Molten Shell

Templar Tank. 42 atm, get rid of the duration and it'd be perfect for me. imo having a duration on it is pretty moot since it has a damage cap anyway!
100-0 3 times now on ele reflect packs...time to downgrade from lvl 20 to lvl 14ish. 100k molten shell reflects are srs business.

P.S. Lvl 14 seems better for me, pop pop all the time and still a very decent amount of armor
Last edited by GameOfThrones on May 2, 2013, 5:08:27 PM
Haha, yeah, elemental reflects are absurd on a molten shell build. The worst thing is when you've already cast it and you're waiting it to go off, when suddenly a reflect rare mob wanders into range and puts the aura on all of the mobs surrounding you.

I cant help but picture this camera zoom in on my character's wide eyed face.

I've been trying to figure how the best way to counter it, and nothing really comes to mind aside from ruby flasks, which would do well in a pinch, but I'm not even sure whether halving the incoming damage would allow for survival.

Having rise of the phoenix on weapon swap would probably seal the deal in that regard.
IGN: Iolar
This is just an idea to help melee a bit. I think Molten Shell's duration should be reset each time you are hit with an attack (it retains it's absorbed total to pop etc). This would remove some micro management resulting from this skill and be a buff mostly to melee only.
I just don't get why blocked attacks by shield are also counted as "absorbed" damage. It's very illogical. If I block the attack, molten dont actually absorb anything. Zombie tried to hit me, I blocked all his attacks, and dump shield exploded.

I got 60% block spell , so could i block molten shell ? It's a spell , just want to be sure ...
IGN : SunPrice - Level 89 Standard
My only gripe with this skill is its overly long cast animation. As such, even paired with Faster Casting this skill seems very situational and is not worth putting up at every moment. When I use this skill, it's before engaging a large mob pack, before engaging physical reflect mobs, and before a major boss. Once the shield pops, I don't bother recasting it because of its overly long cast animation.
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Last edited by Islidox on May 21, 2013, 2:30:33 PM
anyone else having trouble casting and no shell popping up after patch?
ign slashzilla
"Buy when there is blood on the streets, even if the blood is your own."
Slashzilla Reave Guide-
Increase explosion aoe pls. Ty.
get rid of the duration but add a 4 second cooldown to it. currently it can be pretty OP in pvp if your a block build that can just stand there and spam it over and over again, ive seen people with 5k+ HP be 1 shot by a molten shell even without curses. thats partly due to the way penetration works, but i still dont think you should jsut be able to spam a defensive buff as a main attack versus melee physical dmg. (i also think that should be changed)

this change is aimed towards pvp and wouldnt have much affect on pve. i doubt they designed taht skill with the intent on being able to spam it to get kills.
IGN: High____Lander | xDominus

40 Arena pvper: Bleed_Pig

Guild: <HERB> THC
Last edited by oowarpigoo on Jun 21, 2013, 6:30:35 PM

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