Lightning Strike

I have a strong issue with what happens inbetween casting this skill.

When it comes to spamming this skill as a main attack the movement inbetween the skill completely destroys this skill for me, you dont remain stationary as you do with ground slam and that means there is a lot of lost DPS time.

If this is how its ment to be then its ok but i wont be using this skill with my build anytime soon, but if it can be made an improvement to the skill where you dont move about during the casting time then this skill would make a good replacement for ground slam.

Myrnn wrote:
I have a strong issue with what happens inbetween casting this skill.

When it comes to spamming this skill as a main attack the movement inbetween the skill completely destroys this skill for me, you dont remain stationary as you do with ground slam and that means there is a lot of lost DPS time.

If this is how its ment to be then its ok but i wont be using this skill with my build anytime soon, but if it can be made an improvement to the skill where you dont move about during the casting time then this skill would make a good replacement for ground slam.


Ever tried to press shift while attacking?
Resists trolls
Casts Joy
Ninja looter
Spreads tar when tickled
Been gathering info on how this skill works, there are quite a few threads about it. This is just my opinion on how it works from reading and observations on how this skill works. If I've got anything wrong please comment.
I also have a few questions that I haven't seen asked.

The best way to approach the mechanics of lightning Strike is to thin of it as 2 skills; A melee strike and shooting 3 projectiles.

The Melee Strike
The melee strike works as all the other dmg converted attacks work;
weapon damage x (1 + all %increase physical and melee mods) x %more mods = Base Physical Dmg

50% of Base Physical Dmg is converted to Lightning Damage.

Lightning Damage x (1 + all %increase elemental and lightning mods) x %more mods = Final Lightning Damage

The Projectiles
Just like the melee strike, works the same as equivelent projectile attacks eg Burning Arrow.

weapon damage x (1 + all %increase physical) x %more mods x 70% effectivness = Base Physical Dmg

50% of Base Physical Dmg is converted to Lightning Damage.

Lightning Damage x (1 + all %increase elemental and lightning mods) x %more mods x 70% effectivness = Final Lightning Damage

Some imaginary Character with these passives:
100 Weapon Damage
40% Increased Melee Physical Damage (from 200 Strength)
60% Increased Physical Damage with X Weapon
50% Increased Physical Damage with 2H/1H/DW
20% Increased Melee Physical Damage
50% Increased Weapon Elemental Damage
12% Increased Lightning Damage
30% More Melee Physical Damage (Melee Physical Damage gem)
60% More Weapon Elemental Damage (Weapon Elemental Damage gem)

Melee Hit
BasePhys= 100 x (1+.40+.60+.50+.20) x 1.30= 351
Lightning Damage= 176 x (1+.50+.12) x 1.60= 456
Physical Damage= 176
Total Damage= 632

Projectile Damage
BasePhys= 100 x (1+.60+.50)* x .70= 147
Lightning Damage= 74 x (1+.50+.12) x 1.60= 192
Physical Damage= 74
Total Damage= 266
*=40% Increased Projectile Physical Damage would go in here if you had Iron Grip

Pretty sure that's how it works. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

My questions regarding this skill are:
Do Weapon passive effects like decreased stun threshold effect the Projectile part of the attack?
Do +%Physical as Cold/fire use the BasePhysical or halved value?
all parts of attacks get benefit from stun modifiers. spells (which this skill is not) can stun but doesn't get benefit of mods and passives of stun.

converted damage gets benefit of the mods that affect original damage type. so a 50% physical to lightning uses but in this specific case, the projectile part (even not converted part) will not get benefit from anything that states "melee".

edit: added cold and added fire use base value just like convert does and uses increased mods of both source and destination modifiers just like conversion. except converting would "subtract" from sub total while added does not.
example: 100 physical with 50% added fire and 25% convert to ice. 10% physical, 20% fire, 30% ice.
100 * 0.5 = 50 fire
100 * 0.25 = 25 cold
100 - 25 = 75 physical

75 * 1.1 = 82.5 phys
50 * 1.3 = 65 fire
25 * 1.4 = 35 ice
Last edited by soul4hdwn on Feb 16, 2013, 1:41:24 PM
Jeremyz0r wrote:
Obstructed by every object, incapable of going over fences/through gates that are littered every where (prison/temple levels), wide arc makes the ability redundant in narrow hallways (half the game) unless you're standing in a group of mobs. Isn't very functional until you've propped it up with several (mana intensive) gems and traits.

Please consider making the ability ride over/around objects or ricochet like spark.

Couldn't agree more.
Vihannes wrote:
Jeremyz0r wrote:
Obstructed by every object, incapable of going over fences/through gates that are littered every where (prison/temple levels), wide arc makes the ability redundant in narrow hallways (half the game) unless you're standing in a group of mobs. Isn't very functional until you've propped it up with several (mana intensive) gems and traits.

Please consider making the ability ride over/around objects or ricochet like spark.

Couldn't agree more.

Yea, pretty much that. Since it's the only AoE that works with daggers/claws (Whirling Blades doesn't count), it's pretty lack luster in tight areas. Running through Chamber of Sins, Ancient Pyramid, Church Dungeon, or any dungeon/sewer/indoor area is a huge pain for Lightning Strike. The projectile spread is nice for open areas but a huge pain in the ass for enclosed areas. The ricochet would definitely increase the performance of LS.
If you're reading this, I'm probably on another year-long ban.
Thanks GGG.
I have not read this entire thread, so forgive me if this has already been posted.

