Changes to the Labyrinth

Archangel223 wrote:
I wrote a nice peace earlier but now I'm a little more tipsy so I'm just gonna be simple about it. GGG Has a great ability to drop the ball repeatedly until it seems almost too late. How long before they did something about CoC domination? How long before they decided to make improvements to melee? How long was double dipping a huge problem? How long before they decided to nerf Vaal Discipline? How long are we gonna wait for HP Melee build to be good? Why is it that Grace(iron reflexes) is better than Determination? Why is Vitality so awful? Why is increase to HP based on STR and not Armor? Why is ES/CI so much better than HP Builds as several top players and all the statistics point to? Why are 90% Damage reduction max endurance charge tanky life builds being 1 shot in softcore? Why are there no HP tanks only ES Guardians? Last but not fucking least, Why are we still being forced to do the most hated content in the history of action RPGS?

Somone answer all these please i'm drunk.

To be fair, this is a FREE GAME. GGG gets the money to employ people to do all this work -- which itself is not easy nor fast -- from our purchases. I understand you're tipsy, so I offer this: please consider how much it costs to build and maintain a Free Game. Especailly if you are a player who has been around since the early playing days of 2013 but hasn't any Supporter Titles to show for it.
Last edited by MackBesmirch on May 16, 2017, 3:11:39 AM
Everyone Hates the Labyrinth, and you guys will make it even Larger? -_-
mlangwor wrote:

You got it. (Sorry, this never gets old.)
Blyster wrote:
Everyone Hates the Labyrinth, and you guys will make it even Larger? -_-

You guys kept donating money after they put it in, so they figure you must want more.
Labyrinth isn' t funny just remove it :(
IGN: crazyjake, ,BadAndAngry
eMbbuZomg wrote:
remove lab

Remove yourself
"Let your smile change the world, but don't let the world change your smile." -unknown
"The Emperor beckons and the world attends." -Izaro
"Shine boldly so that all may find you when the night falls." -Izaro
fuck me, GGG.

You guys are more deaf, dumb and blind then a half dead hobo.

How hard is to compensate after all that time, countless posts and many many angry comments later that WE DO NOT WANT LABIRYNTH, geez... and you make it even more shitier now
YES I support the game, NO I don't agree with many GGG decisions

Lab still sucks balls.

I miss Zana already.
Miazga wrote:
fuck me, GGG.

You guys are more deaf, dumb and blind then a half dead hobo.

How hard is to compensate after all that time, countless posts and many many angry comments later that WE DO NOT WANT LABIRYNTH, geez... and you make it even more shitier now

How hard is it to realise that you are not everyone?

I like the lab. I just more and more dislike the rest of the game :(.

Apart from that, for lab speed runs the loading screens will still count?
Remove Horticrafting station storage limit.
Blyster wrote:
Everyone Hates the Labyrinth, and you guys will make it even Larger? -_-

That is factually incorrect. i like the Labyrinth and the Ascendancies that launched with it.

I think the player base has become so accustomed to Ascendancies at this point that they are forgetting the time before they existed, when buying mechanic-altering Uniques was the only way to min-max creatively into endgame. Because the Ascendancy classes are so WIN, it's easy to say the Labyrinth is so FAIL, even though it is the Lbyrinth whcih justifies the powerful Ascendancies in the first place.

The game is doable without Ascendancy classes. If you don't like the Lab, then don't do it.

The whole point is that the Lab is supposed to be difficult enough to make the Ascendancies feel rewarding. Think about it: if the mechanics from those Ascendancy Points were put on Gear, and if that gear were even of medium-rarity in drops, it'd cost 100s of Chaos to several Exalts to build a comparable character. I think a few Lab runs is pretty reasonable. These days, you can get to endgame with all Yellow gear and 6 Ascendancy points. In the past, you'd need some synergistic uniques to enjoy gameplay at that level, especially solo.

Although I do agree that the Lab's overall performance needs improvement. Dying because you're not a very skilled player is different than lag plopping you on top of a roomba you otherwise thought you artfully avoided.

I hate the Lab H A T E I T.

I only do it for the points. If one could earn ascendancy points another way I would go that route and gleefully rejoice in never having to set foot in the lab again.

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