Dead Build

Daresso Defiance seems to pretty damn solid and cheap too.
Anyone's opinion am I overvaluing those endurance charges + longer immortal call + free onslaught?

The one thing I wish I had more of was life.
How much life do we estimate to have at high level?

And Opal rings are bloody expensive - might as well buy a blessing of Eth for ammy upgrade.

With T1 life roll on every gear but no jewels you get almost 6K , with jewels i think you'll get like 6.3K maybe 6.4.I never suggest buying opal/steel rings finding one is better i know they arent that common but buying a white ring for 1 exalt come on , i never gonna buy that EVER.

Harmona wrote:
I highly recommend Pantheon ability that gives flask charges!

This build doesn't rely much on life flasks... so I'd say that's a waste. Soul of Yugul > all. High critical elemental damage output means Elemental Reflect rares will be your doom, even with Vaal Pact. Hence the needed "25% reduced reflected damage taken".

Also, Soul of the Brine King looks a pretty solid choice for this build. We can even drop Unwavering Stance and Iron reflexes, and take Acrobatics + Heart of Oak, saving a lot of points we can use in more HP nodes. If so, Queen of the Forest might be the BiS chestpiece to aim for.


Yeah i suggest Soul of Ryslatha (flask pantheon) too for minor , for major Soul of Solaris (6% Physical Damage Reduction if there is only one nearby Enemy) seems best option.Nah you dont need soul of the brine king this build already immune to stun , iron reflexes are good dodge and evasion isnt that reliable believe me its fun when you dodge but when you get one shot fun ends.

Yeah you can use Soul of Yugul as well agaisnt reflect i still suggets dont run ele reflect map even with that , dmg is just soo high with barrage you cant use it and with split arrow killing bosses takes a lot of time.

Update 1> I save up my %70 of data i was gonna think this wont end today but rest of them can wait i guess i save essential parts.Time to play again

Update 2>
Voideye finaly hit the market they are 2.5ex atm (LOL) , wait until they become 10C and buy it.They are very common with div cards and almost no build uses it dont buy until they become very cheap.DONT BUY IT NOW THOSE ARE SCAM PRICE
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Last edited by canjp on Aug 8, 2017, 3:06:08 PM
I almost finish occulist tree after i buy req items gonna fresh startas occulist i dont want to suggest ES build before try. As for my Oriath experiance i died to kitava 1 times one of the minions was hit like truck,1 time to brutusXshavronne fuse and for last one 1 times to goat god throws you lava.other than that "Gods" were realy easy.All were done with 3L barrage and 3L split arrow i think if i had 5L i probably never died except brutusXShavronne that was too hard.

And for the update im thinking to swap GMP with slower projectiles on this build series damage difference is very big.

For occulist im gonna go CI with ghost reaver i manage to hit 7.1 K ES, currently most expensive item on my theory is energy from within. Im not using shavronne or presence kinda rubbish , i think occulist edition not gonna be that expensive after all.My ideal budget was 10ex but this is gonna be like 3-4ex

Update 1 > Another significant changes on the way , its not gonna effect the budget , BUT assasin gets 130K more damage , with fully buffed i think this time can reach over 2.5M. But it will comes with cost No more IIR support gem anymore you should craft IIR bonus on your gear if you want IIR. Split arrow has %70 Shock chance and supported by means extra buff and yes for apply this you need also hit with split arrow sometimes as before.And i remove chain support that is gonna effect clear speed but now split arrow damage is +200K im using Penetration Quiver we still have pierce , i think 1 pierce is enough.And dont worry im not rewrite entire skilltree you only need 2 regret or points.

Update 2 > For budget updates im gonna remove taste of hate you still can use if you have it. Its too expensive item for budget title , New endgame recommended items gonna be Rumi & Kiara since its below 10c item no i think everyone can afford it. I pick kiara because immunity to freeze , chill and curses on same flask , im still keeping the Unwavering Stance Stun immunity.

Update 3 > Voideye current price is 88sc (1.8ex) Dont buy it until they turn into like below 20 or 10c , voideye price decaying faster than zombies brain.Until then you can use +2 or +3 unset ring no matter the stats you only need + lvl for wrath.

