How is ssf going for u guys/girls? ^^

These are sitting in my stash....used one YOLO style on a weapon....failed :(

Basically, I'm stuck. I hit the wall of walls. My first priority is to grind till I drop, to get Blueprints for experimental weapons; I need a damn Eventuality Rod; not a must but I want one just because.
After that I might call it "satisfied" and retire til next league. But the damn grind though.....
Going to 6L this later today:
~ Adapt, Improvise and Overcome
this thing is taking RF to a whole new level

Came back after some years. The game has changed a lot. Most of the "normal" game seems to be much easier but special content - and probably end game bosses which I havent done any so I dont know - is somewhat out of whack. Especially bad is that exactly the situations in which I dont want the game to be laggy or choppy the game is laggy or choppy. There is some adjustment algorithm/s somewhere in the game (or Linux OS?) so that it gets better for "known" (meaning I have played it often already) content but its conceptually bad and quite slow.

Anyway I am playing Forbidden Rite selfcast Deadeye now. Its IMO "medium" mode - not as easy as ballista totems nor as hard as (real) melee.

Current gear:

Unfortunately I am not capped on Spell Suppression nor do I have ele ailment immunity/avoidance. So I have been planning on a new setup but crafting progress is rather slow. Will likely replace everything other than the influenced ring and the headwear and maybe the wand if I ever finish it. At least I figured out how to farm ex now so I may have fair odds of getting it done eventually.
No wonder it's lost, it's in the middle of the jungle!
First League playing SSF and been enjoying every bit of it (with the exception of trying to get Redblade Banner). This was also my first league attempting the Maven encounter, and managed to clear it first try, with only 1 death (got stuck on degen ground). Still need to do Uber Elder, but I've been unable to get the top left frag to run him.

Current character is my 4th build of the league, a Death Wish Ignite Elementalist, first time trying it and it's quickly become one of my favorite all time builds.
Currently lvl 94 and using the following:

Chest piece is still a work in progress, trying to reroll prefixes using either Harvest or Eldritch Chaos. Then will finish up implicits on it. Still trying to get a 21/20 Stone Golem to push it a little further...but no luck yet in about a dozen attempts.

Currently leveling/farming gear for a WORB Omni Scion and a Rage Vortex Berserker.
Been trying to get a good Longtooth Talisman (per Jorgin) and had scored one earlier in the league. Unfortunately its the only one I forgot to anoint:

And also unfortunately none of the other attempts turned into Longtooth.

Not all turned out bad though:

The quality doesnt work on the Longtooth implicit but it works here on the implicit.

Luckily - not sure really as I dont know the odds - I dropped a tainted oil now:

Also one Catarina dropped a 'Flaring' 'Tyrannical' at some time - this is intentionally "well rolled"?
No wonder it's lost, it's in the middle of the jungle!
Gambled 250 astragali got
in the first 40
Some crafting progress - got rather lucky with the body: Only 4 ex used:

Also finished except for the crafted mods & implicits: And the belt cost 10 ex. And so far no luck with the "withered" belt enchant unfortunately. Wands seem to be particularly hard to craft.

These still need prefixes - this is going to cost:
No wonder it's lost, it's in the middle of the jungle!
Just ripped - forgot about crystal skinned Archnemesis and this "happens on top of character" stuff unfortunately doesnt show properly in the game. Didnt lose much of my best gear as it wasnt in use yet though - may give it another try.
No wonder it's lost, it's in the middle of the jungle!
Not very well for me. This is the first league I've played, I usually just do standard. So far I've found less than 20 orbs of fusing which I need a lot of because the drops I get really stink. Same with chromatic orbs and jewelers orbs.

In over four hundred hours of playing this game I have found only a couple 6L pieces of gear. Maybe my character level isn't high enough? I don't know a lot about this game and am following a build for a Caustic Arrow Ranger which is fun. I always follow CA builds or ice shot or fire builds, I find them the most fun.

I have realized that without the specific pieces of gear the build requires gets one only so far, certainly it won't get to endgame with any ability to withstand more than one hit. It's fun for awhile but then I have to take a break for a bit, as it gets redundant not making much progress.

I've been working on getting to Act 10 for months now, still haven't made it. Probably won't make it that far in this or any league, which is fine. I've only made it to Act 10 with one of my characters, and that was awhile back ( 1 - 2 years ago maybe?). Ive made a lot more characters than what are in my account right now, but I've deleted them when they don't pan out. I've lost count on how many.

When it stops being fun I stop playing, take a break, then come back and play some more. Once I lowered my expectations with this game some of the frustration went away.

anyway, that's how my SSF league has been going. Lack of gear required, lack of currency needed to improve gear so I die a lot, thus losing XP that took hours/days to grind. Taking a break for awhile and will come back later. Maybe just delete this character and start over in standard, or play one of the other characters in my account. Probably won't play leagues after this one ends, will stay in standard, play when it's fun and stop when it isn't.

good luck to everyone and have fun, i really give kudos to anyone that makes it to high 90's/100.

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