How is ssf going for u guys/girls? ^^

Last edited by AbilityPoints on Apr 10, 2021, 2:42:13 PM
A huge farm of Atoll maps to get the last two Spark and Flames to end my Nemesis/Domination unique collection in SSF Standard right before they become core drops :(

And as side drops while doing that, those two missing uniques :

Pretty fun last days before new league !
I want to watch how my character develops this league, and be able to look back over it at a later date. There are some key things I want to keep track of too.

I was a bit late getting started because it took me three characters to get something I felt good with, but here is Lucellae so far. Go exsanguinate!

I've tried a few different set ups; self cast (with and without unleash), spellslinger and cast while channelling. I'm feeling best with CwC right now and I like to make somewhat automated builds, generally. I'm still levelling the other gems though and will likely swap about throughout the league as I experiment.

I got an onslaught jewel early from Ultimatum, which was nice!

Exsanguinate is still on a 4-link.

Level: 77
Delve: 45
Life: 4880
S8 DPS (CwC Ex): 29,384
S8 DPS Fever: 9,233

Nothing checked in config.

I also got a 5-link Femur from Ultimatum with my initial zombiemancer, but I don't see me going back to it. I think I've played too much minions...
ultimatum *finally* had some decent rewards, starting in act 6.

prior to these, my best items for mostly full clears were like, stacks of 3 fuses, 4 alts, and terrible rares

Gotten 5/6 trials with only one repeat. Haven't even tried the new "burn an offering" gismo yet.
Thror2k5 wrote:
ultimatum *finally* had some decent rewards, starting in act 6.

prior to these, my best items for mostly full clears were like, stacks of 3 fuses, 4 alts, and terrible rares

Compared to ritual thats not decent. I got both emp 4 and enlighten 4 in ritual among other things.
Git R Dun!
I got both emp 4 and enlighten 4 in ritual among other things.

In Acts? :-)
Some recent finds. Last day of ritual in xbox land.

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Farming Vaal areas with Fragments is very good for getting 6 links in SSF
Got these in a bout 1 hour of farming

From Ultimatum, not useful for my build though. Still fine with my 4-link.

First unique jewel drop... Already tried Golementalist last league though, no plans to do it again.
"A game IS supposed to waste your time but it's not supposed to make you FEEL like you're wasting your time:
It's supposed to make you WANT to waste your time."

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