I believe there is a bug with this ability that causes there to be an effective "dead zone". By this, I mean, when I use the ability while holding shift, it's very easy for enemies that move into melee me to be just out of range of my melee attack, but also not getting hit by any of the lightning projectiles when they clearly should be. This is not just a case of getting evaded, as I've tested this many times and I'll miss every attack for dozens in a row if I don't move.

I'm guessing this was done to avoid the situation where mobs would get hit by all three strikes? Regardless, it is the most frustrating (dangerous, if I depend on LoH) aspect of this skill for me.

P.S. I think it would be cool if there was a sweet spot instead of a deadzone where you could hit the mob with both melee and a projectile. :)
Post was wrong and I don't want to confuse,
so I deleted it!
Last edited by master176281 on Feb 23, 2013, 11:21:43 AM
I play a lvl76 1h sword lightning strike templar right now. Running 4 auras/3 damage auras with it. Hatred anger wrath clarity. I got 20% weapon elemental damage, 16% lightning strike right now. Mana reduced on all abilities/auras. As I decided to play with swords and therefore gotta take several dex, dex/accuracy and meleedmg/accuracy nodes anyway I decided to play without resolute technique. Also wanna maybe take some critical hit chance nodes in very late game (lvl85+). Got LMP, faster attacks, reduced mana, WED, added lightning damage or added chaos damage in the 6socket RRRGGB chest with LS itself.

It doesnt work out that well honestly. Making no damage at all.

- accuracy rating not high enaugh for the primary hit with sword
- damage is unreliable and most of the time low due to 1-xxx lighning damage
- lighning projectiles miss frequently and when they hit its low damage

to make this thing work at all I need to use many auras and use LS in the 6S chest. Mana costs are ridiculously high for a non caster compared to effectiveness. I got reduced mana everywhere, even got right now 7% reduced mana cost of skills passive and 5x8% more maximum mana (temporarily) to supply this skill with the auras and 5 support gems. Still not enaugh damage!

I used to play with witches, rangers, shadows and few times maurauders. Its ridiculous my projectiles get stuck on every little edge and item on the ground. Projectiles are weak, slow and often dont hit at all (even close range) or when they hit do so low damage. To make damage to blue/yellow/orange monsters I gotta walk very close and there is the next problem:

- 153% +life from nodes (+24% still coming on the way to lvl85)
- 9500 armor in total (which is far away from cap I know but still quite decent I think)
- 80 all resistance, chaos res about 0 to -20 (depending on belt I use).

is not enaugh to get the survivabilty I needed as a melee.

it is ridiculous as every ranger got the same survivabilty as me but has super fast projectiles killing everything in maps on screen in seconds with high damage from far distance.

While I recognized this earlier, I wondered if I was able to help it later on in higher levels.
I was not. I could surely switch to maces and get resolute technique but then I would play it as most of the other templars which is pretty much un-individual what I dont like. Anyway this would not improve the situation that much I am pretty sure - if at all - especially compared to freezing pulse witches or rangers in general.

So I should switch to freezing pulse and make a freezing pulse templar then or what? Is it mandatory for every class in the game besides of the ranger to play with freezing pulse?

Freezing pulse always hits, always pierces, goes thru many objects, hits all targets in area and does high, reliable damage, easy to get critical strike chance for spells on es gear...

plz do smth about it to a) make more skills viable in this game (what alternative does a melee templar have to LS???) and b) make individual builds like my sword build more viable. It should not be that every templar has to use resolute technique in order to work etc. Lets get more accuracy from dex nodes or nodes close to dex. Make lightning strike deal splash damage whatever, you know better what is possible. Give the main lighning missile (this in the middle) a 100% damage increase! Make lighning missliles always chain (only once maybe and with reduced damage) or whatever. Something like this.

right now no fun to play. No Damage, gotta kite enemies more than any ranger or witch (they usually dont need to kite much at all due to high damage) due to the fact that I die fucking fast on higher maps. Hope you can make this work and equal things out between the classes otherwise no reason to proceed for me. I am not going to play one of those OP builds from the forums that 80% of people play!
Last edited by LSN on Feb 27, 2013, 11:51:31 AM
Okay Ive read a lot about this skill but it still is very unclear.. I have a lot of questions regarding how certain nodes or gems would affect the projectile part.

Firs the basics:
Does every projectile do 70% of the melee hit? Or less?

Does the initial hit also do lightning dmg?

Which nodes apply and how effective are they?
Melee Damage
(10% increased Melee Physical Damage)
Does this add to the projectile dmg? as it states "melee"?

One Handed Damage
(6% increased physical damage with one handed melee weapons)
Does this add to the projectile dmg?

(30% increased Elemental Damage with Weapons)
Does this add to the projectile dmg? and if so, only to the lightning part? or?

Hammer Blows
(Knocks back enemies if you get a critical strike with a staff)
Does the knockback apply to the projectiles?
(25% Increased Critical strike chance with two handed melee weapons)
Does the increased critical strike apply to the projectiles?
And How does that work? Like what would increase the crit chance of the projectiles in general?

Now Support gems:

Weapon Elemental Damage
What exactly does this increase? Does it increase the elemental dmg on the weapon itself and does this get transfered to the projectile? And/Or does it directly effect the lightning part of the projectile dmg?

Lightning Penetration
Does this work for both the initial hit and the projectiles?

I know how most of these gems/nodes work, but its so unclear because this is a secondary effect and not everything seems to apply to it.

I would be very thankful of someone can answer these questions



If GGG would state the dps of the projectile part on the skill, woudnt that solve everything and all confusion?

Also I have found a serious bug with this skill which might explain the a part of the lack of its effectiveness
Last edited by Alzitar on Mar 1, 2013, 9:21:07 AM

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