Dead Build

Deadeye alternative added , occulist is next slayer still have problems im keeping him to last.And build table updated

Update 1> SSF guide added , voideye guide added. Voideye still overpiced as hell dont buy it until they become realy cheap.I suggest look div cards for voideye.
no longer playing
Last edited by canjp on Aug 11, 2017, 4:20:45 AM
What if use Powerful Precision on Deadeye?
yodda_ua wrote:
What if use Powerful Precision on Deadeye?

You lose a lot of damage , there are no benefits about Powerful Precision.
no longer playing
canjp wrote:
yodda_ua wrote:
What if use Powerful Precision on Deadeye?

You lose a lot of damage , there are no benefits about Powerful Precision.
its dosent work as spectral throw(damaging twice one target)?
I really dislike the Slower Projectiles on Split Arrow, just feels like it slows down my clear speed. Trying faster projectiles with a pierce quiver now.

I've also been using these boots:

How do you feel about them?
Hi, I would like to ask 2 questions.
What would be the best equipment that can be purchased with the assassin build?
And what are the names of the flasks used in this build?

Sorry for any errors, I used google translator.
Hi I'm trying to follow your build on Standard and wondering if there is a way for you to link your gear for the assassin build and also what your defensive stats are so I can use that as a gauge.
Also I'm wondering if instead of the unset ring I would just put my Wrath in place of the Vaal Lightning Trap but use

Also need any tips and what not too haha.

Also, why do you say "Update 1 > ...And dont worry im not rewrite entire skilltree you only need 2 regret or points." Where do we need to remove points from and put them?
Last edited by PyroVash on Aug 11, 2017, 7:20:03 PM
yodda_ua wrote:
its dosent work as spectral throw(damaging twice one target)?

That idea most likely gonna be bad , i never try it but from what i see on the videos from youtube only 1 projectile come back to you i was expecting something like howa when i read this but this is not good. My idea was swap with fast and deadly but in this case fast and deadly is far better.

I really dislike the Slower Projectiles on Split Arrow, just feels like it slows down my clear speed. Trying faster projectiles with a pierce quiver now.

I've also been using these boots:

How do you feel about them?

That boots is good until you craft endgame rare you can use it if you like , i never use it because i hate flee chance.Slower proj. is for perma shock , you can swap faster projectiles if you like but i higly suggest use slow proj on hard maps like with hp roll or red ones.

BlackRazorBR wrote:
Hi, I would like to ask 2 questions.
What would be the best equipment that can be purchased with the assassin build?
And what are the names of the flasks used in this build?

Sorry for any errors, I used google translator.

Full dragonscale , lion pelt , gripped gloves , two toned boots (Green one) , leather belt , opal ring , voideye , penetrating arrow quiver , choir of the storm.

Kiara determination , rumi's concoction , basalt flasks , vessel of vinktar (Penetration) , The wise Oak

PyroVash wrote:
Hi I'm trying to follow your build on Standard and wondering if there is a way for you to link your gear for the assassin build and also what your defensive stats are so I can use that as a gauge.
Also I'm wondering if instead of the unset ring I would just put my Wrath in place of the Vaal Lightning Trap but use

Also need any tips and what not too haha.

After essence i vaal my tempest gear , only piece left was this lol.Keep following updates im gonna link my gear very often currently im playing occulist edition of tempest after its done im gonna add occulist codes and build guide as well.

You can buy Voideye , voideye gives you best wrath dps , according to they are 5c on std atm. And no Valako's sign isnt great idea for this build one voideye and one good crafted opal ring gives you like at least 5 times more dps.If you dislike voideye soo much i suggest wear Alpha's Howl + Lvl 4 Empower this is the only thing can be equal voideye ring , not gonna be cheap tho not even close to 5c.

Well for tips , keep your distance safe get use to blink arrow and you never die except realy dumb moves like blinking into atziris fireblast or something , i was do that a lot when i dont know atziri phases lol.

You can basicly kill anything only bosses can challenge you is

1> Kaoms (area is soo small and he is sending you a swarm you need a lot of blink arrow tactics)
2> Shavronne (has reflect aura , that hurt soo much be aware when she uses curse aura)
3> Bosses hits you with DoT and blink a lot (well this isnt actualy kill you instantly but if you fooling around you most likely die , you must follow them with your arrow shot them pew pew and they dead)
4> And bosses turn into invincile when they are phase mode like Brine king if there were no source to leech and no flasks left you basicly rip. (Tho new pantheon gives life flasks charges is good you probably never die from this if you learn boss mechanics)
no longer playing
Very nice build mate!

I tweaked your version a bit adding a few health nodes here and there, but the biggest change that i did was to add a Lioneye's Fall gem, it may get a bit expensive depending on the prices (the current price right now is 55c), but i feel that the claw nodes for life/mana leech are way more efficient than the Vitality/Spirit Void, not only on the leech but also the crit chance/multi at the cost of 1 wasted point to get the effect of the gem.
I also removed iron reflexes and unwavering stance, i feel that you get way more fom IR if you use an aura like Grace, also, this allows you to use Acrobatics and even Phase acrobatics, atziri's step can also be a choice with a setup like this. As for unwavering stance, since we are a ranged character it feels like unnecesary to have it. That's just my opinion though.

Here's the pastebin for PoB:

blckfckngmtl wrote:
Very nice build mate!

I tweaked your version a bit adding a few health nodes here and there, but the biggest change that i did was to add a Lioneye's Fall gem, it may get a bit expensive depending on the prices (the current price right now is 55c), but i feel that the claw nodes for life/mana leech are way more efficient than the Vitality/Spirit Void, not only on the leech but also the crit chance/multi at the cost of 1 wasted point to get the effect of the gem.
I also removed iron reflexes and unwavering stance, i feel that you get way more fom IR if you use an aura like Grace, also, this allows you to use Acrobatics and even Phase acrobatics, atziri's step can also be a choice with a setup like this. As for unwavering stance, since we are a ranged character it feels like unnecesary to have it. That's just my opinion though.

Here's the pastebin for PoB:

Honestly i do not enjoy dodge and evasion both seems risky and feels like you can get one shot anytime.Also I never pick heart of oak when i pick VP. You cant use grace you need wrath and herald of thunder for this build you loss massive dmg if you remove one of them.But yeah somehow you manage to hit 80K avg hit.I think you cant survive with this skill tree.

Update For everyone > Voideye now 29c , wait until they become like 15c or less.And for choir of the storm buying voice of the storm & blessing cost less than buying choir like 1 exalt less.
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