Dead Build

Can not recommend this build. I am lvl 71 and sill my two one handed weapons with Frostblades deal WAY more damage than split arrow or barrage!
Yeah, I don't see how this will work end game in 3.0 with boss health being x3 and nerfs on Assassin's and Choir of the Storm
So... is this build viable anymore?
So... is this build viable anymore?

Don't do it. Waste of time.
Aretsue wrote:
Yeah, I don't see how this will work end game in 3.0 with boss health being x3 and nerfs on Assassin's and Choir of the Storm

Choir of the storm crit never was the point of this build , this build only benefits its lvl 20 thunderbolt and %50 inc lightning damage , choir crit is just extra bonus unlike vaal sparker builds this build series doenst relly on old choir crit values. Choir of the storm nerf was good for this build old one was realy expensive and meta.I only pick choir because lvl 20 thunderbolt and %50 increased lightning damage this multiplier for flat dmg and auras.

here new choir stats with elementalist alternative , damage and crit loss is very low (Calcultaed With Light Res Cap).This rates are about same for inquisitor and deadeye.(Jugg and champion dont use Choir)

Assasin dmg loss is only 51 avg hit , and %0.16 crit chance (%0.13 effective crit) Means assasin is immune to this nerf.

So... is this build viable anymore?

Yes , in fact this build get more useful items with new league.Its totaly up to you if you have crappy gear tempest is just a needle , If you craft nice gear with flat lightning damage this build is still divine sword. Think as Doomflech prism but lightning version more flat dmg and "% inc lightning damage" you deal much more.

This build only dies when GGG nerfs tempest "%100 inc lightning damage" to %50 or less , i think they never gonna do that.
no longer playing
Last edited by canjp on Aug 7, 2017, 1:09:02 PM
What do you think about Raider. for HC?

Avatar of Veil and Slaughter.

Seems really OP.
Illsonmedia wrote:
What do you think about Raider. for HC?

Avatar of Veil and Slaughter.

Seems really OP.

I do not suggest this build for HC maybe jugg or champion can run , but others not i mean there are tons of things can kill you lag spikes , realy hard crit , insanly op random rare mobs. I just kill possesed dominus like minute ago deathless but if i was in HC i dont even think pick assasin for it.Raider isnt that viable deadeye is stronger if you want ranger that much.

Update 1 > My Current Gear On Harbinger

I only spend 1 alc to %50 AS storm cloud and 5c to Servant's Heart Prophecy , blackgleam and wanderlust drop while i was levelling.Sadly there are no voideye ring yet in the market.

Levelling was easy i only died 1 times at merveil , i was using lvl 9 rare bow it was totaly avoidable death i move wrong direction.I done deathless lab as well. Its totaly up to how you play and how you deal with situation.Please just look at the table on Second post before try this build , if you want to be tankiest just dont pick assasin pick jugg or champion there are alternatives for that.
no longer playing
Last edited by canjp on Aug 7, 2017, 4:46:26 PM
Super confused as what is giving the endurance charges for the immortal call. Currently level 45 using the build, but no idea how to use immortal call effectively.
strakt wrote:
Super confused as what is giving the endurance charges for the immortal call. Currently level 45 using the build, but no idea how to use immortal call effectively.

You dont need to it has own 0.4 sc duration its for avoiding one shot dmg used by every build.

Update 1 > i most likely cant play today . my portable hard drive clicking , i must backup those files. I have +600 GB files im trying to backup those fast as i can.I still gonna check prices and keep update , it seems choir nerf hits hard to its price 3ex , that was like half of the last league first week price im sure it will gonna 1-1.5 Ex range soon when they are common. Inya's Epiphany and Yriel's Fostering is 40-50c range atm but im sure they are gonna be cheap soon too im gonna be experiment with those when they are cheaper, i realy like Inya's Epiphany boots seems very useful.Sadly again still no voideye exist :/ Volkuur's Guidance (lightning edition) Stil not that cheap for testing im gonna wait until they are 40-50c range maybe less.
no longer playing
Last edited by canjp on Aug 7, 2017, 9:32:32 PM
I highly recommend Pantheon ability that gives flask charges!

This build doesn't rely much on life flasks... so I'd say that's a waste. Soul of Yugul > all. High critical elemental damage output means Elemental Reflect rares will be your doom, even with Vaal Pact. Hence the needed "25% reduced reflected damage taken".

Also, Soul of the Brine King looks a pretty solid choice for this build. We can even drop Unwavering Stance and Iron reflexes, and take Acrobatics + Heart of Oak, saving a lot of points we can use in more HP nodes. If so, Queen of the Forest might be the BiS chestpiece to aim for.

Last edited by Harmona on Aug 8, 2017, 10:53:52 AM

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