks to make it fit better in the permanent leagues.

I hope the game doesnt feel to dry without leaguestones.
Paid custom leagues are where you'll be able to revisit the leaguestone idea.
Well this is incredibly disappointing. Not unexpected at all (it's de rigueur for the GGG nerf lords), but still so very disappointing. We finally had a mechanic that allowed users to customise the game and was accessible to everyone, not just the rich player and it gets removed. That makes me a sad Panda.

GGG, 3.0 better be stunning because you're about to remove a very popular feature from your game.

No, I'm not referring to ARKs, they were a disaster.
You should make Cartographer's Perandus Leaguestones drop like candy the last day of the league. :V
The more More you have, the less Less matters
Zom3ie666 wrote:

i really enjoyed that mod. overall the leaguestone micro-management is not that overwhelming, when i see Zizaran and Ziggyd complaining about that i'd like to remind everybody that those guys give the feedback of people playing POE 8hours a day almost everyday. i'm not sure that they reflect the average player.
i've got a job, a family, i play at night and weekend and when i have time to play i like to be able to push the game mechanism toward what i enjoy most : i love prophecy and perdandus, especially on Solo Self Found mode, a little boost of chance with loot box etc... customizing the game makes it really enjoyable.

the problem with Zana old system, from my experience i never used it because it's way too f******* expensive (sorry for the language but that's what i feek about it). same thing i'm not trading, Solo Self found means that i don't have tons of Chaos Orbs to waste on so many things. this game tends to push to consumme that currency for anything, change an item, use Chaos, change a map, use chaos, use Zana, use chaos?, 4 of them? seriously? when trading, you end up with tons of Chaos (hundreds easily, a thousand sometimes).

Adding one mod to one map for 4 chaos orbs vs being able to add up to 3 differents mods for a legacystone, i'm sorry it's not faire trade at all, not even close.
why not using another currency for once ? you add one mod, it can't cost "that" much for no result garantee at all.

you just removing one aspect of the customization, and removing the fun of it.

it's just my feeling about your choice GGG. i would like you to reconsider backing up to Zana old version, i love legacy as it is.

thanks for the game.

Very well said. Best thread post thus far.
I hope you do find a way to bring back leaguestones, they're an interesting way of experiecing the game as I've never seen it (only started playing mid April so missed things like talisman etc) and I feel like keeping the stones in would give people that enjoyed them the option of keeping that experience in and the players that don't like it are free to sell or not pick up stones.

Please consider adding them back into the future as part of standard, the people complaining about it aren't forced to use them, same with people whining about breach, don't walk into the damn thing it's not like you can't see it!

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