This changes apply soon , you are gonna notice when i update post title.
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Last edited by canjp on Aug 9, 2017, 1:46:49 PM
what kind of body armor should i go for stat wise or should I stick to those uniques on last post on the first page?
elestion wrote:
what kind of body armor should i go for stat wise or should I stick to those uniques on last post on the first page?

Full Dragonscale is best option if you are gonna craft yourself ( i suggest that ) unique ones are optional.

Update 1 > Assasin Average damage is doubled , and total dps up to 854 K from 720K , im gonna update alternate builds now.Also im gonna add occulist edition after i try.

Update 2 > if my toaster wont burn im gonna add gif clearly i cant make video but gif is very possible , most likely im gonna add act 10 kitava ppl complain about how hard it is , its great for showing actual damage.
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Last edited by canjp on Aug 9, 2017, 4:37:23 PM
I dont understand the helmet gems. You have immortal call, but we dont have a skill to gain endurance charges?
Also CWDT cannot be used on vaal skills, so why link it to vaal haste?
Edit: can you prehaps check my current equipment?
Last edited by Divania on Aug 9, 2017, 4:37:39 PM
Divania wrote:
I dont understand the helmet gems. You have immortal call, but we dont have a skill to gain endurance charges?
Also CWDT cannot be used on vaal skills, so why link it to vaal haste?
Edit: can you prehaps check my current equipment?

You dont need any endurance charge it still triggers with 0.4 sc base duration with duration gem its 0.7 its only for avoiding heavy physcial damage.And Cwdt Never Triggers Vaal gem i didnt have any slot so i put vaal gem there its still manual.

Sure i can check your gear but you need to open character view first XD your character view is privite.
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Last edited by canjp on Aug 9, 2017, 4:46:49 PM
ok, you should be able to see it now (only have 1 char in harbringer). I know in my helmet is regular haste now. No use at all.
Divania wrote:
ok, you should be able to see it now (only have 1 char in harbringer). I know in my helmet is regular haste now. No use at all.

get a leader belt , carry at least 1 utility flask 1 mana should be fine until leech . You dont have the barrage :P i dont think you can deal good dps with that. Here my assasin gear its crappy but do the work

Im also using Static Electricty gem next to vaal pact.
Note = wrath wont trigger with Cwdt i wasnt have any blue slot left.

Update 1 > Assasin and inquisitor new stats updated , rest of them gonna update soon , it takes time to calculate every dmg.

Update 2 > Fortify source and extra power charge generation added. This is the only way to generate fortify without champion. Also you can use smoke mine for movement speed source.
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Last edited by canjp on Aug 10, 2017, 12:41:48 AM

Think I used up all my good luck for the league. Loving the build, going to try your slower projectile changes.

EDIT: I'm going to stick with Chain or Pierce for Split Arrow, since I have a nice Spike-Point quiver

Last edited by SirPsychoMantis on Aug 10, 2017, 2:41:43 AM

Think I used up all my good luck for the league. Loving the build, going to try your slower projectile changes.

EDIT: I'm going to stick with Chain or Pierce for Split Arrow, since I have a nice Spike-Point quiver

I remove chain from split arrow check first post please , also i add innervane (New Buff) and change 2 skill point , with this total shock chance become %70 and split arrow dmg is +200K.If you try to craft piercing quiver your damage gonna be much much better with split arrow.My point was some people complain about shock before i try to make shock permanent as possible.

Current shock sources > Split arrow %70 , Vinktar , Vaal Light Trap.

Btw my current build is occulist tempest with , i manage to hit 1M dps without vaal haste, frenzy charges & bloodrage on pob i have big expectaions about occulist

This gear is perfect for CI , i almost try with every ES gear there are no better gear than this one cheap gives a lot of leech , Extra chaos , tanky as hell and best is i buy that for 2c insanely cheap.
I think about making low life too but current shavronne is big pile of shit and dps,es , efficancy is nothing compare to this gear.

gonna buy with full roll pariah, ring itself gives like 600 es plus +2 lvl to wrath

Update 1 > I update all entire build series no more paint lol.New examples are now full hd , and more simple.Also i use glowing effect instead of line colors.
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Last edited by canjp on Aug 10, 2017, 7:20:30 PM

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