Energy Shield and Life

bodierox wrote:

The problem is not that your ES is getting nerfed, its that now you cannot afk facetank all the content in the game.

Games are meant to be played, not walked through blind folded. To me, this is a great change, as I enjoy a game where you have to learn the mechanics and actually apply yourself to achieve things. It also makes the rewards that much more enjoyable.

So, instead of crying over your 25k es afk char, look forward to actually having to grind and play, and having to actually get to know the content :D

Makes me laugh when people say GGG is bad at balancing. No they are not, ES is by far way to OP.

Not even close. Man, how irresponsible it was of GGG to ever pull numbers like that out for this manifesto. You're a prime example of the result of them creating this illusion that most of us have characters with 25k es.
I wonder if GGG saw the video of that guy running around with 90k ES, they should balance the game around that guy and make enemies hit you for over 100k damage for that 90k ES guy cause this is the way they balance right?
luckyshin wrote:
Hardcore player here - I do not want to faceroll content. I just want to deserve it when I die.

You have to give us something to react to for survival to be skill-based. Otherwise, even with ES numbers the way that they are, you eventually just get one-shot by something.

Add a diminishing return to monster damage scaling, or introduce a monster hit damage cap, so that players can't be one-shotted by anything other than endgame boss' "Light of Divinity" type spells.

Life and ES are different, they should not be equalised.

One shouldn't be "better", they should be different.

Yes, make it so we can't face tank bosses with VP/ZO, and have to manually dodge more skills. I'm happy with the removal of Vaal Pact. But you have to give us Hardcore players something back so that we can actually survive a savage hit.

If you're nerfing ES numbers and VP, GR, ZO, you have to give us something back.

And don't tell me it's recharge, because recharge is garbage outside of Occultist w/ Soul Strike & Bated Breath. Recharge does nothing for you in the middle of a fight. This is a loot-based ARPG, so "skill-based" is precarious and hard to define. Expecting someone to react to savage hits in .2 seconds by flame dashing away/kiting is not realistic, this is why you invented Vaal Pact in the first place. I honestly don't understand why you removed it before coming up with a replacement.

Life build takes savage hit, then gets to immediately Seething flask (skill based, reaction based)
Or it gets to leech back instantly since Vaal Pact still works for life (this is stupid. removing
Vaal Pact for ES only will just force players into Life builds because they can still enjoy the OP mechanic).

I agree with you. ES and Life have play styles that were meant to be inherently unbalanced because it was intentionally made to play differently. But if you "balance" them to be equal, at that point, you might as well throw out ES all together.

Well, unless they change VP/GR to work differently for ES, while keeping it the same for Life, every kind of build is going to RIP faster than a streamer pressing his alt f4 macro.
Last edited by HedgeMoney on May 19, 2017, 10:00:27 PM
sinmoon wrote:
I wonder if GGG saw the video of that guy running around with 90k ES, they should balance the game around that guy and make enemies hit you for over 100k damage for that 90k ES guy cause this is the way they balance right?

Common man have u escaped from local asylum link pls ??
I've looked through a bit of comments here and there seems to be some sort of consensus that ES players can afk face-tank all content.

I don't understand where this is coming from as I cannot even afk face tank all content with some of the best gear possible @ 14.3k es

I can tank shaper's beam but not his slam. I cannot face tank reflect, volatiles, uber atziri among many other things. I have been 1-shot at least a few hundred times in the years playing this character, even by random rare mobs who do bullshit 15k+ es crits.

ES has little to no armor, evasion, dodge life flasks, regen (with skyforth's) and freeze can be annoying.

Now they want to make every single aspect of ES infinitely worse. Drop the values, choose between regen and leech, no instant leech and god knows what else they plan on doing. Can you imagine trying to play low life now? 4k es characters getting 1 shot from white mobs?

I've played for a while and I've seen some drastic changes to block, leech, dropping ES back in the day, absolutely fucking destroying area of effect, "buffing" waste of internet name lock single-target skills... There's been a few nerfs...

What I want to ask GGG, is that considering this game is a full-time grind fest that results in only the top 0.0001% of players ever getting "rich" enough to min-max their builds, is this change designed just to add a few more zeroes to how long it takes to get there?

