Content Update 2.6.0 Balance Changes

Love how GGG just nerfs what ever build is strong or has caught on.

Like a build you saved up for? Having an awesome time? Well better hope a streamer doesn't catch on because it just gets nerfed.

I hope for all the people defending it, that your stupid, crap build you love get noticed and then gets nerfed, I truly do.

time for a break, to bad I was excited for the changes, instead its just a nerf blade flurry into the ground fest. I'm done for now, fucking ggg .. lets see what the next patch brings
"Ultimately, I confess I still don't get the appeal of dungeon crawlers.
Seems like I could recreate the essential experience by opening Microsoft Excel,
scrolling down ten thousand pages with the down cursor key, and then typing
"The Most Splendid Trousers of Them All!" -Yahtzee
Last edited by EtherBunny66 on Feb 22, 2017, 7:48:44 PM
More conversion nerfs?! Nerfing call of the brotherhood? really? the only item that can convert light to cold? Pyre I get, 100% on one ring, but call of the brotherhood should not be nerfed. You still need 2 of them, which eats both ring slots to go full cold. I understood nerfing chaos, but this is stupid. if you dont like how full cold is better than pure light, then maybe you should adjust lighting to make it better.
I also greatly dislike the diminishing returns to area.

I like quite a few of the other changes, but at this point, I will consider boycotting until 3.0. I defend you people a lot, perhaps even when I shouldn't, but you seriously need to stop with the conversion nerfing.
Global 1 is cancer.
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and that you will bow to the Mealworm king when he ascends the throne.
Hmm any ascendancy class buffs?
In order to get rid of clearspeed meta cap global movement speed at 100% but make all skills instant so everything feels great.
To quote the templar "My prayers are thus answered"
EtherBunny66 wrote:
Love how GGG just nerfs what ever build is strong or has caught on.

Like a build you saved up for? Having an awesome time? Well better hope a streamer doesn't catch on because it just gets nerfed.

I hope for all the people defending it, that your stupid, crap build you love get noticed and then gets nerfed, I truly do.

time for a break, to bad I was excited for the changes, instead its just a nerf blade flurry into the ground fest. lets see what the next patch brings

All this because BF damage was lowered, some due to the increase of 1-handed damage.

Ive had -many- builds nerfed since i started playing in 2011 (RIP sporker, you're still in my heart). Most changes are necessary, if your fun build is destroying content due to your skill being overly powerful (and come on, BF was clearly stronk), then you should've seen it coming. Nothing lasts forever, eh.

And most importantly, you don't even know if its nerfed by 5% or 50%, way to overreact.
Last edited by krilox on Feb 22, 2017, 7:52:35 PM
Vaal Discipline no longer grants any bonus energy shield.

MyNameIsSalo wrote:
"Vaal discipline no longer gives additional energy shield"

lol nice, now there is what, 2 useful vaal skills without needing to build around it completely? Vaal haste which was also nerfed, and vaal lightning trap

None of the other skills are usable without building completely around them with jewels, 6L them etc. Hopefully vaal skills get some love in the future as most of them are useless. Though vaal spark was my most played build in breach league.

Guess that just saved up a 3 socket setup (vaal haste - vaal disc - inc duration) and might actually be able to use golems or something

Never used Vaal Haste. Not a fan of Vaal Discipline. Never played Vaal Spark. But hey, Vaal Summon Skeles finds a place in most of my builds, but strangely not in your list of 'useful' Vaal skills. Pretty much always on its own or in a 2-link with Inc. Duration, as well (so hardly 'built around completely').
WizBlizz1994 wrote:
Kroughfire wrote:
but I think that nerfing the strong builds is the way to go.

The buff to one handed is very much needed, and a wonderful thing to hear is being implemented this patch.

They're not the just the "strong" builds dude they're the only VIABLE builds currently. Like that one guy said no one is killing Shaper with Ice Crash. With less "strong" builds to start the league I'm guessing we now have to pick specific builds or just get screwed. Only until the new meta reforms can people start rebuilding what was taken down.

Also if one-handed weapons can potentially hit as hard as two-handed weapons now in 2.6, what's the point of using a two-handed weapon then?

Kind of unfortunate, since it looks like this season will just be people stacking the meta double dipping builds hard for the last time, while other builds obly start on the path of being viable.
Attlus wrote:

Kind of unfortunate, since it looks like this season will just be people stacking the meta double dipping builds hard for the last time, while other builds obly start on the path of being viable.

Had to be expected though as they'll most likely change everything in 3.0 in one go.
Exile009 wrote:

Never used Vaal Haste. Not a fan of Vaal Discipline. Never played Vaal Spark. But hey, Vaal Summon Skeles finds a place in most of my builds, but strangely not in your list of 'useful' Vaal skills. Pretty much always on its own or in a 2-link with Inc. Duration, as well (so hardly 'built around completely').

Vaal detonate dead cleared whole breaches for me, and it wasnt even linked =)

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