Energy Shield and Life

But with 5k life and no chaos immunity, survivability on red maps = -100.

So if I play with an Aegis Aurora with 5k life/70+ chances block I cannot facetank ?
There are a lot of ways to play red maps with a marauder, but the problem is that people just whine because most of the people are whining. Sheep effect.
Those of you saying you think this brings things in balance, let me ask you a question:

If everything listed here was 100% going to be in 3.0, and you had to choose right now if you were going to be ES or life and had to stick to that choice without changing, how many of you would honestly have to flip a coin because things just seem so perfectly "balanced" now that there wouldn't be a good way to decide? Seriously, Id like to know...
Last edited by ParadoxiEvia#5105 on May 18, 2017, 2:26:14 PM
how much LUL could u fit in one manifesto
back 2 path of life nodes thx reddit
BOOM! Nuke thread... I haven't bothered to read it, the meta maggots will be screaming like 2-year olds in epic tantrums.

Now, however, they've got to make evasion/block work at all. Currently you've got to put huge investments to get above 50% evade/block, not including Acrobatics. That means attacks WILL get through. Even at max evade/block attacks WILL get through and to get those high values you've gimped all of your other defense modes - i.e. armor & life. So those lone shots that get through ARE going to one-shot you, no two ways about it. If you got really lucky on the flask keys (or you can just spam them - another meta that needs to die) you might soak a hit, but that's not a reliable defense.

Evasion and block should have inherent damage reductions. Not as high as pure armor, but enough to reliably allow high evade/block characters to soak the occasional hit that gets through. Not a series of such hits, but those inanely stupid one-hit-you're-dead attacks that have been the entire driving force behind the ES/CI meta. Those hits SHOULD hurt, and send the player scrambling away long enough to recover, not simply *blap you're dead* from 100% life. (also, boss zones should offer some areas for the player to run away TO. Current designs that cover 90% of the zone in unavoidable damage is childish).

Evade/block should provide 50% of their value as damage reduction. Hybrid armor/evasion, by that, should result in roughly the same mitigation as pure armor. Pure armor/block would have slightly higher mitigation as a result - it would need to be tweaked, but a lot of armor nodes are going to be skipped to up block chance so they should equal out in the end.
Patch Notes 3.15:
Fixed a bug where players believed the game was playable. This has been corrected and made retroactive.
Patch Notes 3.19:
Fixed a bug where players adapted to 3.15. This bug cannot be corrected, so we have implemented a 90% reduction in item access as a punishment.
Last edited by BlaqWolf#1151 on May 18, 2017, 2:27:25 PM
Lynerus wrote:
Tzaina wrote:
Ok, so those 25k ES builds you are talking about, I would like to see one of those beeing valid.
We´ve seen some few builds like this over the years, with mirror worthy gear, that i´ll give you.
But the problem aint there, if i Mirror things, i sure deserve to be overly insanly overpowerd compared to some avarage Joe.

Besides, i bet my left nut on the fact that 98% of those "25k++ ES builds" you are talking about, WERE ALL GUARDIANS AND/OR HAD A GUARDIAN WITH THEM.

I do agree that ES was an easy choise for most builds, and how easy it is to obtain ES compared to life right now is awfull.

But nerfing it to the grounds just proves the old point: That you people have no idéa on how to balance for jack s)=#".

Goodbye beloved low life builds. You will all be missed.


Fuck you.

You are wrong (tho a guardian does get more ES if i remember right)

GGG should make a test char and show us (you)

I have a guardian build on PoB with 44k (think its 34k without vaal dis) ES with 100k BV dps (well skills and shit got nerfed/whatever so idk now)

It was a witch but i switched to guardian for more es... tho it was higher then 30k even as a witch

Does this build need perfect items? sure but even with perfect items on a life build you will never hit even hit 20k life so in the end its still better but over double the amount

Also to get to these levels of life/es you almost have no damage other then from the skill itself so both get fucked over in that regard

You need to update your Path of Building since Vaal Discipline doesn't add ES anymore.

100k DPS on a level 100 character is extremely low. This is not a balanced build at all.

Go try fighting shaper with only 100k DPS, it's going to be like 15 minutes per phase.
Fresh builds all day.
Last edited by DarthPwn#1332 on May 18, 2017, 2:28:07 PM
GGG should simply buff a little, life nodes cause life builds sucks comparing to ES builds. Simple as that. Instead of that, they add new prefix/suffix stuff that will only make things more complicated, and gear even more expensive. Not to mention that the game becomes even more trade depend. It was really easier to buff a little bit some life nodes along the tree instead of adding all these crafts...
Once more they approach a problem with a weird solution.
Ok, i'm a slightly new player. As i correct understand, life builds(LB) is shit and ES builds(ESB) is OP (for thohe who have MONEY (20k+ ES is only for rich). So GGG think "Hmm, LB is shit, so lets just nerf ESB!". GREAT

Why just not to add "+% to max Life" then? Why not to modify VP in way to "No ES regeneration"?
Why common players needs to suffer, as for rich nothing changes?

Game going to early D3 model - "if u have currency - just buy best items, other way u suck and cant go through endgame". Thanks a lot.

P.s. sorry for my english.
Last edited by LordNeromancer#2660 on May 18, 2017, 2:32:59 PM
I always played as a summoner and I never had more than 10,8 k ES. I feel myself very fragile vs end game content.
IGN: Manda_Chuva
DarthPwn wrote:

You need to update your Path of Building since Vaal Discipline doesn't add ES anymore.

100k DPS on a level 100 character is extremely low. This is not a balanced build at all.

Go try fighting shaper with only 100k DPS, it's going to be like 15 minutes per phase.

My char on legacy doesnt even have 100k dps (without flasks that is)
No char ive ever had has had over 80k? in my hideout without flasks

I also dont have 35k life/es on said char lol

eWlu wrote:

They made endgame dmg insanely high because they wanted even those with insanely high es to be able to die

Seems like this is the core problem of PoE actually.
They allow 25k+ ES and millions of damage.
But not in the same build.
And only to players who spent years grinding in PoE.

And because of those few who are super-rich they break the game? Instead of nerfing the very high end?

Just because PoE has to be a lottery, where the players are motivated by the unlikely win. So if they nerf the top, they nerf the insane lottery.

Nobody wants to play a lottery where there are 1 trillion very low win scenarios. Everyone wants the 1 trillion $ 1-win lottery. For some reason, hoping to win. Except nobody wins the 1 trillion $ lottery.

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