Damage Over Time Changes - Part 1

Are you worried at all that all the different buffs to DoT, in the tree, gems, etc, that you mentioned to compensate for removed double-dipping, will actually be a More multiplier in damage to the previous way of dipping?
My question about this is, have ANY of these changes been made with PVP in mind?
Lavender or Leave.
PvPresident, 2016
You'd better run.
“EA is fine” -relith
Is the intention to increase, decrease, or maintain the relative power level of Poison? I ask because the doubling of its damage and multiple substantive buffs to relevant passives came as a bit of a shock. I expected some buffs when double dipping was looked at, but not this.
“Please understand that imposing strong negative views regarding our team on to other players when you are representing our most helpful forum posters is not appropriate.” — GGG 2022


I'm not 'Sarno' on Discord. I don't know who that is.
Last edited by Sarno on Apr 26, 2017, 9:18:55 PM
Well, it all depends on how the handle "balancing" the rest of the content. But seen it all to many times, that the developers chose to nerf the existing powerfull builds so they come down to the same level as the other skills. Instead of acaully boosting them. Just hope that they dont fous to much on nerfing those "godlikes" builds, so we dont end up with just a few viable true end game builds.

As i saw someone post, get ready to see 99% of all the players play RF...
My question about this is, have ANY of these changes been made with PVP in mind?

Of course not. They can't even spare time to make the pvp ladders work, so no time for T values.
God_of_Thieves_LLD_PVP__I hate the Labyrinth
Last edited by ripnburn69 on Apr 26, 2017, 9:51:28 PM
more multiplier to burning damage to compensate ?

I sincerely hoped the days of 'lets slap a more multiplier on a support gem' were over....looks like it was just the beginning. oh well.
Last edited by grepman on Apr 26, 2017, 9:47:21 PM
This is the kind of dynamic nerf that keeps the game healthy. As stated by GGG - builds who were choosing not to double-dip were seriously hindered in comparison.
Last edited by Hunderpanzer on Apr 26, 2017, 9:46:52 PM
Sarno wrote:
Is the intention to increase, decrease, or maintain the relative power level of Poison? I ask because the doubling of its damage and multiple substantive buffs to relevant passives came as a bit of a shock. I expected some buffs when double dipping was looked at, but not this.


They are based on base damage now. Which is freaking low compared to a mere factor of 2.
You guys suck at balancing I'm not sugar coating this honestly like you're pretty bad at it. I won't hold my breathe here but lets see where this goes.

Like either you make something too powerful
Or you basically fuck it to oblivion and it's garbage etc nobody is going to do this shit.

Lets see if you can get it in middle not dog shit not too op god like but the right place like I got my credit right here duel wield ready if you guys are good at it sure fucking DW swipe.
Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
Last edited by Coconutdoggy on Apr 26, 2017, 9:52:11 PM
Rory wrote:

To compensate for the loss of damage from the removal of "double dipping", the damage of player Ignites, Poisons, and Bleeding have been doubled. Increases to these effects on the passive tree have been boosted as well, and additional Poison and Bleeding bonuses have been added to some weapon clusters, on top of their existing stats.

Just WHY?

You finally removal that abuse affiction and after all want to 'compensate' that?
E = mc^(OMG)/wtf

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