Molten Shell

lost a HC char due to molten shell bug. This is very annoying that still losing hit points with it active. Quite tired of losing HC chars due to skills not working properly. Please fix this.
Onslaught2k3 wrote:
This is very annoying that still losing hit points with it active.

Molten Shell adds Armor; Armor doesn't negate incoming damage 100%.
when you read the skill gem description it clearly says ABSORBS damage - which means it ABSORBS the damage.. what else does it mean? The ambiguity of abilities in RPGs these days...
If it had a flat damage negation value, why would it even add Armor at all.
Simply using MS at all would have shown that it doesn't outright negate any damage.

The absorption is referring to the total amount of Physical damage prevented by Armor, Blocking and flat Damage reduction (ex. Arctic Armor).

Also, ambiguity *these days*? Because "fast attack" was so god damn obvious (Diablo II, release build through late vanilla). Took 'em ages to change that to a percent-value. GGG's pretty decent when it comes to clarity, but they're not flawless - just like everything else, from the dawn of Pong to the present day.
Last edited by Vipermagi on Mar 31, 2013, 7:12:13 PM
Can you fix molten shell animation?

i.e. when you cast it before it expires, you dont have the red animation around you...

also just one question...

if i have molten shell up and the mobs are for example physical reflect...i hit them with EK...does the molten shell absorb the reflected damage?
So if you got no increased castspeed the casttime itself will be comparably long.

Anybody tried out 2x wands on switch with fc?

Will the added spell/fire damage from the wands be added to molten shell although you switch afterwards?
Last edited by Madhibiki on Apr 20, 2013, 7:45:36 PM
Anyone know what the radius of this skill is?
IGN: Iolar
Molten shell needs to increase light radius.
Toupy - Lv93 Facebreaker Cyclone Duelist
Myrthr wrote:
Molten shell needs to increase light radius.

Great idea, +1

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