I play maybe once a week now for 20 minutes, though I can never imagine playing another ES build, or ever seeing another low life build.
I'm struggling to come up with new goals to keep me playing this game.
hmcg020 wrote:
I've looked through a bit of comments here and there seems to be some sort of consensus that ES players can afk face-tank all content.

I don't understand where this is coming from as I cannot even afk face tank all content with some of the best gear possible @ 14.3k es

I can tank shaper's beam but not his slam. I cannot face tank reflect, volatiles, uber atziri among many other things. I have been 1-shot at least a few hundred times in the years playing this character, even by random rare mobs who do bullshit 15k+ es crits.

ES has little to no armor, evasion, dodge life flasks, regen (with skyforth's) and freeze can be annoying.

Now they want to make every single aspect of ES infinitely worse. Drop the values, choose between regen and leech, no instant leech and god knows what else they plan on doing. Can you imagine trying to play low life now? 4k es characters getting 1 shot from white mobs?

I've played for a while and I've seen some drastic changes to block, leech, dropping ES back in the day, absolutely fucking destroying area of effect, "buffing" waste of internet name lock single-target skills... There's been a few nerfs...

What I want to ask GGG, is that considering this game is a full-time grind fest that
results in only the top 0.0001% of players ever getting "rich" enough to min-max their builds, is this change designed just to add a few more zeroes to how long it takes to get there?

Soo impressive I can only dream of gear like urs

I play maybe once a week now for 20 minutes, though I can never imagine playing another ES build, or ever seeing another low life build.
Thanks X-box. This is the worst "balance change" in the history of the game. Or maybe it's not.

Common man have u escaped from local asylum link pls ??

Link for you :
I know it's not 90k but 86.7k is close enough right?

hmcg020 wrote:
I've looked through a bit of comments here and there seems to be some sort of consensus that ES players can afk face-tank all content.

I don't understand where this is coming from as I cannot even afk face tank all content with some of the best gear possible @ 14.3k es

I can tank shaper's beam but not his slam. I cannot face tank reflect, volatiles, uber atziri among many other things. I have been 1-shot at least a few hundred times in the years playing this character, even by random rare mobs who do bullshit 15k+ es crits.

ES has little to no armor, evasion, dodge life flasks, regen (with skyforth's) and freeze can be annoying.

Now they want to make every single aspect of ES infinitely worse. Drop the values, choose between regen and leech, no instant leech and god knows what else they plan on doing. Can you imagine trying to play low life now? 4k es characters getting 1 shot from white mobs?

I've played for a while and I've seen some drastic changes to block, leech, dropping ES back in the day, absolutely fucking destroying area of effect, "buffing" waste of internet name lock single-target skills... There's been a few nerfs...

What I want to ask GGG, is that considering this game is a full-time grind fest that results in only the top 0.0001% of players ever getting "rich" enough to min-max their builds, is this change designed just to add a few more zeroes to how long it takes to get there?

I play maybe once a week now for 20 minutes, though I can never imagine playing another ES build, or ever seeing another low life build.

The question is, are you playing pathfinder?

Remember the game is always balanced around the meta.
I dunno I kinda would say it is good progress. The only thing I would wish is CI wouldn't lose nodes bihind and were replaced with small but useful things, like reduced time before shield recharge. Just enough to hint what it is good for, because now gain sorta minor, but IF CI gets something worth losing it's pool, enough to get to safe spot to recharge, it wouldn't be necessarry even have those large pools.
The items make low level CI more of a thing, instead of respec later.(Which already interesting) as for items nerf on higher level it is hard to reduce stats on items, gradually, but increasing them, or better changing nodes on skill tree is easier. So smaller stats on end game gear are understandable.
It is easier to buff gear later but harder earlier. My only wish if all nerfs were more gradual where it possible but more often, and when fine border reached. Like changes to passive tree in some area in terms of numeral values can be dome slightly, by buffing nerfing all nodes. And other changes were tested one by one. Though who knows, I was never fond of Vaal pact Soul reaver CI builds.
And when fine border reached maybe nerf one aspect buff another and see what would be done with it.

Btw used to run CI dual wield wand witch, in beta when CI gave 40% more ES, and auras were much better on hybrid gear. And my main grind was where t oget flat ES. It is doable. Btw in video looks like missmanagement of those void orbs, and tanking full blast. Also player damage from what I've seen looked sorta low on boss for some reason, does boss have fire resistance, and are there fire penetration room on firebeam?((Probably is just wandering.))

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